Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Spiritual Adulteress.

4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. James 4:4 (King James Version)

4 You [are like] unfaithful wives [having illicit love affairs with the world and breaking your marriage vow to God] ! Do you not know that being the world's friend is being God's enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world takes his stand as an enemy of God. James 4:4 (Amplified Bible)

My heart is sorely vexed from the events that have taken place in the recent months...and I am referring to the body of Christ. I recently received a notice from someone to check out a disturbing collaboration. As I went to the source I found a disturbing thing that I know God is not in and is not pleased. Christians asking God to order their steps with secular artists...God forbid!

Yolanda Adams is on Bone Thugs-N-Harmony latest album titled Strength & Loyalty . The title of the songs Yolanda is feature on is Order My Step (Dear Lord). On this same album, Bone Thugs has feature artists like Akon (who has a song with Snoop Dogg called I Want To F*** You), will.I.am from Black Eye Peas, Bow Wow and others. On this album they are cussing up a storm on thirteen of the fourteen tracks, but are holy on track seven with Yolanda. This is sickening and disappointing. Below is a sample of the song with Bone Thugs. If you have little ones around, this may not be wise to play. This individual who displayed this bleeped out some of the cussing, but left some there for you to see how unrighteous this move was for Yolanda.

Yolanda seems to be getting worse when it comes to collaborating and attempting to minister to people. She hangs around the wrong crowds. She sung and danced onstage with Kanye West singing Jesus Walks...which is not a Christian song or anthem the way some want to believe. She them went on tour with some Christian women like Martha Munizzi, RiZen...then bring Sheila E., Kelly Price and other secular artist fronting to claim Christianity. Now Bone Thugs? Men are already lovers of themselves (2 Timothy 3:2), but where do you stand in your walk?

The past couple of months have been pruning stages for me. God is making sure that in this part of ministry that I am in right now, I don't become prideful or attention seeking. I've seen all sorts of things so far this year than I have in my previous six years of Christendom. I've seen many churches allow anybody to come into their sanctuary and preach totally against the scriptures of God with the wrong interpretation of scripture. I've seen and heard folk say that we are all kings (men and women) and misused every ounce of scripture to validate their point. I've heard folk misuse 1 Timothy 3:2 to validate their opinion of a bishop/pastor (I'll go into this once God lets me know that it is time). I've seen and heard folk preach or quote from God's Word then cross reference this with Tupac's diary/biography in the process. I've heard a male and female minister say that Tupac was one of the greatest theologians & philosophers of our time. We our definitely living in the last days.

When these things come about us, where do we stand? James busts this verse up when he asks the important question, do we not know that us being friends with the world is an enemy of God? When we are concern about the cares, opinions and possessions of the world...we totally throw God out of the picture. Self is in the way and we become adulterers to the Almighty God. Who cares what so and so says at whatever church. If the Word of God is not being preached the way God intended, folk are going to have to pay for added to or subtracting from God's Holy Word. We who are in Christ are married (spiritually) to Christ upon repentance and acceptance of Jesus as Lord & Savior. When we engage ourselves in activities and rituals like that of Yolanda Adams and others, we become unfaithful to the one we are married to Jesus the Christ...we become spiritual adulteress. As Israel was a spiritual adulteress, unfaithful to God, so is the church today...becoming a spiritual adulteress when she (the church) is the unfaithful bride of Christ (Hosea 2:5,19,20; Matthew 12:39). Jesus said we either love Him (by keeping His commandments) or we hate Him (chasing money, the bling, men, women, fame, etc.).

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12 (King James Version)

Saints I know we've all heard this before, but that time for playing with God is past due...its over. We're either on board with God or we're on our way to satanic island. We must make sure that we are not fooling ourselves and believe everything that sounds spiritual. I'm not talking what I heard but by experience and where God has delivered me from. My chances of becoming anti-Christian are not as great as it is for my children. My chances of becoming homosexual are not as great as it is for children. My chances of misleading people in this Christian walk are greater than my children and other young babes in Christ because they are watching me. Saints, folk are watching us to see if we can walk this path of God according to His purpose. If we fell to do that, we can mislead everyone who is looking to us for the truth. God wants to use us in a big and mighty way (not talking about prosperity). But if we're not able to give Him total submission...He will just look elsewhere and give us over to our own thoughts. That's a scary feeling...I see a lot of folk who are not doing so well (spiritually) doing things their own way. Forget about the physical, we need to understand that possessions, money and fame are nothing. Spiritually is where it counts are folk are tore up...are you one of them?

I pray that you all have a wonderful fourth of July. Continue to pray for our troops overseas fighting for only God knows what. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

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