Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Approved or Disapproved? Part II

4No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 2 Timothy 2:4 (King James Version)

I pray that all is well with you all on this blessed day in the Lord. I pray that everyone had a blessed weekend and that no one was disappointed in the results of the super bowl. Both teams deserved to be there, and the better team deserved to be called NFL champions. Oh my Lord, I sound like this pastor that preached a football message on this past Sunday.

Before I go on to our message this today I would like to mention what pleased me about Sunday's game. It wasn't about Peyton Manning (Colts quarterback), or Brian Urlacher (Bears linebacker). It was after the smoke cleared. After all the tackling, fumbling, intercepting, running, kicking and coaching was over...God was acknowledged. Indianapolis Colts owner, Jim Irsay thanked God and talked about the emphasis of godly principles placed on the Indianapolis organization. Coach Tony Dungy talked about, how the team was taught all season, to go through the storms during their season. Dungy also stated at the beginning of the interview with Jim Nantz that they did it "the Lord's way". It was good to hear...I say it WAS GOOD TO HEAR!!! (For more click on
www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=54098). The media, I'm quite sure, did not want them to get spiritual during this time in Miami. After all, it’s the Super Bowl; shouldn't we talk about more important things other than God brought us through? It's a good thing they didn't mention Jesus on live television...OH LORD!!!

I call your attention to some exposing anti-Christian worship in the body of Christ. God has informed me through prayer, His Word, meditation and guidance from my elders that these days will negatively intensify when it comes to the Word of God. This past Sunday, February 4, 2007 was not only the 41st Super Bowl, but it was also the sixth annual Spirit Bowl. What is the Spirit Bowl? The Spirit Bowl is when a church(s) gathers together and dress in football attire from football jerseys, to helmets, to cheerleader outfits, to referee outfits, to hats, to footballs cheer & chants. You name it, the Spirit Bowl church(s) got it. This sixth annual Spirit Bowl was hosted by none other Greater Mount Zion Baptist Church in Austin, TX. They are pastor by Gaylon Clark and have approximately 4,000 members. I'm not "hatin", just stating the facts. My co-worker has no clue what I do in the body of Christ (then again maybe she does), but she asked me the meaning of having not one but three Super, I mean Spirit Bowl services. As always, your boy has some exclusive public evidence that will support what the Word of God tells us not to do. If you click on
www.news8austin.com/story.asp?ArID=178753 you will read what some of the comments are. If you click on the video link you will see the sad display of false worship for yourself. I also have photos from last year’s event.

What Lies Beneath exists because the people need to know who the wolves are, disguised in sheep clothing. If you don't tell the people who the wolves are, they won't know and will risk being deceived by their lies. Some folk may think that nothing is wrong with this type of behavior. The Word of God says that certain individuals are tied to their selfish (fleshy) desires and become numb to God Word. Do you think God is pleased with this type of behavior? Does the Lord approved of this insult to Him in the sanctuary that is supposed to be built for Him at many of our church like Greater Mount Zion? Did you all hear the brother state that an individual enjoyed the service and loved the football themed message, GOT SAVED (???) and joined the church? What did he get saved from? Will he be delivered from his afflictions through a football sermon? Will the lost soul be found because of Pastor Clark adding the Colts/Bear rushing statistics for spiritual references (I heard his sermon)? Will people get saved because of the Spirit Bowl? God forbid!

Saints, we are all called to be soldiers of the living God, through Christ Jesus. We have no time to be concerned about the cares of this life. I remember in Luke 8:14 where Jesus said, "And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection." We must check ourselves daily to see if we line up with the Word of God. But don’t do your own spiritual evaluations…ask your pastors, elders and strong Christian brothers and sisters. How about asking those old mothers and fathers, who have that deep discern gift (we still have some of those folk around ya’ll).

I've said this before; I truly believe that majority of the folk that are exposed started out truly loving the Lord and doing things according to the will of God. But Satan, the hounds of hell and the sinful lust of the flesh, overcame the very innocence they had for God's love…and snatch God’s Word out of their hearts, and they allowed it to happen. Is it too late to gain that back? No, not at all. But folk have to be able to overcome their lustful desires and truly repent, I say TRULY REPENT, seek the face of God, turn from their wicked ways in order to be delivered and healed by the blood of Christ. These days we have folk pouring oil down folks' throats to be delivered from cigarettes. Juanita Bynum-Weeks wanting folk to send their hard earned, live savings, other ministries' finances (from the individual's tithes and offering) for an anointed prayer cloth from her and her ministry. We must know that God does not approve of this demonic nonsense.

When will Christians become Berian believers? Who? The people of Berea always went home after sermons were preached and studied the Word of God to see if the preacher was real or a snake.

11These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Acts 17:11 (King James Version)

If your pastor/shepherd does not encourage you to search the Scriptures for you to better understand where he is coming from, search them for yourself anyway, and don't be surprise if the Holy Spirit is leading you to follow another ministry that is led truly by Him.

Before I go, please pray for some dear people to me and know that my prayers are with you as well. Pastor C. Wayne Bowser, my dear sister Kyshia Savage, Sis. Rachel Hill, Evangelist Gino Landin, my uncle Pee Wee in South Korea, my brother and sister James and April McGarity, Alton & Melissea Huff, Marcel & Erica Smith and a young man by the name of Anthony Williams (who has Sarcoma, a cancerous tumor in his leg). I pray that the Spirit of God overcomes each and everyone of us to do His will, according to His purpose. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

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