Thursday, November 1, 2007

They Don't Know Better

2For people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffing), disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane. 5For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them]. Timothy 3:3, 5 (Amplified Bible)

I am purely coming out of agape love with my messages that God has given me. I know that these messages sound harsh and condemning (based on others opinions), but I must say that I am truly stating what God has placed on my heart. I am working on presenting the messages in a kinder way...NOT! God has called me to deliver the Word in many different ways...some uncomfortable and others less uncomfortable. The day I preach differently from His way for my way is the day I am on my way to TBN or The Word Network. Not that all the TBN/The Word folk are bad, but most of them are. Spending time and making time to gain spiritual relationship with the Lord really allows God to open up our eyes and understand what His Word truly says. We begin this journal concerning spiritual leaders not knowing any better about what they're doing, and they leading the people of God into a spiritual ditch and they know it.

First I would like to mention that God is a God of order and authority. He wants things done in His order and under His authority. I believe that we have become a society that has gone away from respecting authority because there is no respect for God Jehovah. The church is in crisis with men, women, boys and girls being abused mentally, physically and sexually by men and women of God. We've all witnessed politicians coming out because and say that the reason why they're so pervert in the mind is because of a minister or relative molested them. I am not stating that this is not the case. But I am stating that we must not be ignorant to the tragedies that plague us today. We have many of our politicians who attack, and I mean publicly attack Christians who publicly state that they’ve been delivered from their lifestyle and stronghold of sin. Oh Barack Obama just did on MTV talking about Donnie McClurkin’s stand against homosexuality. But Obama says that he’s “religious”. Last time I check my Bible, Jesus despises religion and its traditions…folk don’t know better

Our churches and ministries are being lead by some greedy, selfish and mighty blind folk. Pastors, pastorettes (this cannot be a word...maybe we can get it put in the dictionary) and prophelyers are out to steal the very innocence we long for with God. We're living in a time where men and women in the ministry have lost their minds. Some of the women in the ministry have this mentality of "superior over all" complex that has stirred the church up. Some of these women that I've witness now label themselves as "divas" (which means goddess), "sexy anointed", "judge", "apostles", "prophetess" and have not heard any of these title given to them from the Lord (some more folk just got mad me). Some men in the ministry have spiritually and physically copped out of being responsible to the precious job that the Lord had given them and settled into becoming spiritual pimps, and "playas"...robbing God's people of the Truth. Folk don't know you?

I will come out and say and women like Juanita Bynum-Weeks and Yolanda Adams are some TALENTED women, I dare not say anointed because that word is always taken out of context. We are not sensitive enough to discern that folk like these need to be held accountable for the actions they display before God and His people. Now I've said many times that I believe that these different spiritual figure started out with a sincere hearts for God, but got lost along the way and forgot where they came from and Who brought them out of their circumstances. Folk don't know you?

Juanita Bynum has sold some "anointed prayer cloths" for $50 and above. She, along with her husband Bishop Thomas weeks III are selling their wedding on DVD titling it the ceremony of the century. They have Tony, Toni, Tone's "It's Our Anniversary" playing as well as Kool and the Gang's "Celebration", Celebrate the times...COME ON on there as well. They are truly robbing the people of God and fooling even the very elect into believing they are listening ever more to God. Joel Osteen last year did not hold up the blood stained banner of Jesus Christ on Larry King Live. And if you saw the show, I honestly believe, deep down inside, that Larry King was looking for the Truth. TD Jakes was on Oprah, but no gospel was presented...Women Thou Art Loose was, but no Christ. Paula White on the Tyra Banks Show, no Jesus was mention, but she's a "life coach" and a "motivational speaker". If a television show wanted me to be on their program and told me that I could not say this and that (which they do) I would not go on that show. Did ya'll know that Disney and others major television networks pay churches (the pastors really) not the preach hell, homosexuality, promiscuity and the lies in the world. This is one of the reasons why we see and hear these "God loves you", "your breakthrough is coming", the anointing of God is all over you" messages. Folk don't know you?

Two years ago, Bynum-Weeks traveled with Yolanda Adams, Martha Munizzi and Rizen for their sister tour. They didn't tour with strictly Christian folk; they toured with Christian/secular folk. Folk like Kelly Price and Sheila E. were on hand to "spiritually spice up" the tour with "extra anointing". Watch this clip and tell me if the "anointing of God" was in that place. Also pay attention to Sheila E. For those who don't know her, she still goes on tour with Prince (the sexually explicit singer).

Sisters In The Spirit?

This is Yolanda Adams back in 2004 at the BET Awards. She comes on stage singing with Kanye West in his song Jesus Walks. Kanye was on stage standing behind a church podium, portraying the role of a preacher like in his video. The folk in the crowd were still dancing like they were in the club, and I guarantee that they thought they were having chuch because of Jesus Walks.

Yolanda w/ Kanye West

Folk are gullible, but I have to say something about my African American folk cause that's what I'm is (my language arts teacher would kill me if she read this). Majority of black folk want to blame things on the "white man" and the "government", but we never look at ourselves and what we're doing to succeed in this life. We blame slavery on the "white man" when blacks originated slavery in first place. We blame poverty on the "government" when we are always trying to scam our way to success. I know that we have a struggle as black folk, but we have believe in an Almighty God and allow Him to truly transform us away from foolishness. Yolanda Adams may have had good intention of being a light for folk by singing with Kanye, but that was not the move to make. Fame, fashion and fortune are not more important than God. If we seek Him first, His Kingdom and His righteousness, those things that our hearts desire will be added unto to us...if it is in His will and in His timing. Folk don't know you?

Are youth are being exposed to a bunch of lies and believe them. Our youth believe that it is natural to disrespect women and call them all kinds of b---- and h--, etc. Don Imus got fired…majority of the Hip Hop artist should have been blitzed for their sexually explicit and profane albums. But they’re (hip hop artists) are having to answer now. With the damage being done towards our youth today…no one is there to pick up the pieces. Our young men who grow up fatherless grow up as spiritual bastards and our young women become vulnerable to treated like trash. And all this is because folk too busy trying to get their breakthrough, season, miracle and harvest. And as these selfish desires continue, our world and church (as a whole) are falling apart. Folk don’t know better.

In closing, I encourage each and every one of us to think of who is ministering to us daily. Who is truly ministering to our youth, and who are we allowing to minister to us and our loved ones? Enjoy your selves this weekend and bring someone folk to church with you on this Sunday. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

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