Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Approved or Disapproved?

15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 (King James Version)

I pray that all is well with you on this beautiful God created day. How are you doing on the 31st day of 2007? Still standing firm in Christ? Still holding on to the hand of the Lord? I trust that you are and I continue to pray for each and every one of you. Do you ever think about God being pleased with your walk, or do you assume that He is happy with everything that you are doing? Do you go to the elders of the church and asked them how are you are doing in your walk, or do you assume that you are approved by God no matter what anyone says. So far this year, I have been meditating on God’s Word in 2 Timothy 2 about showing myself approved to God. I’ve also wondered (of course) if those with the same “Christian” title wonder the same thing about themselves.

I witnessed some highlights from this past Sunday’s celebration of gospel (shown on BET). I thank God for allowing me to find what I needed to see on my research sites and did not have to waste my time (or someone else’s) sitting on the couch being brainwashed of the false ministry that was being displayed. Before I go any further, let me just state that those I expose based on God’s Word are sent up in prayer by me and others I communicate with. So if I’m exposing their behavior, I’m definitely praying for them. I may not agree with or support their ministry, but I am praying for them out of the love of Jesus Christ. Back to the message.

There were footages that I witnessed from this flesh party (called Christian) that reminded me of the mess I witnessed as an unsaved lad growing up in church. Folk stating things that should have been kept to themselves. Steve Harvey looked very foolish many times during the commercial breaks, trying to justify for his lack of timely Christian growth. Harvey also showed signs that he’s not done with his dirty humor/ as he brought it on BET on Sunday. Various groups looking sad, artists trying to out sing each other instead of singing in unity. I am not a singer, but I don't think that you can combine lead singers that have the fame that they already have. And only one of them is a gospel artist (who dances secular). Look at what I am saying.
AND their walk does not line up with the Word of God, if they are not in true connection with the Holy Spirit of God…then I’m not trying to partake in the supper that they are eating. Too many times folk in the church are trying to do things to fast and refuse to listen to the rest of the instructions that God has given them. They hear the Lord say (through His Word and confirmation from their assigned pastor) “prepare to do a divine task”. But folk ignore the “prepare” and begin to “do the divine task” without ever PREPARING for whatever it is. Steve Harvey had no business hosting the Celebration of Gospel the past seven years (he bragged about this on this show) because he was never prepared spiritually to do this divine task. But ignorant pastors and Christians have influenced Steve Harvey and many other babe and unsaved artist/entertainers to accept Christ with their lips and have never given them time to accept Christ in his heart. The brother, as well as many other Christians babies need to be sat down, taught with the Word of God and discipled before being place out in the public to minister…folk are setting baby Christians up to fell in their walk.

Being approved means what remains after the testing. If you send metal through the fire to be refined, whatever is left is what’s approved. If you sit a young babe in Christ down, disciple that individual, teach them the Word of God, allow them to see you practice what you preach, allow them to go through some Christian testing trials & storms and continue to nurture them with charity (agape love)…then we can see what is approved by God and allow God to send that individual out for ministry in His timing (folk are forgetting the “in His timing” part). So many times in my walk I have moved too fast before it was time and it was God confirming things through my pastor and spiritual elders that I needed to slow down and stay on course, because I was busting my face in the process. Rightly dividing God’s Word mean being straight forward or “cutting straight” to the Word of Truth, not sugar coating it with feel good message and secular behavior.

God's Truth is the only thing that defines that nature of His Scripture. It is the Light of Truth that shines in the darkness of all lies. Folk who are ministering in any type of way they please should make sure that they handle God’s Word accurately. Failure to do so will very well lead to Divine Judgment (James 3:1). Speaking of this, I feel a part two coming on. I can’t understand why folk think they need a piece of paper to preach the Gospel of Jesus. Nothing’s wrong with having a degree or a license, but this doesn’t make it legit to preach God's Word. Yeah, lets talk about this tomorrow. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 22, 2007

Divided Over Truth, Not United By Error!

21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. 1 Corinthians 10:21 (King James Version)

I pray that all is well with you all on this beautiful day that the Lord God has created on today, let's rejoice and be glad in it . I thank God for keeping me alive so far these 22 days of 2007. I love Him with all my heart, which is the only way I can love my wife, kids, family, Christian family and my enemies. I haven't been out in email land in quite some time, but I am still keeping my eye on Jesus...don't want to drown in stormy water.

Divided by truth and not united by error is phrase that is so powerful, folk cannot run with it. This phrase speaks as a statement from the Holy Bible that people should adhere to. We cannot allow this world (this life) to dictate and control our Christian walk. We are supposed to be the salt and light of the world, but instead many Christians are the meat being salted by the world. On January 28th, BET will host their Annual Gospel of Celebration where they'll have the cup of devils and think they are partaking in the cup of God. On this show they are going to allow Coko from former group SWV (ya'll remember that article), Fantasia (she has a new album out with her new single titled Hood Boy ), Tonex (the pastor cross-dresser) and Lil Mo (who is a provocative harlot and daughter of pastors' Jacob and Cynthia Loving of One Accord Apostolic Church in Glen Burnie, MD). They show will pay tribute to Tyler Perry for his "rag to riches" story and his creation of the plays/movies, especially his creation of Madea (the thought of a man acting as a woman makes me little...). Steve Harvey will be the host again, and the church body has just embrace him quickly since he started saying Jesus...he's never stated he was saved by confession. I also believe that one with celebrity status must be discipled upon converting to Christianity and not given the spotlight for a while...the flesh can get in the way, plus Jesus always AVOIDED fame... ALWAYS!!! Who knows what other secular artist/entertainer might be apart of this event, but I shall be watching and discerning on this Sunday.

Folk who state they love the Lord and they hear His voice need to check their ears and mental/spiritual status. When we (as Christians) partake of the Lord's supper we are united with one another for the just cause to save souls. Paul reminded the Corinthians of the fellowship and unity they had in their participation in the Lord's Supper. Participation in idol worship is a total violation of that unity with Christ. When we mix with unsaved folk, we risk loosing that sincere and spiritual relationship with the Father through Christ Jesus only. How can we allow our flesh to overcome so much that we do not appreciate the sacrifice that Chris made? Let's not only think about Him on Christmas and Easter. Our youth are continuing to gain more rights and authority before they earn it. The government is trying to pass a law that parents cannot spank (whipping/beat for the real folk) their kids or they'll face going to jail (somebody start a bondsman fund for me ). We as Christian must stay ready for what is about to unfold in our lifetime. Quit thinking about ourselves and think about others.

15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15 (King James Version)

There too much compromising in the body of Christ. So many of our parents are worn out from battling (raising) their children to make the right decisions. Some of this has to do with their spiritual growth, their health (what we eat), and their support system (the spiritual family). I believe that Christians will not, I repeat WILL NOT go to hell. I believe there are some church folk who will go to hell, not all people in the church are Christians. We must divide ourselves over God truth (true unity) and not be united by errors of this world (true separation from God). Satan's plan to destroy us does not stop until we're dead (that's his agenda). So we must make sure that we're prayed up and equipped in God's Word (study the Word) in 2007. If we're weak, run to the elders of the church so that they can pray for you and help strengthen you through the power of the Holy Spirit

I would like for you all to get a better since of where I'm coming from (if you don't already know). This clip is from Southern University Interdenominational Mass Choir in Baton Rouge, LA back in 2005. You'll notice that this clip is all flesh fest, but particularly pay attention to the guy in the red suit at the bottom of the screen . Also, notice the musical cut that they go into towards the end of the clip. It's the music to Tupac's California Love , in which he made popular upon getting out of jail...this song was released in 1996. I'm sure some of you will laugh at this choir and brother for their ignorance and how foolish (knowingly or unknowingly) they look. This is a very sad scene to be honest, please pray for folk like these.

Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved