Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tempted Not To Trust! Part III (The Church)

13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: James 1:13 (King James Version)

The church is vital in our time more than it has ever been. But we all know that many ministries in this world are not truly living for Christ. Correction. Many shepherds in the ministry are misleading the people from living righteously for Christ.

I must mention to everyone that they must get this book titled, They Smell Like Sheep by Dr. Lynn Anderson. This book sheds some light on how a trusted shepherd should tend to their flock based on the Word of God. We've talk about the daily challenges of being tempted not to trust God, but how does the church come into play?

We all least I godly men are suppose to carry themselves. We know how important it for us to obey every ounce of God's Word to the fullest. But the flesh is always in the way. We've been talking about the family and how each member is critical in that family. When one member of the family is missing, it totally throws things off. Our youth are effected by it, but want the truth and are looking for a true hero to guide them.

Youth ministries today (and I say this as a whole) are all about pizza parties, lock-ins and jams, with no true Word being brought to them. I am in no way saying that these things are not for youth ministry, but they get enough of these things from the schools. There is not enough discipline and accountability going on with our youth. We either have these, “we have 500 youth in ministry” type of youth leader folk or we have youth ministers hooked on everything from money, to hip-hop, to rock, to porn and basically to themselves. I've seen quite a bit of foolishness in my six years of faith that allows me to notice why the church is lacking unity. The church is supposed to be a safe haven, but is being used as a whorehouse...pimping the folk to get paid. We're tempted not to trust Jesus.

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
James 1:14 (King James Version)

I have witnessed elder men in the church get jealous of the younger men that God is using during that time. As a teen, I've seen deacons and preachers out late at night with women who were not their spouses. I've heard of pastors and minister leaders having fornicating and homosexuals lifestyles while being leaders of a ministry. How do we deal with this? We continue to walk this faith and live by example. I had a person ask me if I hate homosexuals because I talk about them a lot. I don't talk about a homosexual, I expose them. I don't talk about liars, murderers, adulterers and fornicators, I expose them. Saints, our youth are not the future of the church... THEY ARE THE CHURCH!!! And when I see and hear folk continue to falsely walk the Jesus life, I still have to live it correctly. This is not what I want to say but God take control.

Our some of our ministries are lacking because the people just want to be entertained and don't want to work. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. I have learned to trust in the Lord to guide my shepherd. If for some strange reason my shepherd doesn't not live the way God’s want him too, I still must live totally for Christ. We're tempted not to trust Jesus.

The believers who endure trials demonstrates that he or she loves Jesus and therefore will receive the crown of life...guaranteed. The focus of our lives turns from trials to temptations, which enticement to sin does not come from God. IT CAN'T!!! God will never purposely lead a person to commit sin because that would not only go against His nature, but it would be opposed to His purpose of molding His creation (that's us) into His image. God does sometimes place His people in adverse circumstances for the purpose of building godly character.

We must protect our house by any godly means necessary and allow Jesus to rein supreme in our lives. We don't always stay in the Spirit of God 24/7, but we sure strive to get as close as we can to perfect. We know that we're lined up with God when He is able to see His reflection from our faces. Churches need to come together and call God to lift Him up daily in order for us to truly grow in Him, and not be tempted not to trust in Jesus. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

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