Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Promoting Evil

11Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead [let your lives be so in contrast as to] expose and reprove and convict them. Ephesians 5:11 (Amplified Bible)

Blessings to you all. I pray that all is well with you all on this day in the Lord. I thank the Lord for all He continues to do in our lives. I heard something during our Christian Education two weeks ago that was confirmation on this message for today. One of my sisters told her testimony about a guy she saw at the store asked her about church (pastors, church she goes to, etc.). Well to make a long story short, after they conversed about "Christian things", this man then asked her if she would like to be in a R&B video. Obviously, after I did a little research, I realized that this brothers goes to lukewarm church in Austin, TX, and the pastor of this church allows homosexual to have position in his ministry. We Christians are so gullible that it makes us out to be weak and hypocritical. I want to talk about a Praise The Lord piece I saw on TBN several weeks back that had a slew of secular artists on there and it made me sick to my stomach and needs to be address. They are promoting evil.

The following folk were on TBN on November 13, 2006, if I'm not mistaken. I'm glad I saw this after I ate my turkey.

Patti Labelle

We all know that Patti Labelle has a voice that will even make Charles Manson cry. But her ways and her agenda is allowing gospel artists to show their true colors by allowing folk like Patti Labelle, sing to God's supposed people. I say suppose because if you see someone like this trying to minister to you when they're not God ordained, you should just get up out of your seat on walk out of there. But the crowd was grinning and rocking the entire time, because their favorite secular artists have momentarily crossed over to the Christian side. Ms. Labelle (I still respect my elders) stated that she has finally come out with a gospel album titled The Gospel According to Patti Labelle. She also has a gospel tour that she is currently on and many church folk are buying the tickets to allow her to minister to them. Who's ministering to you? That's not all. Ms. Labelle stated that she was not going to stop singing secular music. Now we're talking about a lady who continues to show her chest and legs at her age. Ms. Labelle also stated, throughout the program, comments about her achievements...hardly any God and no Jesus mentioned in this two hour circus from Patti Labelle. And Christian folk, including Bishop George Bloomer (the demon caster outer) allowed Patti Labelle and others talk some gibberish to them. Ms. Labelle stated that that she hoped that the Christian would except her now that she has made a gospel album. Bishop Bloomer stated, "They already have". WOW! They are promoting evil. I think I'm starting to get sick again...NEXT!!!

Angie Stone

This is Angie Stone, who is a neo soul artist, was on there talking about a lot of god, but no Jesus. I say god because Angie Stone believe that the black men are gods and the black women are goddesses. The songs that she sung (as well as the other artists) mention nothing about Jesus Christ. But yet, folk will think that I am crazy for exposing people like Angie Stone, Lauren Hill (somebody's mad now), and many other neo soul artist. Now they have Christian soul or neu soul music, imitating the very culture of secular neo soul artists display. Somebody has been bringing in the Amelekite paraphernalia in the house of the Lord. They are promoting evil.

Lee Ryan

Here's the guy that I love. Lee Ryan. This man sung a song that did not make any since when it comes to singing songs to the Lord. This man admitted that he IS NOT A CHRISTIAN!!! On TBN with not hesitation. Lee stated that he believes in God and just because you are not Christian does not mean you can't have a relationship with God.

Now Bishop Bloomer should have gotten down on his knees and ask God for the Holy Ghost to introduce Lee to Jesus Christ. This brother has no relation with the Father. Jesus stated that no man can come to the Father except they come through Him (Jesus). Here's a little link to his that shows he does not know what he's doing. TBN made this boy and themselves look like fools in God's eyes. There should have been no way they would allow Lee to sing on TBN when he is not even believer. Help us God. www.lee-ryan.org/index2.php

Kelly Price
Kelly Price is another one that stated that she is not going to quit singing secular music. This is the same sister that sang the remake song of Shirley Murdock's As We Lay, which talks about straight adultery. She stated that God is using her to reach those that the church cannot reach. Kelly also went on a preachy rampage trying to justify her position (gospel/secular) for God using her for His glory..."god" was mentioned, but still not Jesus. In addition to these folk they had Dave Hollister, Kenny Lattimore & Chante Moore in attendance to minister in song. They covered up some of this mess with some old time church song from homosexual Bobby Jones. TBN was rocking with sin ya'll. They are promoting evil.

3Do two walk together except they make an appointment and have agreed? Amos 3:3 (Amplified Bible)

Kelly Price, like many have been enabled in, which means that folk with "prominent" church stature and popularity status talk about these folk and allow them to minister to people of God...or supposed people of God. Randy & Paula White allowed R. Kelly to minister in sing at their church a couple of years back. T.D. Jakes states that he's Usher's "spiritual covering" and communicates with many other secular/unsaved folk by allowing them minister to lost souls at his Mega flesh/mess/incest/fest. Juanita Bynum-Weeks and Yolanda Adams brought Kelly Price, Sheila E. Now you have proclaimed men and women of God stating that God is using secular artist to reach the lost. I remember mama telling me not to let the blind lead to blind. We cannot agree and fellowship with folk that do not love the Lord and heed to His commandments.
10If you keep My commandments [if you continue to obey My instructions], you will abide in My love and live on in it, just as I have obeyed My Father's commandments and live on in His love. John 15:10 (Amplified Bible)
As this world draws to a close, we must continue to make sure we are adhering to the full will of the Lord. We must not assume that God approves or condones the things that we do. Folk are being led astray, with no guidance from the true and living God. We justify for things too much as Christians when it comes to calling things, assignments and ministries of God. This world is perverse and we must truly line up with the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us away from this counterfeit revival that is being promoted.