Friday, September 18, 2009

The Real American Idol (False Worship) – Part II


13In all I have said to you take heed; do not mention the name of other gods [either in blessing or cursing]; do not let such speech be heard from your mouth. Exodus 23:13 (Amplified Bible)

I pray that all is well with you on this day in the Lord. As we continue in the walk with Christ, I can’t help but wonder what actually goes on in a persons mind. Then I reflect on my own mind and what I think sometimes, and then wonder “where did I get that thought from?". The entertainment industry has its way of transforming the mind of all who are glued to the tube. As we continue in the age of anti-Christ agendas, more and more people are beginning to turn their back on God and follow the many false gods or idols that the world has to offer. Many artists (most people may not realize this) know that certain folk will not willingly say their name and place them as a god with their mouths (some folk won’t do that). But if you place their name in a song and have a tight, banging (that means good) beat to it and they’ll actually have them singing it without thinking twice. An individual’s idol can be anything and anyone. The sad thing about it that certain people will defend and individual no matter what they may have done to get themselves into trouble or bad publicity. Let me explain.

Nearly every girl on this planet is Hanna Montana (Miley Cyrus) crazy fans. And it seems that no matter what Cyrus says or does, the girls will defend Cyrus to a near confrontation. My daughters used to come into the house and sing “you can have the best of both worlds”. I put an end to that with the Word of God and told my girls that Jesus said in Matthew 6:24 that “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Then I put an end to that song ever being sung in my house. You cannot have the best of both world…one will tug you more than the other. And the world will get you every time if you hang around it more. See Disney, Billy Ray Cyrus and Miley Cyrus knows that in order to have a prosperous life you must make sacrifices to idol (devils) in order to achieve that success. You can’t just live this Christian walk and think you can make to financially without having to comprise. Now before some of you get yourselves worked up, not all Christians (members, artists/entertainers, etc.) are like this…I believe some truly love the Lord and achieve the Lord’s blessings with their sincere worship. But there are few that are like this. See Miley is portrayed as an innocent teen on Disney and the movie screen, but she is used just like the daughter of King Herod the tetrarch in Matthew 14 with her lifestyle off camera…but still in the public eye.

This is who our daughters & effeminate boys look up to.

This is practicing and displaying lesbianism.

Everything that the Bible talked about is coming to past. Men falling in love with themselves and other men. Homosexuality is running ramped, and folks think people like me are homo basher. I preach against homosexuality just like I preach against thieves, liars, adulterers, lazing folk, pseudo-Christians, etc….homosexuals and lesbians are not exempt. If God hates the sins that these folks commit, so do I. The thing is, is that we'll place a drag queen in hell twenty years ago…

Andre Charles as RuPaul

But then twenty years later, place a drag queen in heaven because they make us laugh in those “Christian plays”.

Tyler Perry as Madea

There are quite a few Christian who may be upset, but I know according to the Word of God that Madea should be played by an actually woman, not a man. No offense, but there plenty of health women with a good sense of humor and can play the part of character Madea…excuse me, I’m getting sick just thinking about it. Our nation is definitely into the real American idol…and it’s not Jesus Christ.

9Only take heed, and guard your life diligently, lest you forget the things which your eyes have seen and lest they depart from your [mind and] heart all the days of your life. Teach them to your children and your children's children-- Deuteronomy 4:9 (Amplified Bible)

I did not want to talk about it, but some Christian folk are raving about it…so I got to publicly speak against what folk publicly say or do. The VMA (Video Music Awards) on MTV was a smash hit, according to CHRISTIANS!!! Why are folks, who are supposed to be of God, giving props to heathens? All I kept hearing at my job, but Christian folks is Beyonce’s performance and Kanye West’s stupidity. I looked at the performances online and all of them were either, sexual, violent or claiming to be a god in their lyrics like Jay-Z. Folks like Lady Gaga, Pink and others are who our kids look up to.

It understandable for the world’s kids to be into this, but our youth who are in church?
Gaga was very sexual and perverted as you can see in this photo. See will be the next things to Madonna, and that’s not good. The tribute to Michael Jackson, which on next week, it’s going to get spicy when I share my thoughts on this one, was one that many Christian continue to talk about. Beyonce was dressed like a scoochie (a hoochie who can’t scoot over in her chair without revealing too much…I know I have too much thinking time), and was dancing all over the place. Remember what I said about Matthew 14?

Folks, we must realize that these folks care nothing of God and want everyone to think that Jesus is down with what they do, but He is not. Jesus said in John 14:21 that “The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoeverloves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.] (Amplified Bible) But many are not keeping His commandments or His will, they want God’s will to coincide with their will and it is impossible for God to operate like that.

12Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant or mutual agreement with the inhabitants of the land to which you go, lest it become a snare in the midst of you. Exodus 34:12 (Amplified Bible)

If folk are not careful, the church will become weaker than it ever has been before. Now more and more shepherds want to be seen and heard. The attention from the people is starting to become more important than the attention of God. A prime example would be these next two clips from some famous and notable pastors. A lot of holy world in these two videos.

Sound like Bishop Lester Love is more of the people’s preacher rather than God’s. This is garbage, and act like the Holy Ghost was all over the place and in people…God Bid! See saints, when we begin to please the flesh rather than God, we risk losing that wondering relationship and fellowship with Him. We no longer seek to please God, but please man. We ourselves that be our own American idol, because majority of the time it is all about us…me, me, me, oh did I mention me?

Now why would you sit up in God’s house and play the very much that He delivered His people from (so most thought on this video). It is a shame what went down during that service…a pure contest to see if great grandma still has. Hopefully grandpa didn’t throw out his hip after thrusting his pelvis in the pulpit and at the alter. AWE NAW!!!! Did ya’ll notice the folk dancing worldly (I’m being nice) at the very alter they ask the Lord to take away their hurts and pains? The very same alter that they go to receive healing? The very alter that is suppose to HOLY?!!!!!! These bishops & pastors are not leading the people according to God will. They’re leading to please the flesh of not the people in the flock, of their own flesh as well. This is sad. I leave you with this scripture and I pray that you will continue to seek the face of God and His discerning Spirit as we continue to live this life for Christ. We do this by crucifying our flesh daily and having no compromise. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

Until the Sequel of Jesus,

Jodie McGarity Jr.