Friday, November 2, 2007

They Don't Know Better - Part II

18He who speaks on his own authority seeks to win honor for himself. [He whose teaching originates with himself seeks his own glory.] But He Who seeks the glory and is eager for the honor of Him Who sent Him, He is true; and there is no unrighteousness or falsehood or deception in Him. John 7:18 (Amplified Bible)

The Spirit of God warned me that this Christian walk was not going to be easy…especially the messages that He is giving me to bring to the people. I thank God for my spiritual elders, who continue to be a light for me during this awesome and challenging time in the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people in this world look to get noticed by any means necessary, but God only exalts those who humbles themselves and exalts God only. The world (Egypt) continues to show us why they are of the world. As time gets closer for the return of Christ, we must make sure we’re surrounded by the love and support of other believers in Christ, who truly hear from the Lord. (Through His Word and His earthly elders, not audibly). Many folk in this world don’t know better…do you?

We start this series with the apparent saga of this young preacher boy I spoke about over a year ago. This young man’s name is Minister Terry Durham, a nine year old twin boy from Florida who started ministering at the age of two (his brother plays the drums for him). AT THE AGE OF….lets move on. Terry stated in an interview that he told his grandmother he wanted to preach, so she got together along with some unconfirmed pastors and ministers and began grooming this little boy to preach. By the time he was six, he was ordained as a minister. Now I know I am going to get some folks to tell me that I’m hatin’ on an anointed nine year old and that I should not touch God’s anointed. I say HA! Hear me out first. Many folk in this world don’t know better…do you?

8 year old Terry Durham preaching at this service. Where are the men?

I am not saying that the boy is not called and chosen by God to preach. I am not saying that this young man is not on his way to be a great man of God some day. I am that someone needs to get in there (the churches) and tell these ignorant pastors and preachers that God is not pleased about going outside His plan before He says its time. Where is this boy’s father to lead him appropriately in his young life? Never mind that question. The lad is not ready to preach…especially in this vicious time that we are living in now. Please read this attached articles at your leisure to know where I am going with this. Also, go to in order to see some of the ministry foolishness I am talking about.

Little Terry sounds like a prosperity preacher. Not good!

Jesus said, "I didn't make this up. What I teach comes from the One who sent me. Anyone who wants to do His will can test this teaching and know whether it's from God or whether I'm making it up. A person making things up tries to make himself look good. But someone trying to honor the One who sent Him sticks to the facts and doesn't tamper with reality. It was Moses, wasn't it, who gave you God's Law? But none of you are living it. So why are you trying to kill me?" John 7:16-20 (The Message)

These eyes and hears of mine have seen and heard some of the most disturbing forms of ministering (whether it be prophelying, misinterpretation of scripture, etc.) in my seven years of Christianity. I’ve seen and heard folk be totally off of what God is saying to His people and they don’t care. In this little boy’s case and many others, folk try to groom them too fast too early. Then next thing you know (I am seriously praying that this does not happen.) this young boy and many others could get burned out well before they were suppose to even start and loose faith in the very God they were suppose to be hearing from. Many folk in this world don’t know better…do you? There’s another young boy being promoted named Samuel Boutwell (7), he reminds me of Dennis the Menace…just looks like he can get into all kinds of trouble. I’ve seen numerous clips and articles on other young aged boys preaching. I cannot believer that there parents/guardians are placing them on this petal stool this early in their lives. What makes me so frustrated is that these boys are being sacrificed in order for the parents to get some selfish satisfaction out of it. Folk don’t know better.

Young Samuel Boutwell sounds good, but seems to be sacrificed for fame.

Jesus’ statement in this scripture is stating that He did not receive His teaching from the rabbis, nor did He fabricate (falsify) His teaching. Jesus’ teaching came from God Himself. Many folk will say, “Jesus preached/taught when He was nine years old”. Jesus was the only nine year old who was 100% God and 100% child…I believe this is an exception. The test of a teacher, preacher, pastor or prophet is whether or not he delivers God’s message the way God wants it delivered. Jesus gave God’s message the way it was suppose to be brought, as well as many other great men of God in the Bible. I know of some great men and women who deliver God’s message accordingly and I know some who may be off task, and I know this based on the Word of God and the instruction of my pastor and spiritual elders. This pastor thing continues to come up for some reason.

If we are to live this walk for Christ correctly, we must make sure that we crucify this flesh daily in order God to use us for His purpose. Young Terry needs to be allowed to be a child and not pressure to bless folk with anointed milk and cookies…what does this child know about trials and tribulation. God can use anybody and anything, but when there are plenty of adult elders to train the youth…God will use the youth in His timing. Little man even has a myspace page showing all of his holy shows at churches he “ministered” at. Grown folk talk about preach preacher…just ignant. If you go to his website, you’ll see a clip of him preaching and photos from various stars. I don’t have a problem with folk taking pictures with other folk, but with the unfruitful? I guest if you can’t tell the difference between fruitful and unfruitful then it must be alright. Kelly Price, Terry Crew, Tommy “Tiny” “Debo” Lister and John Hagee (somebody need to run now)? But the thing that gets me with T. Durham, is that on the “Terry Durham” tab, their selling (or getting ready to) DVDs of the lad preaching, laying hands on folk and possibly anointed folk with holy milk (I’m being foolish, but serious). And all this is AT THE EXPENSE OF AN INOCENT CHILD!!! Many folk in this world don’t know better…do you?

31The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests exercise rule at their own hands and by means of the prophets. And My people love to have it so! But what will you do when the end comes? Jeremiah 5:31 (Amplified Bible)

Remember the story of Marjoe Gortner, there’s a documentary on him and how he staged his entire routine in the church. Now don’t be a fool saints, this still is going on and Marjoe just busted it up. The things that hurts the most is that folk that know it is false preaching still love hearing it.

Marjoe Gortner vs. Samuel Boutwell? Sad to even think.

Although many true warriors for God expose the lies that proclaimed men & women of God spit out of their mouths…the people still love hearing them in order to fulfill their desires of being told about their breakthrough, season, miracle and harvest. As long as they preach a "feel good" message them I’ll continue to give money to get money. If folk start preaching the True Word of God and start letting folk know their faults and selfishness as it pertains to God, the people will send their money elsewhere…AND STILL GO TO THEIR CHURCH!!! HA! HA! HA! I laugh in disappointment because this has gone on for years and it is hardly mentioned. Folk don’t know better.

Continue to lift up the blood stained banner of Christ and pray for one another, including your enemies. If we look to the hills which our help comes, we know it will and does come from the Lord. Join me in praying a powerful covering over these young boys and others who are thrown in the fire without being prepared and discipled for it. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

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