Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'll Say It Again...Hip Hop Is A Religion!

Blessings to you all,

I pray that all is well with everyone on this beautiful day in the Lord.  I just wanted to pass along this message I received from someone who obviously has a copy of the Gospel of Hip Hop The First Instrument by KRS-One. I've heard some of the passages in this book before and they sound retarded.  The excerpts below sound even more retarded and do not come close to the Word of God.  Folks remember that many artists, Christian and non-Christian are claiming hip hop to be music when true artists and followers know that hip hop is a religion and their dances are worship to whom they believe, which is themselves. KRS-One still has his Spiritual Minded album in Christian Bookstores around the country and he KRS-One truly talks about the religion of hip hop. 

Here is a statement from a website that I saw nine years ago that stated this.  It is believed to be from KRS-One, and this statement is very profound when it comes to turning many away from the Holy Writ.

“In hip hop, there are no gods or goddesses. we are the gods and goddesses. we say to each other, "peace god, peace goddess." this concept has been lent to us by the 5% nation of gods and earths. however, they introduce themselves as gods and earths -women earths, men gods. in hip hop, because the 5% nation is so close to the building of hip hop's philosophy, we greet each other "peace god," but we greet our women as goddesses. be god, stop worshipping god. be god. if your religion is Islam, eliminate the distance, stop worshipping Allah. and be Allah. if your religion is Judaism, stop studying the 5 books of Moses. be the law. be Moses. if you are Christian, stop worshipping Jesus Christ and calling his name out. be Jesus Christ. be Buddha. be Krishna.”

I like the end of this where the individual says "if you are Christian, stop worshipping Jesus Christ and calling His name out."  This person is not totally ignant (purposely left off the "o-r" in ignorant).  This individual knows that there is power in the name of Jesus, and something strange happens when folks call out the name of Jesus...they (the individual(s)) began to get weak around the kneecaps. Jesus is still on the throne!

For those of us who have been naive to this culture, let us no longer be naive to it.  For those of us who refuse to get the hip hop lifestyle out of our have to see God one day, how will you answer to Him about having false god worship on His churches?

6But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in and acknowledge and cleave to Me to stumble and sin [that is, who entices him or hinders him in right conduct or thought], it would be better (more expedient and profitable or advantageous) for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be sunk in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6 (Amplified Bible)

9For whoever lacks these qualities is blind, [spiritually] shortsighted, seeing only what is near to him, and has become oblivious [to the fact] that he was cleansed from his old sins. 10Because of this, brethren, be all the more solicitous and eager to make sure (to ratify, to strengthen, to make steadfast) your calling and election; for if you do this, you will never stumble or fall. 11Thus there will be richly and abundantly provided for you entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:9-11 (Amplified Bible)

We must be careful about what we engage ourselves in and what we bring into the our homes and churches.  Things of the world belong in the world, and this means that you do not bring your way of thinking into the house of the Lord.  Hip hop and other forms of religions are trying to take over the church, but there are still a few Bible believing saints that are taking a stand against Satan and his plot...are you one of them who's standing?

Again, read the excerpts for yourself and pray that God reveals the Truth to us all so that we are not be deceived any longer.  Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you, and I love you all too! Until the Sequel of Jesus. - JM


A new covenant [page 6-23]
“This is the  beginning of the Hiphop spiritual life, not a lot of bells and whistlers, not a lot of claims to divinity, just simply living a life that shows appreciation for the force that rescued us. It’s about living a life of gratitude which expressed by asking the Great Rescuer, for what purpose did you save me, and how may I serve your interests, which are clearly in harmony with my own? – This gospel is not about the critique of other religions.  This gospel is not about Moses, Abraham, Solomon, David or Jesus.  This is not about Krishna, Buddha or the prophet Muhammad. This is not about earth worship or even satanism, or paganism. This is not even about atheism or some other philosophy.  To each their own; we seriously respect them all and even see ourselves within all of these faiths and philosophies — ALL OF THEM!  However, I must say here that the only consistent minister/prophet Hiphop I have ever heard advocating its divine existence and authority is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

[skip to next paragraph]
The artist (hip-hop) is the most important person!  YOU ARE THE TEACHAS!  The people listen to you, they don’t listen to their preachers!  Preachers days are done! “What we are dealing with here is a NEW COVENANT, a new vision, the birth of a NEW PEOPLE.  What we are dealing with here is the rediscovery of our ancient birthright, our original culture which is our true religion.
[skip to next line page 18]
If we can’t acknowledge the fact that hiphop came to us as a saving force, we are then encouraged to ask, for what purpose were we saved? Why did hiphop happen? Not how did hiphop happen, but why did hiphop happen. This gospel acknowledges Hiphop as an idea of Divine Mind and reunites the hiphoppa with the existence of such a Mind.
[page 23 third paragraph]
Grace is for those who unknowingly break spiritual laws because of immaturity or ignorance. However, when the hiphoppa atones for past ignorance and attunes herself to the vision God has promised her nation, that hiphop becomes God’s vision and thus God’s law; fullfilling the promise and thus saving herself and her whole world from destruction.  This is the good news for Hiphop, this is the gospel.

The gospel of hiphop comes to hiphop at this time because our grace period is running out again. This word keeps gods judgement at bay and gives us time to catch up to Gods vision for hiphop.  This is not about possessions, this is about position.  This is about getting into position to receive the promise of God.  Therefore, the time has come to make a final decision regarding how deeply involved you shall explore your hiphop reality.  Is hiphop still just a side thing to you, or is it really your birthright and heritage?

The sixteeth overstanding “Our God – The great event [page 598]
3. In truth, no one created hiphop! In truth hiphop created us!  hiphop saved us, and this gospel is a remembrance of that experience!
[page 607 last paragraph]
Another objective of the hiphop spiritual life is not just to unite with God, but also to realize that you are already united with God, which makes you, at this very moment, a Holy spirit.  Repent; it is you who denies your own holiness with sin and fear. It seems that the world has made you afraid of your self.  Stop denying your own holiness! just to survive in the world.

ONLINE INTERVIEW QUOTE TO VIBE ONLINE IN 2001 Editor: Is there an artist right now that is capable of bringing hip hop to where you would like to see it go? KRS-One: No one is capable of taking hip hop to where I see it going. I have a divine mission. I have come out of the universe to get this s**t together. But for now I have to set up for the true messiah to come. I’m more like John the Baptist. I’m proclaiming the word.


8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to and different from that which we preached to you, let him be accursed! Galatians 1:8 (Amplified Bible)

Sound like somebody is lying and it's not God!