Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Satan Is Launching An All Out Attack On Christians!!! STAND UP!


16Let the word [spoken by] Christ (the Messiah) have its home [in your hearts and minds] and dwell in you in [all its] richness, as you teach and admonish and train one another in all insight and intelligence and wisdom [in spiritual things, and as you sing] psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody to God with [His] grace in your hearts.  Colossians 3:16 (Amplified Bible)

The latest video from Lady Gaga carry's a very anti-Christ message and is very demonic.  I heavily advise every parent to talk with your children daily and protect their minds from the very forms of entertainment that Satan is using to desensitize them from the Word of God.

It's time for the church to take a stand and somebody has to say something.

Until the Sequel of Jesus - JM

Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro”: The Occult Meaning
Jun 13th, 2010 | By Vigilant | Category: Vigilant Reports
Lady Gaga’s Alejandro video caused quite a stir with the blasphemous nature of its imagery. Many people are, however, still wondering: What is the meaning of the song and what message is the video trying to convey? This article examines the occult symbols used in Alejandro in order to understand its underlying message.

So, by show of hands, who envisioned gay Nazi soldiers being raped by Lady Gaga while first listening to Alejandro? Okay, counting … one person. One sick, disturbed person. But seriously, art doesn’t have to be literal and Lady Gaga’s latest video surely isn’t. As was the case with Bad Romance and Telephone, the video for Alejandro adds another layer of interpretation to the song by giving the words a deeper meaning.

Taking place in a cold, Orwellian, militaristic setting, the visuals of the video sharply contrast with the “summer-y” Latin beat of the song. Other opposing concepts collide and blend in the video as well: good vs. evil, male vs. female and domination vs. submission. The religious symbolism, in addition to adding the “shock factor” necessary to get people talking, gives the song a definite spiritual connotation.

The video for Alejandro is very symbolic and leaves it open for multiple interpretations. For instance, I’ve read an interpretation of the video claiming that it portrays the Catholic church’s repression of the gay community. This interpretation might have some validity to it, but it ignores many important aspects of the video. Other observers seem to believe that all videos with religious imagery are “tributes to Madonna.” Yes, Madonna did Like a Prayer, but this doesn’t explain anything in Gaga’s video. In addition to a possible tribute, the symbolism of the video tells a story of spiritual rejection and metamorphosis taking place in the context of an oppressive police state. The trend of incorporating militaristic and oppressive imagery in recent music videos has been discussed in some previous articles on Vigilant Citizen.

The video was directed by Steven Klein, a well-established photographer in the fashion industry. He has worked with Calvin Klein, Alexander McQueen, Madonna, Nike and many others. His photographic style often exploits the theme of homoeroticism and he obviously carried that theme into this video format.

We will attempt to decode the symbolism of the video and how it relates in today’s context. Here’s the video:

Spiritual Transformation

The most prevalent theme in the song is rejection. The introduction of the song establishes this concept right away:

“I know that we are young.
And I know you may love me.
But I just can’t be with you like this anymore,

The video starts with a funeral procession. Gaga wears a black veil and holds the Sacred Heart, the bleeding heart of God for humanity. Something is dead inside of Gaga and it seems to be her love for Alejandro.

Is there a syringe in the Sacred Heart?
But who is Alejandro? A gay guy she cannot be with? A man she is cheating on with Roberto and Fernando? All possibilities, the song is not quite clear about that. The imagery of the video, however, tells the viewers that Alejandro might stand for something deeper.

In a later scene, Gaga is shown laying down, wearing a red latex nun suit and holding a rosary. 

Looking at the sky she says: “Stop, please, just let me go.” Then, just when she says “Alejandro,” she raises her hands to  the sky. In this context, it is safe to say that Alejandro might very well be God.

“She hides true love
En su bolsillo.
She’s got a halo ’round her finger,
Around you.”

The halo around the finger is a wedding ring and Alejandro has a halo around him, which signifies he is considered “holy.” The wedding ring represents Gaga’s union with God through religion, but she is now ashamed of this marriage. She hides the ring in her bolsillo, the Spanish word for pocket. Why does she refer to a Fernando and a Roberto at some point? Is she referring to the triple aspect of God, the holy Trinity?
The concept of rejection is thus applied to God as he does not seem to satisfy Gaga’s spiritual needs. She then decides to seek godhood herself by embracing a new type of spirituality. It seems to me the nun becomes a Luciferian priestess.

Luciferian priestess hiding one eye as a sign of Illuminati control or loyalty

Inverted Cross

Gaga’s robe contains many inverted crosses. This is extremely significant in symbolic language. The cross is a symbol of the Christian faith as it represents Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection. In Christianity, the inverted cross is known as the “Cross of St. Peter”, in honor of Simon Peter who requested to be crucified upside down because he felt unworthy to be put to death in the same matter as Christ.
In non-Christian circles, however, the inversion of the cross represents the perversion and desecration of what it symbolizes. For this reason, inverted symbols are found in black magic and satanism.
“In symbolism, an inverted figure always signifies a perverted power (…) Black magic is not a fundamental art; it is the misuse of an art. Therefore it has no symbols of its own. It merely takes the emblematic figures of white magic, and by inverting and reversing them signifies that it is left-handed.”
- Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

Inverted cross and inverted pentagram as satanic symbols

The inverted cross, placed on Gaga’s crotch, becomes a phallic symbol. Superimposed and combined with her female genitals, the theme of androgyny becomes prevalent. In occult circles, the alchemical transformation of the spiritual matter, the Great Work, must unite both opposing energies.

Becoming a God

The rosary is a set of beads used in Catholic tradition for prayer and meditation. By swallowing the rosary, Gaga incorporates within her a symbol of religious devotion because 1) it is shocking and would get media attention 2) represents Gaga seeking to obtain godhood by her own means. We have here a symbolic representation of the tenets of Luciferianism, which is the drive to attain divinity by one own means. Lucifer is considered to be the active principle towards godhood, the one who brought “divine light” to the humans.

In another scene, Gaga is shown giving the sign of benediction and blessing, a gesture reserved in Catholicism to those who are considered Holy.

A classic image of Christ showing the sign of Benediction and pointing towards the Sacred Heart
Later in the video, Gaga is violently pushed around and abused by the dancers surrounding her. She surrenders and removes her robe for sexual, ritual initiation.

At the ending of the video, Gaga is consumed from within and her “inner light” comes out, representing her transformation from the physical to the spiritual plane.

Gaga’s performance at American Idol truly exploited the Luciferian theme of the song.

The performance takes place in a setting reminiscent to the Garden of Eden, where the “Fallen Angel”–Lucifer, the one who was banished from Heaven and tempted Adam and Eve with divine knowledge–presides over the ceremony. Fire comes out of the angel’s wings (after all, he is the “Light Bringer”) each time Gaga says “Alejandro.” At the end of the performance, Gaga is lifted up under the Fallen Angel as a blood-red liquid oozes out from the fountain underneath him. Another ritual sacrifice has taken place on prime-time television.

Police State Imagery

Gaga’s spiritual transformation is taking place in a dark, oppressive and militaristic backdrop. This trend in music videos has been discussed in  The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music.  The article describes how the public is currently being bombarded with militaristic and oppressive imagery, intertwined with sexuality, in order to desensitize the public and create a subconscious positive association. Alejandro is clearly a continuation of this agenda set by the rest of the industry. During the entire video, we see in the background a giant screen displaying scenes of social unrest, buildings on fire and military police running around, placing the viewers in a tense and oppressive ambiance.

The video opens with men marching to a militaristic rhythm, some of them having their heads covered, maybe hinting that those men are prisoners of some sort. One of men is inside a pyramidal shape while another holds a hexagram as the prisoners march. Is this a representation of the masses marching to the rhythm of the elite, holding up high the symbols of its own oppression?

Gaga is then shown in a position of power, wearing a black, illuminated crown while looking over the prisoners performing for her.

The “Black Queen” removes one goggle at a time, flashing the Illuminati All-Seeing Eye sign (discussed in many previous articles on this site) and revealing the true nature of her power.

Again, One-Eye hinting to the nature of the oppressive force
In this scene, Gaga wears a “gun bra,” in accordance with the agenda of the sexualization of oppressive imagery. Her back-up dancers are dressed in uniforms reminiscent of dictatorships of the era of Hitler, Stalin, Franco and Mussolini. Political oppression is indeed sexy … oh wait, no, it’s not … it actually goes against everything America supposedly stands for.

Mind Controlled Slaves?

In a symbolic scene,  a soldier is shown attached to strings, like marionette. He is not in control of his own movements and holds a gun on his privates (more sexualization of weaponry). He stares blankly, looking confused as a mind-control slave would.

In what looks like an internment camp, Gaga has the gay men bound to a bed as she rapes them, in what looks like a reenactment of ritual abuse.

In the final scene of the video, Gaga is shown attached to strings. Is she herself controlled into perpetuating this agenda?

In Conclusion

As stated above, the video to Alejandro is very complex and symbolic, and lends itself to multiple interpretations, depending on the viewer’s knowledge and point of view. There are, however, parts of the video in which the symbolism is clear and concise, leaving little doubt regarding the message being communicated. During the video, Gaga goes through a very profound metamorphosis, rejecting Christian faith by desecrating its symbols and embracing a new type of spirituality.

Is Gaga’s transformation a representation of the transformation that is currently happening on a worldwide scale? Are members of the elite, who were thought to be part of “regular” religions, revealing their true, Luciferian selves to the public? Will the New World Order leave traditional religions in the dust to embrace a new type of spirituality?

Whatever the case may be, pivotal videos such as this one disseminate into the collective unconscious a specific set of symbols and values that will become, in time, “part of our culture.” In order to achieve this, charismatic figures that are admired by the public are used make those messages cool and trendy. Music fans have been subjected to an intense creative drought in the past years, which caused them to be desperate for a new, eccentric and iconic presence. So Lady Gaga comes into the picture, slightly distances herself from the painfully formulaic music acts and is heralded as the new pop princess. She also brings with her all of the Illuminati agenda and flashes in her fans faces the symbols of their own oppression. I’m sure many fans have a gut feeling that something is wrong with her act, but still can’t stop listening to her. They must tell themselves, “well, there is nothing else to listen to.” And that’s what media monopolies are all about.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'll Say It Again...Hip Hop Is A Religion!

Blessings to you all,

I pray that all is well with everyone on this beautiful day in the Lord.  I just wanted to pass along this message I received from someone who obviously has a copy of the Gospel of Hip Hop The First Instrument by KRS-One. I've heard some of the passages in this book before and they sound retarded.  The excerpts below sound even more retarded and do not come close to the Word of God.  Folks remember that many artists, Christian and non-Christian are claiming hip hop to be music when true artists and followers know that hip hop is a religion and their dances are worship to whom they believe, which is themselves. KRS-One still has his Spiritual Minded album in Christian Bookstores around the country and he KRS-One truly talks about the religion of hip hop. 

Here is a statement from a website that I saw nine years ago that stated this.  It is believed to be from KRS-One, and this statement is very profound when it comes to turning many away from the Holy Writ.

“In hip hop, there are no gods or goddesses. we are the gods and goddesses. we say to each other, "peace god, peace goddess." this concept has been lent to us by the 5% nation of gods and earths. however, they introduce themselves as gods and earths -women earths, men gods. in hip hop, because the 5% nation is so close to the building of hip hop's philosophy, we greet each other "peace god," but we greet our women as goddesses. be god, stop worshipping god. be god. if your religion is Islam, eliminate the distance, stop worshipping Allah. and be Allah. if your religion is Judaism, stop studying the 5 books of Moses. be the law. be Moses. if you are Christian, stop worshipping Jesus Christ and calling his name out. be Jesus Christ. be Buddha. be Krishna.”

I like the end of this where the individual says "if you are Christian, stop worshipping Jesus Christ and calling His name out."  This person is not totally ignant (purposely left off the "o-r" in ignorant).  This individual knows that there is power in the name of Jesus, and something strange happens when folks call out the name of Jesus...they (the individual(s)) began to get weak around the kneecaps. Jesus is still on the throne!

For those of us who have been naive to this culture, let us no longer be naive to it.  For those of us who refuse to get the hip hop lifestyle out of our have to see God one day, how will you answer to Him about having false god worship on His churches?

6But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in and acknowledge and cleave to Me to stumble and sin [that is, who entices him or hinders him in right conduct or thought], it would be better (more expedient and profitable or advantageous) for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be sunk in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6 (Amplified Bible)

9For whoever lacks these qualities is blind, [spiritually] shortsighted, seeing only what is near to him, and has become oblivious [to the fact] that he was cleansed from his old sins. 10Because of this, brethren, be all the more solicitous and eager to make sure (to ratify, to strengthen, to make steadfast) your calling and election; for if you do this, you will never stumble or fall. 11Thus there will be richly and abundantly provided for you entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:9-11 (Amplified Bible)

We must be careful about what we engage ourselves in and what we bring into the our homes and churches.  Things of the world belong in the world, and this means that you do not bring your way of thinking into the house of the Lord.  Hip hop and other forms of religions are trying to take over the church, but there are still a few Bible believing saints that are taking a stand against Satan and his plot...are you one of them who's standing?

Again, read the excerpts for yourself and pray that God reveals the Truth to us all so that we are not be deceived any longer.  Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you, and I love you all too! Until the Sequel of Jesus. - JM


A new covenant [page 6-23]
“This is the  beginning of the Hiphop spiritual life, not a lot of bells and whistlers, not a lot of claims to divinity, just simply living a life that shows appreciation for the force that rescued us. It’s about living a life of gratitude which expressed by asking the Great Rescuer, for what purpose did you save me, and how may I serve your interests, which are clearly in harmony with my own? – This gospel is not about the critique of other religions.  This gospel is not about Moses, Abraham, Solomon, David or Jesus.  This is not about Krishna, Buddha or the prophet Muhammad. This is not about earth worship or even satanism, or paganism. This is not even about atheism or some other philosophy.  To each their own; we seriously respect them all and even see ourselves within all of these faiths and philosophies — ALL OF THEM!  However, I must say here that the only consistent minister/prophet Hiphop I have ever heard advocating its divine existence and authority is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

[skip to next paragraph]
The artist (hip-hop) is the most important person!  YOU ARE THE TEACHAS!  The people listen to you, they don’t listen to their preachers!  Preachers days are done! “What we are dealing with here is a NEW COVENANT, a new vision, the birth of a NEW PEOPLE.  What we are dealing with here is the rediscovery of our ancient birthright, our original culture which is our true religion.
[skip to next line page 18]
If we can’t acknowledge the fact that hiphop came to us as a saving force, we are then encouraged to ask, for what purpose were we saved? Why did hiphop happen? Not how did hiphop happen, but why did hiphop happen. This gospel acknowledges Hiphop as an idea of Divine Mind and reunites the hiphoppa with the existence of such a Mind.
[page 23 third paragraph]
Grace is for those who unknowingly break spiritual laws because of immaturity or ignorance. However, when the hiphoppa atones for past ignorance and attunes herself to the vision God has promised her nation, that hiphop becomes God’s vision and thus God’s law; fullfilling the promise and thus saving herself and her whole world from destruction.  This is the good news for Hiphop, this is the gospel.

The gospel of hiphop comes to hiphop at this time because our grace period is running out again. This word keeps gods judgement at bay and gives us time to catch up to Gods vision for hiphop.  This is not about possessions, this is about position.  This is about getting into position to receive the promise of God.  Therefore, the time has come to make a final decision regarding how deeply involved you shall explore your hiphop reality.  Is hiphop still just a side thing to you, or is it really your birthright and heritage?

The sixteeth overstanding “Our God – The great event [page 598]
3. In truth, no one created hiphop! In truth hiphop created us!  hiphop saved us, and this gospel is a remembrance of that experience!
[page 607 last paragraph]
Another objective of the hiphop spiritual life is not just to unite with God, but also to realize that you are already united with God, which makes you, at this very moment, a Holy spirit.  Repent; it is you who denies your own holiness with sin and fear. It seems that the world has made you afraid of your self.  Stop denying your own holiness! just to survive in the world.

ONLINE INTERVIEW QUOTE TO VIBE ONLINE IN 2001 Editor: Is there an artist right now that is capable of bringing hip hop to where you would like to see it go? KRS-One: No one is capable of taking hip hop to where I see it going. I have a divine mission. I have come out of the universe to get this s**t together. But for now I have to set up for the true messiah to come. I’m more like John the Baptist. I’m proclaiming the word.


8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to and different from that which we preached to you, let him be accursed! Galatians 1:8 (Amplified Bible)

Sound like somebody is lying and it's not God!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Beware of The Princess & The Frog

11And I will cut off the cities of your land and throw down all your strongholds. 12And I will cut off witchcrafts and sorceries from your hand, and you shall have no more soothsayers. 13Your carved images also I will cut off and your statues or pillars out of your midst, and you shall no more worship the work of your hands. Micah 5:11-13 (Amplified Bible)

I pray that all is well with you all on this glorious day in Lord. I would like to call to your attention some disturbing photos from the upcoming Disney movie The Princess & The Frog. This movie display very demonic scenes and seems to be the worst of its kind. We all know that Disney has been using magic, sorcery & witchcraft for many years…this latest movie is becoming more and more evil. They wine and dine our families (especially our children) with songs, dances and humor…while indoctrinating evil thoughts, rebellion and demonic spirits at the same time.

The following photos are dealing with this movie.

This is from the website. Notice the skull & bones on this sorcerer's hat. This villian conjures up spirits throughout the movie using voodoo.

This is from a billboard in California. Notice the tarrot cards and the all seeing eye (third eye) on them. This is very demonic and it resides from Egyptian worship.

A closer view

These are evil spirits that the sorcerer conjures up and they assist him in his devilish deeds. They also have personalities of their own.

Kids can plays game and cook up magic gumbo? Sounds like a cool why of becoming rebellious through the things we love doing.

Scene from the actual game.

Kids can make a wish? This one I highlight says they wish they could be a rock star. Sad.

I’ve heard people on numerous occasions tell me that “you can’t protect your children from everything” and this is so true. But my Bible tells me to do raise them up in the Word of God…this means live it by showing it.

6Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 (Amplified Bible)

We must show our children what is right and what is wrong. What is real and what is fantasy. What is God and what is not of God? I was also suggested that I go to the movies with my children to see this mess and discuss it with them afterward. All this does is allow my children to already have their minds conditioned after seeing this movie and me possibly having no effect on them concerning the negative things to the movie. It’s just like telling them that drinking antifreeze is dangerous, but let’s drink some together so you can see what daddy is talking about. Or that rat poison has allow good ingredients except about 3% of it…which can actually kill you, but let’s have some to see if it effects us. We must and are expected to be circumspect in everything that we do in the Lord.

4Fathers, do not irritate and provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to resentment], but rear them [tenderly] in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 (Amplified Bible)

I am not a perfect father and I have made many mistakes along the way. Heck, I haven’t even the teenage trials yet with my children…although it will be here soon. But I stand on the Word of God and know that I need to do all I can to protect my family from enemies they may not recognize as the enemy. We, as parents and leaders, must show our children what it means to stand for God and the blood stained banner of Christ Jesus our Lord. If we do not then they do not stand a chance. They watch everything that we do and they do know right from wrong in their understanding…and we must continue to strengthen that to every degree possible.

15And how from your childhood you have had a knowledge of and been acquainted with the sacred Writings, which are able to instruct you and give you the understanding for salvation which comes through faith in Christ Jesus [through the leaning of the entire human personality on God in Christ Jesus in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness]. 2 Timothy 3:15 (Amplified Bible)

It's hard to teach restraint to children who are begging for gratification, I am aware of this as I work with youth from 4yrs-19yrs old. Wanting to please rather than overreact, many adult cringe & flinch at the thought of being called censors, strict, overbearing, mean, etc... Parental authority simply doesn't fit the fast-spreading new views of social equality taught through the media and schools. Yet, we must obey God. He has told us to train our children to choose His way (Proverbs 22:6), and we can not and must not turn back now.

If you share my concerns, you may want to follow these suggestions. They will help you equip your child with the awareness needed to resist occult entertainment:

1. First, look at God's view of contemporary toys, games and cartoons. As a family, read Scriptures such as Ephesians 5:8-16, 6:10-18 (the armor of God); Philippians 4:8-9; and Colossians 2:9. Compare them with the values encouraged by Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon network, social network sites and other role-playing games.

2. Share your observations. Spark awareness in a young child with comments such as, "That monster looks mean!" or "That creature reminds me of a dragon," along with "Did you know that in the Bible, serpents and dragons always represent Satan and evil?" For my kids, I let them know that certain things are not of God by asking them if they’d watch it with my wife and I. Most of the time the answer is “no”.

3. To teach young children a Biblical attitude toward evil BEFORE they learn to delight in gross, ugly characters, make comments such as, "Who would want to play with that evil monster? I don't even like to look at him. Let's find something that makes us feel happy inside."

4. Model wise decision-making. Tell your child why you wouldn't want to buy certain things or see concern this for yourself.

When your child wants a questionable game or toy, or even wants to watch questionable entertainment, ask questions that are prayerfully adapted to your child's age, such as:

1. What does this game teach you (about power, about magic, about God, about yourself)? Discuss both obvious and subtle messages.

2. Does it have anything to do with supernatural power? If so, what is the source of that power? Does it oppose or agree with God's Word?

3. What does it teach about violence or immorality and their consequences?

4. Does the game or toy have symbols or characteristics that link it to New Age or occult powers? If it does, tell them what the Bible says about these things and how God are against them all!

5. Does it build godly character? If it does not, then tell them to FLEE!!!

In a nation consumed with self-indulgence, self-fulfillment, and self-empowerment, godly self-denial seems strangely out of place. But God commanded it, and Jesus demonstrated it. Dare we refuse to acknowledge it? According to the age of your child, discuss Jesus' words in Matthew 16:24-26, then allow the Holy Spirit to direct your application.

Far more than earthly parents, God wants His children to be content and full of joy. But He knows better than to give us all the things we want. Instead, He gave us His word as a standard for what brings genuine peace and happiness. The apostle Paul summarized it well:

8For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them]. Philippians 4:8 (Amplified Bible)

Saints, there are children who are being tormented by their toys, games, clothes (skulls and other demonic art on clothing), and other forms of entertainment that they are engaging in daily. I’ve heard youth tell me that it seems as though someone is talking to them, but no one is there. They feel like they are in a dream sometimes, but they wide awake and they don’t understand. They need King Jesus in their lives. I truly urge each of you to think this…no…pray for the Lord to reveal these things to you as it pertains to the safety of our children. We may not be able to protect them from every thing, but the Lord God Almighty can. We just have to do our part Saints of God.

Be blessed on this day and year and now that Jesus Christ loves you dearly and so do I! See you in 2010! Until the Sequel of Jesus!

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Real American Idol (False Worship) – Part II


13In all I have said to you take heed; do not mention the name of other gods [either in blessing or cursing]; do not let such speech be heard from your mouth. Exodus 23:13 (Amplified Bible)

I pray that all is well with you on this day in the Lord. As we continue in the walk with Christ, I can’t help but wonder what actually goes on in a persons mind. Then I reflect on my own mind and what I think sometimes, and then wonder “where did I get that thought from?". The entertainment industry has its way of transforming the mind of all who are glued to the tube. As we continue in the age of anti-Christ agendas, more and more people are beginning to turn their back on God and follow the many false gods or idols that the world has to offer. Many artists (most people may not realize this) know that certain folk will not willingly say their name and place them as a god with their mouths (some folk won’t do that). But if you place their name in a song and have a tight, banging (that means good) beat to it and they’ll actually have them singing it without thinking twice. An individual’s idol can be anything and anyone. The sad thing about it that certain people will defend and individual no matter what they may have done to get themselves into trouble or bad publicity. Let me explain.

Nearly every girl on this planet is Hanna Montana (Miley Cyrus) crazy fans. And it seems that no matter what Cyrus says or does, the girls will defend Cyrus to a near confrontation. My daughters used to come into the house and sing “you can have the best of both worlds”. I put an end to that with the Word of God and told my girls that Jesus said in Matthew 6:24 that “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Then I put an end to that song ever being sung in my house. You cannot have the best of both world…one will tug you more than the other. And the world will get you every time if you hang around it more. See Disney, Billy Ray Cyrus and Miley Cyrus knows that in order to have a prosperous life you must make sacrifices to idol (devils) in order to achieve that success. You can’t just live this Christian walk and think you can make to financially without having to comprise. Now before some of you get yourselves worked up, not all Christians (members, artists/entertainers, etc.) are like this…I believe some truly love the Lord and achieve the Lord’s blessings with their sincere worship. But there are few that are like this. See Miley is portrayed as an innocent teen on Disney and the movie screen, but she is used just like the daughter of King Herod the tetrarch in Matthew 14 with her lifestyle off camera…but still in the public eye.

This is who our daughters & effeminate boys look up to.

This is practicing and displaying lesbianism.

Everything that the Bible talked about is coming to past. Men falling in love with themselves and other men. Homosexuality is running ramped, and folks think people like me are homo basher. I preach against homosexuality just like I preach against thieves, liars, adulterers, lazing folk, pseudo-Christians, etc….homosexuals and lesbians are not exempt. If God hates the sins that these folks commit, so do I. The thing is, is that we'll place a drag queen in hell twenty years ago…

Andre Charles as RuPaul

But then twenty years later, place a drag queen in heaven because they make us laugh in those “Christian plays”.

Tyler Perry as Madea

There are quite a few Christian who may be upset, but I know according to the Word of God that Madea should be played by an actually woman, not a man. No offense, but there plenty of health women with a good sense of humor and can play the part of character Madea…excuse me, I’m getting sick just thinking about it. Our nation is definitely into the real American idol…and it’s not Jesus Christ.

9Only take heed, and guard your life diligently, lest you forget the things which your eyes have seen and lest they depart from your [mind and] heart all the days of your life. Teach them to your children and your children's children-- Deuteronomy 4:9 (Amplified Bible)

I did not want to talk about it, but some Christian folk are raving about it…so I got to publicly speak against what folk publicly say or do. The VMA (Video Music Awards) on MTV was a smash hit, according to CHRISTIANS!!! Why are folks, who are supposed to be of God, giving props to heathens? All I kept hearing at my job, but Christian folks is Beyonce’s performance and Kanye West’s stupidity. I looked at the performances online and all of them were either, sexual, violent or claiming to be a god in their lyrics like Jay-Z. Folks like Lady Gaga, Pink and others are who our kids look up to.

It understandable for the world’s kids to be into this, but our youth who are in church?
Gaga was very sexual and perverted as you can see in this photo. See will be the next things to Madonna, and that’s not good. The tribute to Michael Jackson, which on next week, it’s going to get spicy when I share my thoughts on this one, was one that many Christian continue to talk about. Beyonce was dressed like a scoochie (a hoochie who can’t scoot over in her chair without revealing too much…I know I have too much thinking time), and was dancing all over the place. Remember what I said about Matthew 14?

Folks, we must realize that these folks care nothing of God and want everyone to think that Jesus is down with what they do, but He is not. Jesus said in John 14:21 that “The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoeverloves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.] (Amplified Bible) But many are not keeping His commandments or His will, they want God’s will to coincide with their will and it is impossible for God to operate like that.

12Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant or mutual agreement with the inhabitants of the land to which you go, lest it become a snare in the midst of you. Exodus 34:12 (Amplified Bible)

If folk are not careful, the church will become weaker than it ever has been before. Now more and more shepherds want to be seen and heard. The attention from the people is starting to become more important than the attention of God. A prime example would be these next two clips from some famous and notable pastors. A lot of holy world in these two videos.

Sound like Bishop Lester Love is more of the people’s preacher rather than God’s. This is garbage, and act like the Holy Ghost was all over the place and in people…God Bid! See saints, when we begin to please the flesh rather than God, we risk losing that wondering relationship and fellowship with Him. We no longer seek to please God, but please man. We ourselves that be our own American idol, because majority of the time it is all about us…me, me, me, oh did I mention me?

Now why would you sit up in God’s house and play the very much that He delivered His people from (so most thought on this video). It is a shame what went down during that service…a pure contest to see if great grandma still has. Hopefully grandpa didn’t throw out his hip after thrusting his pelvis in the pulpit and at the alter. AWE NAW!!!! Did ya’ll notice the folk dancing worldly (I’m being nice) at the very alter they ask the Lord to take away their hurts and pains? The very same alter that they go to receive healing? The very alter that is suppose to HOLY?!!!!!! These bishops & pastors are not leading the people according to God will. They’re leading to please the flesh of not the people in the flock, of their own flesh as well. This is sad. I leave you with this scripture and I pray that you will continue to seek the face of God and His discerning Spirit as we continue to live this life for Christ. We do this by crucifying our flesh daily and having no compromise. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

Until the Sequel of Jesus,

Jodie McGarity Jr.