Friday, January 2, 2009

Choosing The Right Solution

13I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.
Philippians 3:13-14 (Amplified Bible)

I pray that you all are blessed on this fabulous day and wonder new year of 2009! There are so many things that happened in 2008 and we want to leave behind, but the question is will we? This New Year embarks new challenges, new trial & tribulations, as well as new chance to serve a very powerful, mighty & able God, wholeheartedly for the sake of ourselves, our children and this world as it is today. In this 2009 year, let make our election sure that we are going to serve the Lord Jesus Christ will all of our heart and not allow our flesh be in cahoots with Satan and the hounds of hell. Let forget about the past and concentrate on how God wants to use us for the present and the future.

Many of us celebrated the New Year at our respected churches…or at least in someone’s church. There are many that flesh-fully celebrated the New Year downtown or at a club somewhere, and I am talking about folk in the church. But make no mistake about this…some churches were no different than the clubs on December 31, 2008…the past was not and has not been put behind them…the past is still leading them. Many churches in Austin and around this world brought hip hop, rock, Goth, etc. into their churches when this was supposed to be about Christ and the serious things we need to pray and unite about in this world. There were many promotions that hype around coming to church to “get crunk for Christ” that people came to a flesh/devil party and not an anointed/holy/righteous party in Christ. These photos are just depressing to see how folk think this will bring people into the church AND live right for Christ. Notice I said AND, because you can fill up a church with a bunch of nonsense, but can you get them to live right with the atmosphere you have in the churches today. No I am not saying that we should be boring, because church is not boring…it just depends what you put into what you’re doing and if you really want to live this life for Christ. We have to choose the right solution in every thing that we say and do…and that solution is Jesus Christ. What will 2009 hold for you in this Christian walk? Only truly seeking Christ and His Spirit & time will tell.

Saints of God, protect your mind and heart from all deceptions of this world this year. We have more apostles, prophets, bishops, pastors, teachers, etc. that are rising up that are not of God. Many folk in church will continue to be deceived and this will only make them numb to the Word of God. There will be many events that will happen in the entertainment world as well as the church and will cause many to fall away from the faith (2 Thessalonians 2:3), because their love will wax cold for God and all He stands for (Matthew 24:12). We must hold true to the things that are truly Christ…which is mainly His Word and those whom we fellowship with. Today we have folks eating solid foods when their stomachs are not ready for it. Many have received prophesies and have taken them out of context (just like God’s Word) and abused them and others who follow and fellowship with them. Oh 2009 I am going to bust some stuff up that is going on in the church! Paul is instructed in this passage of scripture to put all this filth behind us and press on to the true in God’s Word. The more we take of the comfort of God in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, the more closely we shall cleave (hold tightly) to it. The we rejoice in Christ Jesus (with our lives and commitment to Him) the more willing we shall be to do and suffer for Him, and the less danger we shall put ourselves and others in of being drawn away from the faith. The joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Seek the true solution and that is Christ Jesus!

Although we have been told many times to forget the things of the past, but how can we…it’s impossible isn’t it? Paul is not saying that we can obliterate (destroy) the past from our memories, but we can and should be able to refuse to let our past stop our progress towards our goal...which is Heaven and all of its splendor. If you read Philippians 3:4-7, Paul is instructing us to forget our self righteous past and not allow it to catch up to us and allow us to lose focus on the job at hand…which is to live righteously, circumspectly and wins souls in the process. Where are you in your walk? We even need to forget (not focus) on the past success in our walk with Christ…we can easily get a big head and lose our focus and true purpose. Salvation is ours if we truly receive and accept it, but it is totally up to us. Christians should not be making New Years resolutions…resolution are meant to be broken. We should be making the right solution choice and choose Christ without second thought.

6My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children. 7The more they increased and multiplied [in prosperity and power], the more they sinned against Me; I will change their glory into shame. Hosea 4:6-7 (Amplified Bible)

Saints of God, 2009 will bring more challenges than it ever has before. We will continue to see this country fall to its knees due to the worship of idols and the blasphemy of God. We will continue to see the health of this world decline, because we are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. America as a whole has rejected the knowledge of God and now God’s promise is beginning to unfold. But we who are true in Christ should be of good cheer because God will continue to keep us. Again, I will say that Barrack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyers, a desperate housewife, Pat Sajak & Vanna White, Buddha, Muhammad, Jay-Z, Beyonce, etc…no one will be able to save this economy, nation or world they are idols when they are looked up to. Jesus Christ is the only one who can saves this world from the damnation that it is headed to. Should we stop living for Christ and let things go on? God forbid. We are still called to pray, fast, gather together in fellowship with the saints of God, minister, inspired and encourage other to come into the house of the Lord. Do not allow your flesh to overcome your spirit, because when you do you only making harder for yourself and those you’re suppose to be a blessing to. Repentance is needed in this nation and this world, but it won't happen until we oursleves repent of the many things we have done to the Lord.

Continue to be obedient to you shepherd that God has placed you under. If you are feeling that your shepherd is not living right. Run, because walking is too slow. Find a church where you are fed, challenged and encouraged daily. If you are running from the pastor and the members of the church you’re at…then you’re probably engaging in some things that you have no business engaging in. Choose the right solution…that solution is Jesus Christ. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.