Monday, April 16, 2007

The Power of Words

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21 (King James Version)

There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health. Proverbs 12:18 (King James Version)

Everyone knows about the Don Imus situation, it's terrible. The words that were chosen (and I care not to repeat) and spoken towards the Rutgers Women Basketball team were not only demeaning, but powerful enough to destroy some of those ladies who could be dealing with low self-esteem issues...God forbid. The ignant (this deserves no "or") words that were used to described these athletic, educated young women were compared to those mentioned in the hip hop music today. Russell Simmons denied it. And this is not surprising, but I say that the words that come out of anyone’s mouth (no matter the race) can destroy the very person who is dealing with the survivals of life.

Snoop Dogg stated in an interview.

[Rappers] are not talking about any collegiate basketball girls who have made it to the next level in education and sports We're talking about h-'s that's in the 'hood that ain't doing sh--, that's trying to get a n---a for his money. These are two separate things. First of all, we ain't no old-a-- white men that sit up on MSNBC."

Now how ignant does Snoop sound? Stewart Scott of ESPN stated that the "h-" word is used by hip hop artists to display "affection". WHAT?! Here's his comments.

"Here's the thing: There are some people who can use the n-word, who can use those words like b---- and, and the things that Imus said, and they mean it in an affectionate way. It's one of the ideas of taking something that's negative, so bad, so ugly, and making it a positive. I'm going to take the power out of that word and make it a positive. If a white person says it, he's not really doing it."

Are you serious Stewart Scott? What I love most about folk who are against this overall situation is that they make their voices heard. Arthur/poet Maya Angelou gave her thoughts about this on yesterday while I was watching the CBS Evening News. I agree with her totally. Click on this address. Ms. Angelou laid down some powerful choice words.

The lips of the [uncompromisingly] righteous know [and therefore utter] what is acceptable, but the mouth of the wicked knows [and therefore speaks only] what is obstinately willful and contrary. Proverbs 10:32 (Amplified Bible)

Does one know that the tongue has mighty power to bring up or totally destroy a persons well being? Do we truly believe that our words mean nothing and that we can say whatever we want to say? Does comments like "you just like your sorry daddy", "you just like your crack head mama" or "you'll never amount to anything" flow through the air and not have and effect on people? God says the tongue has power to rise up and tare down. I look at this word "power" in this text and the Hebrew word for power is called yad (pronounce yawd ), and yad actually mean hand. So if you put hand in place of power, it reads that death and life are in the "hand" of the tongue. So are words we speak we actually form it into existence. It this too deep for somebody, because it sure is for me. But God is deeper than that. We must realize that we control the power of words in the lives of many.

Let us pray for Don Imus, Rev. Al Sharpton & Rev. Jesse Jackson (for being crooked pimps in situations like these), the entertainers and many other ignant folk who don't know any better about carefully using choice words. A question was asked if it matters that h- or any other word (n-gga for example) come from a white person or black person or Asian person. For me it does matter, because if any of these persons (no matter the color) calls me anything degrading, it will offend me. If it’s not in the Bible as an edifying word, you shouldn't be saying it. Of course this is for folk who are in the church, because the world is the world and they can't want what we have if what we have is what they already have. I am about building up and individual from what man says negatively about them. I am about encouraging an individual to leave the life of death (from the sins of lust, fornication, homosexuality, greed, murder, hatred, etc.) and show them The Christ that died for them and wants a new life for them. We must use the power of God Word to help change our lives and others around for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ.

Please pray for one our dear brothers in the faith, Min. Fred Shackles and his family. They are going through some challenging times with his health, but we serve an able God whose will shall be done. Also, please pray for the mother of my boss Mona Gonzales. She had a biopsy last week and I was told that it doesn't look good. Even though the fat lady may sing, Jesus still has the last word. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

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