Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tempted Not To Trust

11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. 12 Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. Luke 8:11-12 (King James Version)

Saints, we must be aware that we are being tempted not to trust...in the Lord. Everyday we're tempted and tested to rely on others, and ourselves without totally depending on the Lord for His wisdom and guidance. Let's brake this touchy subject down. When a child depends on his/her parents to provide for them, they know that their folks are going to come through. My girls don't worry about food, because they know they're going to be fed. They don't worry about transportation, clothing, or shelter, because they know their parents provide those needs. Toys? No problem, mama and daddy have that covered. But in the thick of it all, these same McGarity girls are being tested daily not to trust in the guidance of their parents with the challenges against authority the looms in our society today. Their peers are beginning to (and will for my 8, 4 and 2 year olds in the future), tell them that their mama and daddy are mean because we don't let them have "fun". Fun? Our youth don't know what fun is. Some of our milky, been saved for 10 years Christian peer don't know what fun is. Things that are pleasing to the flesh is great, only if it is in God's will (His plan for your life). But those feelings that are truly pleasing to the soul, let’s us know we're in tune with King Jesus. When we please our flesh for our selfish pleasures, we fall into the carnal aspect of this world. We're tempted not to trust in Jesus.

I speak with youth on a daily basis and the Holy Spirit shows me how much they are not being trained for the rough terrains of this life and the hounds of hell. All the youth are looking for is for someone to lead them and guide them towards the right direction...CORRECTLY & HONESTLY !!! The numbers are rising for our youth being teen parents, drug addicts, murders, robbers, thugs, pimps, prostitutes (hoochies) and rebellious heathens. Many people are talking about these issues BUT are not using their gifts to help changes these issues. Our youth in most ministries today are only being touched by the atmosphere of the church and not by the Holy Spirit of God. We are being tempted not to trust in Jesus.

I see so many youth day in and day out with no clear-cut direction for their lives. Entertainment is raising the youth and not the parent(s). The parents are either too busy working to make a living or they are into their own world…seeking their harvest, purpose, season, and breakthrough…leaving our youth alone and being placed on the back burner on life's issues and challenges. We're tempted not to trust in Jesus.

We are called to be Christ-like, walk in His image to allow the Holy Spirit of God to guide us. Single parents are tempted to seek that man or woman because they feel lonely, but don’t seek God for the guidance they need. God wants us to trust in Him to provide that mate and not leave our youth hanging around second hand luggage, not be committed to our respective ministries and refusing to wait upon and obey the Lord. The family has been fooled by the hounds of hell not to trust in Jesus Christ and they lean to their own understanding (flesh) of how to run a family. We are tempted not to trust.

I have been asked by the Spirit of God to put together a Family Conference, the kids, the parents, the guardians, the pet hamsters (just joking) for September 2007. I don't know how it’s going to get completed, but I'm trusting in the Lord, pray for us. Next, we'll discuss in depth how the families are tempted not to trust in the Lord. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus love you and I love you all too.

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