Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Enemies of Whom

1Hear this word that the LORD hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying, 2You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. 3Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Amos 3:1-3 (King James Version)

I pray that you all are well on this beautiful and glorious day in the Lord. I also pray that your weekend was well in His grace & mercy. I am so happy about the things that God continues to show me in this Christian journey. Whether it be through the Word of God, my pastor, Dr. Johns, my GNL elders or my wife or spiritual mentors...I know that God is speaking to me through them. They are all who I listen to and take heed of the warning through their experiences in the ministry. I dare not listen to the pastors, prophets (prophelyers) and Christian folk who are of the false decent. I'm not saying that everyone outside my elders are false...ya'll should know me by now. I am saying that those who are admired because of their ability to preach their own agenda's should be discerned and rebuked in Jesus' name.

Enemies Becomes Business Partners

The world has not crept into the church anymore... CHURCH FOLK HAVE ADOPTED THE WORLD'S BEHAVIOR AND BROUGHT THE WORLD IN!!! Creflo Dollar and Eddie Long continue to allow the world to make fun of the church with their unapproved behavior. God is upset and He is not pleased at what is going on in the body of Christ. Creflo took in Pastor Mase in as a mentee and corrupted poor Mase into being more money hungry that Mase continues to dip in both worlds to this date. Mase is "gettin paid" though S.A.N.E. International Church (in which he's the pastor) and by G-Unit (50 Cent's label). Mase has this to show for his gratitude of being excepted by both worlds.

This is Mase's latest mix album in which he is saying he is crucified for the hood. See the mockery of Christ? See how this is heresy and blasphemy to God Almighty? Just like Kanye West and just like Diddy before him, Mase is dressing up as Jesus. He is depicted on the cover of the DJ Whoo Kid's mixtape 'Crucified 4 The Hood' posing as Jesus, complete with gashes and a crown of thorns. On the rear is a picture of Mase’s back with the names of rappers he’s got beef with written in red ink, reminiscent of the gashes on Jesus’ back. On '10 Years of Hate', Mase raps "The Church ain't big enough to buy what I'm buyin', And Diddy ain't give enough to fly what I'm flyin' ". This is of course completed heresy and blasphemy to the Almighty God Jehovah. But that's not all, check out what happened in the summertime.

This boy was able to preach at World Changers and spread evils seeds to some innocent, but ignorant folk. Men will become lovers, of pleasure and of themselves is what the Bible tells me.

If that doesn't disappoint God, I guarantee this will. This article comes from concerning Eddie Long. Eddie Long is on track 10 of Ludacris's latest album called release therapy. If you actually hear the song you'll know it's pathetic...and Eddie's not even preaching Jesus!

For folk who want to justify for what worldly things they do as Christian will have to take it up with the Lord Jesus Christ... SOON! God wants a personal and intimate relationship with us all, this is why He says the whole family in Amos 3:1. Jesus set us all free at the cross, upon excepting Him as Lord and Savior in our lives of course. Are we truly getting intimate with the Lord or are we part time lovers at church only?

Verse 2 of Amos 3 says, "You only I have known". This means that Christ relationship with us is not only intimate, but its exclusive. God has been faithful to us, yet many of us are not being faithful to God. There are folk in our lives that we have had sexual relations (fornication) with, gone to the club with, talk about Christian folk with and many other things...but refuse to separate from the friends who are enemies of God. For this, God shall judge those folk who refuse to separate.

Verse 3 is plain and simple. If two people or a group of folks don't believe in the things of God to the fullest, we cannot have any FELLOWSHIP with them. I believe that these ministers started in the ministry with a good heart for God. Then lust, envy, jealousy and greed overtook the very love that was only meant for God. Saints, I ask that you all pray with me for these false folk to have the grace & mercy of the Lord for there action.

I've added the Ludacris/Long article at the ended for copyright purposes. Let's stand up for the Lord Jesus and pray for the battles that lie ahead. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ludacris: 'Release Therapy'
Catch this 'Release' from Atlanta rapper

Published on: 09/26/2006

"Release Therapy." Disturbing Tha Peace. 14 tracks.
Grade: A-

Four multimillion-selling albums into his career, Atlanta rapper-actor Ludacris could coast. He could keep making simple adult-themed hits like the country's No. 2 song, "Money Maker" (featuring Pharrell), and still be better than most of his hip-hop peers. He has that kind of charisma and command of the microphone.

But on "Release Therapy," Ludacris challenges himself as well as the audience, which generally knows him as an aptly named and often fun artist. He still has the slinky, sexual boasts ("Woozy," "End of the Night") that have made up the bulk of his catalog. But he snarls with the best of them on "War With God," striking back at those who question his street cred. He shares a very personal, moving conversation with God on "Freedom of Preach," which ends with inspiring words from Atlanta's Bishop Eddie Long . And with a riveting vocal assist from Mary J. Blige, he surprises on "Runaway Love," proving to be a 2Pac-like storyteller on the powerful tune about troubled girls. It all makes for his best album ever.

Ludacris is scheduled to perform Sept. 29 at the Tabernacle.

— Sonia Murray