Friday, May 25, 2007

True Reception

17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6:17 (King James Version)

I pray that your day is well in the will of the Lord on this beautiful day. This is the last day of school for most and I pray that we are prepared to look forward to all the free time our children have this summer. Somebody yell help please. I have been on an entertainment fast, but I truly feel compelled to discuss this disturbing issue that continues to spread throughout the body of Christ and vex my spirit. I am truly out for seeking truth & righteousness, which both belong to God. I've noticed in my short Christian walk that certain people have different views when it comes to what is true and what is a lie. I truly believe that God wants us to receive the Word with gladness and understanding. Please look at this from a spiritual view for this view is where I am coming from. I personally know some folk who are huge fans of this artist and I would like to set the record straight...of course in Jesus' name.

Tonex, born Anthony Charles Williams II is the pastor of
Truth Apostolic Church in San Diego, California. He has a majority young adult congregation that does not have a clue of the mess that they are in when it comes to hearing the true Word of God. When I say Anthony, I am referring to Tonex because that's what his mama called him, so I'm going to call him Anthony.

Anthony has two links that I would like to share with you all that are quite disturbing as I mentioned before. By the looks of this photo I just don't see where being a pastor or Christian, for that matter, comes into play. In Anthony's link "yotonex", Anthony has an embedded YouTube link of a video he made and posted on December on last year. This video is straight amateur hood/gangsta and Anthony is trying to make it seem like he a rebel pseudo-messiah for the young generations today. He has numerous blogs and pages on myspace and Youtube, which totally takes the focus off of Jesus the Christ. He's known to dress in drag and displaying himself this way publicly at events like the Stellar Awards (Christian Grammy's???), concerts and other venues he partakes in. In this video, he is cussing up a storm, and making no since what so ever. PLEASE BE WARNED THAT THE LITTLE ONES DON'T NEED TO BE AROUND TO HEAR THIS FILTH!!! I wouldn't and cannot imagine my pastor in a get up like this.

For those of you who are wondering who is G. Craige Lewis, this brother is on fire for God. He heads a ministry called EX Ministries and his messages are causing damage to the hounds of hell. Rondy Long is one of his brothers in his ministry just in case you did not know.

This boy has lost his mind! Cussing all over the place and he's a pastor...took over his daddy's church and as the people looking spititual zombies. Here another clip of Anthony defending the word out on the street that he came out of the closet in the above song/video. It don't take much to know when someone is out the closet. I know some old folk that will point the individual out before that idividual will.

Now this is no way to present yourself as a living sacrifice to God. His childhood inspirations were/are people like Michael Jackson & Prince. Anthony's behavior today seems to mirror those spirits that were/are displayed by Michael Jackson and Prince.

On his website, Anthony has this YouTube video where he has certain lyrics that focus on his influence on the hood (HA!) and some choice words for a mighty man of God named G. Craige Lewis of EX Ministries. He says in his lyrics, "Glad I didn't loose it by listening to Lewis" in which he is stating that his actions in the ministry is God ordained and what brother Lewis and others are saying doesn't matter if God has ordained himself. Notice his whole behavior in this video and ask yourself or God for that matter, "is this how we should operate in the fruits of the spirit?" The way Anthony is acting is the way I used to act in the world...singing and looking in the mirror (listening to Tupac, Biggie, D.O.C., Gunz-N-Roses, etc.). Anthony has some disturbing behaviors and they look very demonic to be honest, but we still must pray for his deliverance and his influence on weak minded Christian. He even uses the word "nigga" in his Christian hip hop song. Christian hip hop? Kanye paved the way? God forbid that! Here are the links to research.

The Source of Reception

Honestly, I laughed when this was sent to me, but felt convicted soon afterwards because I know that this young brother is hurting from something and is in desperate need of the Savior Jesus Christ. We must realize that God has called us to separate from the world and totally leave everything ungodly outside of the church. Anthony has even mentioned in one of his YouTube blogs that he's now worldly. If you're saved how can one become unsaved unless he was never saved to begin with. Does God go back on His Word when he stated in Philippians 1:6 that, "He who has started a good work in you will ultimately complete it in the day of Jesus Christ"....God forbid. We're told that God is altogether on the side of those people: the Father, who can bring the charge, justifies them; the Spirit who is in the Godhead dwells within them reworking them and helping them; the Son who can condemn intercedes on their behalf. So when we truly and honestly confess the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our names are written in the Lambs book of Life and sealed until the day of redemption. (Revelation 21:27) God receives us once we truly receive and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. For one to say that they have gone back into the world is a bold statement and attitude to have. But then I am reminded of these verses.

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Romans 1:22-24 (King James Version) It is scary to think that folk who choose to do things their own way, God allows them to go deeper and deeper into sin. I am not saying that God gives up on humanity, because He doesn't. I believe that God is giving us an opportunity to see how evil sin really is and how desperately wicked people can become by doing things their own way. God cannot possible receive us if we're not lining up with Him through His Word. To truly be received by God means to truly change our lifestyle and our lifestyle is our true way of worshipping Jesus in spirit and in truth. Have you gotten mad and almost lost your mind by doing things your own way. Forget about going to God in prayer. Forget about going to the elder of the church. I'll just do it...Frank Sinatra everyone...MY WWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! God will not truly receive us if He cannot see the reflection of His image in us.

Saints, continue to pray for folk we know are struggling with their walk with Christ. Pray for those like Anthony who seems to be hurt and scared, but will not turn it over to the Lord. I heard a minister tell a story about a pastor who had pastored for 35 years and admitted in his testimony at that time that he had only been save 6 years. How much damage did that caused the people who were under his ministry. True reception from God lets us know if we're in the right place. If we’re in church for entertainment, a fashion show, to act chuchy, etc…I say stop now like the old song says while you have time.

Pray for me as I complete my entertainment fast. It is hurting me ya'll because I am so used to being on this computer, television and music. But I crucify my flesh for Christ and I pray that people only follow me as I follow Christ. I hope I am rewarded at the end of this with me watching my Spurs win the 2007 NBA championship. Also, please pray and remember our troops this weekend for their valuable efforts to fight this war for whatever they are fighting for...we already have freedom. Think about it. Be blessed on this day and Memorial Day weekend and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

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