Monday, March 19, 2007

Wrongful Desires

25The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therin: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God. 26Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. Deuteronomy 7:25-26 (King James Version)

I pray that all well with you on this beautiful day that God has created. I pray that everyone had a blessed and safe weekend as well. 2007 has been a busy year in the ministry and I love how God is showing us His promises through His Word. I want to praise God for the healing recovery of Evangelist Gino Landin. He is doing much better and will be at Greater New Life this weekend, to preach the Word for our Spring Revival. Please pray for us this week.

We're living in a time where people are doing everything they can to keep up with the Jones' (metaphorically speaking). Not a day goes by that I don't see majority our young people with a pair of Air Jordans on. I see on a daily basis that our young people have tattoos all over their bodies, and they have no clue that tattooing is truly demonic rituals and an abomination to the Lord (Leviticus 19:28). Not only are we experiencing the onslaught of material covetousness of air Jordans, top line clothing, rims, houses, cars and tattoos, but grillz as well. Take a look at these photos.

This serves notice that we’re in desperate need of a Savior…and His name is Jesus.

Even sharks have grillz in their mouths now.

Alright, I know I'm pushing it.

More and more each day, we (the church) are loosing the fight to win souls for Christ. We’re either too busy with our own personal problems and “must concentrate on personal issues” because God “can’t handle this one” (sarcastically speaking), we’re either lusting after someone’s spouse/future spouse because we’re unhappy with our marriage/relationship, or we’re crediting God for things He did not ordain. Folk too busy trying chase their season/miracle/breakthrough/harvest, and are not paying attention to the dieing soul(s) in their homes. Have you ever went to the store and paid for an item(s) and got more change than you were suppose to? How about something that was not on the receipt? Did you think that God BLESSED you with that extra change or item not being charged? Have you ever found a wallet full of money and thought that it was meant for you to find? This type of spirit leads to wrongful desires.

God was informing the people of Israel to stay away from those things, which are ungodly. God stated in Deuteronomy 7 that if the people obeyed His commandments and served Him wholeheartedly, He would bless and protect them. If they disobeyed Him, they would receive holy chastisement from The Almighty. There are various times in our lives that we are challenged to deny the name of Jesus Christ. Everyday we are challenged to drop our cross and follow Satan. Everyday we are challenged to become successful our way and make it God’s way. We’re challenged to have wrongful desires for based on our own flesh feelings and not that of the spiritual & holy God.

All the things that the world worships today need to be destroy out of the lives and the minds of Christian folk. It is difficult today for many people to know what is true in Christ Jesus when many of the Christian Hip Hop artists have grillz in their mouths, the blink on their necks & wrists, and sports the Air Jordans, Sean John, RocaWear clothing, etc. There is not separation from the world when we display these type of behaviors and God is not please. Our youth don’t know how to appreciate things from God, because the parents are so materialistic. The church struggles (individually and as a whole) with waiting on the Lord to bless them when the pastor is greedy on money and the flesh of self. But no one is saying anything about it and settle on bring worldly slogans into the church. “I’m a get my Christian hustle on”, “Jesus is my homeboy”, “Get krunk off the holy ghost” and so many others it’s a shame. I’ve even heard stories about some of our top Christian artists who did not wait on the Lord to blessed them with a successful career in music and went out on their own to “make some money”. Wrongful desires will cause us to stumble and bust our face wide open if we do not keep the commandments of the Lord.

14And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 1 John 5:14 (King James Version)

Wrongful desires are those who dream, plan and act out on things that are out of the will God. If God’s plan is not being followed, how can He hears our prayers? If Jesus Christ is our advocate (attorney) and we live outside the will of the Father, is Jesus speaking up for us when we diss his Daddy? We must flee wrongful desires in order to truly hear what the Lord has for us. Our young people are worshipping the false idols of the music artists (hip hop, rock, neo soul, etc.), the Hollywood stars, the reality shows and some false Christians…with no one speaking the truth into their lives. The pizza parties and the youth jams are a waste of time if the Word of God is not poured into their lives. So often we sit back and wonder what went wrong in raising today’s youth. I am learning that when you don’t give them and teach them that Jesus IS and SHOULD BE their life, their lives will continue to whither away. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

Until the Sequel of Jesus,

Jodie McGarity Jr.

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