Monday, March 19, 2007

Wrongful Desires

25The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therin: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God. 26Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. Deuteronomy 7:25-26 (King James Version)

I pray that all well with you on this beautiful day that God has created. I pray that everyone had a blessed and safe weekend as well. 2007 has been a busy year in the ministry and I love how God is showing us His promises through His Word. I want to praise God for the healing recovery of Evangelist Gino Landin. He is doing much better and will be at Greater New Life this weekend, to preach the Word for our Spring Revival. Please pray for us this week.

We're living in a time where people are doing everything they can to keep up with the Jones' (metaphorically speaking). Not a day goes by that I don't see majority our young people with a pair of Air Jordans on. I see on a daily basis that our young people have tattoos all over their bodies, and they have no clue that tattooing is truly demonic rituals and an abomination to the Lord (Leviticus 19:28). Not only are we experiencing the onslaught of material covetousness of air Jordans, top line clothing, rims, houses, cars and tattoos, but grillz as well. Take a look at these photos.

This serves notice that we’re in desperate need of a Savior…and His name is Jesus.

Even sharks have grillz in their mouths now.

Alright, I know I'm pushing it.

More and more each day, we (the church) are loosing the fight to win souls for Christ. We’re either too busy with our own personal problems and “must concentrate on personal issues” because God “can’t handle this one” (sarcastically speaking), we’re either lusting after someone’s spouse/future spouse because we’re unhappy with our marriage/relationship, or we’re crediting God for things He did not ordain. Folk too busy trying chase their season/miracle/breakthrough/harvest, and are not paying attention to the dieing soul(s) in their homes. Have you ever went to the store and paid for an item(s) and got more change than you were suppose to? How about something that was not on the receipt? Did you think that God BLESSED you with that extra change or item not being charged? Have you ever found a wallet full of money and thought that it was meant for you to find? This type of spirit leads to wrongful desires.

God was informing the people of Israel to stay away from those things, which are ungodly. God stated in Deuteronomy 7 that if the people obeyed His commandments and served Him wholeheartedly, He would bless and protect them. If they disobeyed Him, they would receive holy chastisement from The Almighty. There are various times in our lives that we are challenged to deny the name of Jesus Christ. Everyday we are challenged to drop our cross and follow Satan. Everyday we are challenged to become successful our way and make it God’s way. We’re challenged to have wrongful desires for based on our own flesh feelings and not that of the spiritual & holy God.

All the things that the world worships today need to be destroy out of the lives and the minds of Christian folk. It is difficult today for many people to know what is true in Christ Jesus when many of the Christian Hip Hop artists have grillz in their mouths, the blink on their necks & wrists, and sports the Air Jordans, Sean John, RocaWear clothing, etc. There is not separation from the world when we display these type of behaviors and God is not please. Our youth don’t know how to appreciate things from God, because the parents are so materialistic. The church struggles (individually and as a whole) with waiting on the Lord to bless them when the pastor is greedy on money and the flesh of self. But no one is saying anything about it and settle on bring worldly slogans into the church. “I’m a get my Christian hustle on”, “Jesus is my homeboy”, “Get krunk off the holy ghost” and so many others it’s a shame. I’ve even heard stories about some of our top Christian artists who did not wait on the Lord to blessed them with a successful career in music and went out on their own to “make some money”. Wrongful desires will cause us to stumble and bust our face wide open if we do not keep the commandments of the Lord.

14And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 1 John 5:14 (King James Version)

Wrongful desires are those who dream, plan and act out on things that are out of the will God. If God’s plan is not being followed, how can He hears our prayers? If Jesus Christ is our advocate (attorney) and we live outside the will of the Father, is Jesus speaking up for us when we diss his Daddy? We must flee wrongful desires in order to truly hear what the Lord has for us. Our young people are worshipping the false idols of the music artists (hip hop, rock, neo soul, etc.), the Hollywood stars, the reality shows and some false Christians…with no one speaking the truth into their lives. The pizza parties and the youth jams are a waste of time if the Word of God is not poured into their lives. So often we sit back and wonder what went wrong in raising today’s youth. I am learning that when you don’t give them and teach them that Jesus IS and SHOULD BE their life, their lives will continue to whither away. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

Until the Sequel of Jesus,

Jodie McGarity Jr.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tempted Not To Trust! Part III (The Church)

13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: James 1:13 (King James Version)

The church is vital in our time more than it has ever been. But we all know that many ministries in this world are not truly living for Christ. Correction. Many shepherds in the ministry are misleading the people from living righteously for Christ.

I must mention to everyone that they must get this book titled, They Smell Like Sheep by Dr. Lynn Anderson. This book sheds some light on how a trusted shepherd should tend to their flock based on the Word of God. We've talk about the daily challenges of being tempted not to trust God, but how does the church come into play?

We all least I godly men are suppose to carry themselves. We know how important it for us to obey every ounce of God's Word to the fullest. But the flesh is always in the way. We've been talking about the family and how each member is critical in that family. When one member of the family is missing, it totally throws things off. Our youth are effected by it, but want the truth and are looking for a true hero to guide them.

Youth ministries today (and I say this as a whole) are all about pizza parties, lock-ins and jams, with no true Word being brought to them. I am in no way saying that these things are not for youth ministry, but they get enough of these things from the schools. There is not enough discipline and accountability going on with our youth. We either have these, “we have 500 youth in ministry” type of youth leader folk or we have youth ministers hooked on everything from money, to hip-hop, to rock, to porn and basically to themselves. I've seen quite a bit of foolishness in my six years of faith that allows me to notice why the church is lacking unity. The church is supposed to be a safe haven, but is being used as a whorehouse...pimping the folk to get paid. We're tempted not to trust Jesus.

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
James 1:14 (King James Version)

I have witnessed elder men in the church get jealous of the younger men that God is using during that time. As a teen, I've seen deacons and preachers out late at night with women who were not their spouses. I've heard of pastors and minister leaders having fornicating and homosexuals lifestyles while being leaders of a ministry. How do we deal with this? We continue to walk this faith and live by example. I had a person ask me if I hate homosexuals because I talk about them a lot. I don't talk about a homosexual, I expose them. I don't talk about liars, murderers, adulterers and fornicators, I expose them. Saints, our youth are not the future of the church... THEY ARE THE CHURCH!!! And when I see and hear folk continue to falsely walk the Jesus life, I still have to live it correctly. This is not what I want to say but God take control.

Our some of our ministries are lacking because the people just want to be entertained and don't want to work. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. I have learned to trust in the Lord to guide my shepherd. If for some strange reason my shepherd doesn't not live the way God’s want him too, I still must live totally for Christ. We're tempted not to trust Jesus.

The believers who endure trials demonstrates that he or she loves Jesus and therefore will receive the crown of life...guaranteed. The focus of our lives turns from trials to temptations, which enticement to sin does not come from God. IT CAN'T!!! God will never purposely lead a person to commit sin because that would not only go against His nature, but it would be opposed to His purpose of molding His creation (that's us) into His image. God does sometimes place His people in adverse circumstances for the purpose of building godly character.

We must protect our house by any godly means necessary and allow Jesus to rein supreme in our lives. We don't always stay in the Spirit of God 24/7, but we sure strive to get as close as we can to perfect. We know that we're lined up with God when He is able to see His reflection from our faces. Churches need to come together and call God to lift Him up daily in order for us to truly grow in Him, and not be tempted not to trust in Jesus. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tempted Not To Trust! Part II (The Family)

1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye whi ch are spiritual, restore su ch an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Galatians 6:1 (King James Version)

Back again with some insight of what the Spirit of God has shared with me concerning the daily temptation of our families. We all know that God created the family to be the father, the mother and the child (son, daughter in general). We know that God placed man as the head of the household and the woman as the help mate (King James Version says “help meet”). The children are suppose to be trained by the father and mother, and trained in the fear and admonition of the Lord (for the fathers in Ephesians 6:4). The nature of God is to provide the wisdom and loving gifts and talents to the parents, to then pass on to their offspring. But Satan wants to opposite this plan and does just about any and everything to keep the families from functioning properly. Disfunctionalism is in the Christian families today. We are tempted not to trust in Jesus.

22 Because all those men whi ch have seen my glory, and my miracles, whi ch I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have tempted me now these ten times, and have not hearkened to my voice;
Numbers 14:22 (King James Version)

Many of our families lack the balance that it once had many years ago. Leave It to Beaver , The Waltons, even the Cosby Show , displayed a balanced form of family life. Those 30min to an hour display of television no longer exist in the home today. Today our fathers only want to be sperm donors, leaving the mothers to raise the children on their own. The world teaches our men and boys to be playas, pimps, thugs and hustlers. When the father is not in the home (physically, mentally, and spiritually), the children suffer for the irresponsibility’s of these men. Our boys grow up to become irresponsible men for the negligence of their childhood from their fathers.... the cycle must stop somewhere. Majority (not all) of our young men who've been molested, raped or brought up in majority feminine families, grow up to become homosexuals based on their embarrassment of what happened to them and Satan uses their past to turn their minds (that’s what homosexuality is, the turn of the mind). This leaves all the responsibility on our mothers and causes this boat called family to be thrown off course. History has carried out the irresponsibility of our youth long before hip hop, rock and reality television. Papa Adam bit that fruit and caused a sinful chemical imbalance in the generational family. My elders listened to songs like, “Papa was a rolling stone. Where ever he laid his hat was his home” all know where I'm going with this. Jesus came to wash all of those mistakes with His blood, but pride is man best friend and no man or boy wants to look like a front of nobody! We are tempted not to trust in Jesus.

6 For of this sort are they whi ch creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
2 Timothy 3:6 (King James Version)

When the father is not at home, the woman is unprotected and is forced to “man up” if you will, for the family. She is forced to sweat out the negative statistics and outcomes, and overcome the lies from the hounds of hell. But this verse does expose the truth about the silly woman. Now if you're not a silly woman this does not pertain to you, but if it hurts say ouch and help me Jesus. You see the absence of the father causes the sons and daughters to rebel against the very pure and loving Words of the Lord. In many cases, it does not matter how hard a mother trains, and prays for her child(s), that bad neglected seed of the father will take its toll. I was a knot headed child growing up (meaning I was not going to do right no matter what folks said). I mother's prayers were always answered, for my reason of still being alive today. Her big prayer payday came when her baby turned 25, accepted Jesus Christ into his life and answered God's calling to preach His Word. A mother's love never has any limits, for they will fight tooth and nail for their loved ones.

Society is teaching our young women to become a b**ch, a ho, a slut, a prostitute, a hoochie and just a plain ol’ harlot. I see on a daily basis, young teen girls looking rejected, tattoos of unpromised males on their bodies, and not knowing what true success in Christ is. Young teen mothers are growing at a rapid pace and abortion climbing faster than the teen births. And the sperm donors continued to be glorified for the mistakes that they’ve made. I ask this question. Why do we put on celebration parties (baby showers) for those who have birthed a child outside of marriage? Don’t get me wrong; still provide according to the Lord…but celebrating sin ya’ll? We are tempted not to trust in Jesus.

Our families are in turmoil and need to stick together in order to make it in this walk with Christ. Remember that man is the head, but the woman is the neck...that turns the head (somebody will get that next week). In order for the families to strengthen and support each other, we must be committed not only to our families, but the church as well. THE CHURCH!!!? These are more issues that we'll share on next time. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I loves you all too.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tempted Not To Trust

11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. 12 Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. Luke 8:11-12 (King James Version)

Saints, we must be aware that we are being tempted not to the Lord. Everyday we're tempted and tested to rely on others, and ourselves without totally depending on the Lord for His wisdom and guidance. Let's brake this touchy subject down. When a child depends on his/her parents to provide for them, they know that their folks are going to come through. My girls don't worry about food, because they know they're going to be fed. They don't worry about transportation, clothing, or shelter, because they know their parents provide those needs. Toys? No problem, mama and daddy have that covered. But in the thick of it all, these same McGarity girls are being tested daily not to trust in the guidance of their parents with the challenges against authority the looms in our society today. Their peers are beginning to (and will for my 8, 4 and 2 year olds in the future), tell them that their mama and daddy are mean because we don't let them have "fun". Fun? Our youth don't know what fun is. Some of our milky, been saved for 10 years Christian peer don't know what fun is. Things that are pleasing to the flesh is great, only if it is in God's will (His plan for your life). But those feelings that are truly pleasing to the soul, let’s us know we're in tune with King Jesus. When we please our flesh for our selfish pleasures, we fall into the carnal aspect of this world. We're tempted not to trust in Jesus.

I speak with youth on a daily basis and the Holy Spirit shows me how much they are not being trained for the rough terrains of this life and the hounds of hell. All the youth are looking for is for someone to lead them and guide them towards the right direction...CORRECTLY & HONESTLY !!! The numbers are rising for our youth being teen parents, drug addicts, murders, robbers, thugs, pimps, prostitutes (hoochies) and rebellious heathens. Many people are talking about these issues BUT are not using their gifts to help changes these issues. Our youth in most ministries today are only being touched by the atmosphere of the church and not by the Holy Spirit of God. We are being tempted not to trust in Jesus.

I see so many youth day in and day out with no clear-cut direction for their lives. Entertainment is raising the youth and not the parent(s). The parents are either too busy working to make a living or they are into their own world…seeking their harvest, purpose, season, and breakthrough…leaving our youth alone and being placed on the back burner on life's issues and challenges. We're tempted not to trust in Jesus.

We are called to be Christ-like, walk in His image to allow the Holy Spirit of God to guide us. Single parents are tempted to seek that man or woman because they feel lonely, but don’t seek God for the guidance they need. God wants us to trust in Him to provide that mate and not leave our youth hanging around second hand luggage, not be committed to our respective ministries and refusing to wait upon and obey the Lord. The family has been fooled by the hounds of hell not to trust in Jesus Christ and they lean to their own understanding (flesh) of how to run a family. We are tempted not to trust.

I have been asked by the Spirit of God to put together a Family Conference, the kids, the parents, the guardians, the pet hamsters (just joking) for September 2007. I don't know how it’s going to get completed, but I'm trusting in the Lord, pray for us. Next, we'll discuss in depth how the families are tempted not to trust in the Lord. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus love you and I love you all too.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved