Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Deteriorating Leadership

30An appalling and horrible thing [bringing desolation and destruction] has come to pass in the land: 31The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests exercise rule at their own hands and by means of the prophets. And My people love to have it so! But what will you do when the end comes? Jeremiah 5:30-31 (Amplified Bible)

I pray that you all are well in the will of the Lord on this beautiful day in the Lord. I truly have been blessed in my growth in the Lord, haven’t you? We’re in the middle of September and there’s a whole heap of stuff that has happened in the body of Christ. Before I go on let me just say that I don’t…I mean I do not condone any type of abuse on anyone. I do not believe that abuse is biblical, but there seems to be something that is not right and I have to ask questions.

Some events happened in 2007 that has shaken the foundations of the churches. Events leading up to the media making the Bible seem like an ordinary book. More questions arise about the validity of God’s Word based on the evidence(s) of the Bible and also the life of today’s Christian. There have been times that folk of high platform status has had the opportunity to make a statement for God, but has crumbled into some type of shut mouth shell when it comes to speaking out the truth. We have deteriorating leadership going on and it seems like few folk are saying something about it.

I’m not a person to gossip so I’ll just state what seems to be fact from the media and myspace pages. In August Pastors Thomas Weeks III and Juanita Bynum-Weeks took a nasty turn in their marriage. There was a physical altercation that ensued and sister Juanita suffered the most out of it…physically speaking. Stay with me cause I’m going somewhere with this. Here are two individuals who are high in the pastoral popular area, a couple that had a million dollar wedding on television, and a couple who was “ordained by God” to help “expand the kingdom”. This took a turn for the worse has Weeks beat the snot out of his wife. This is not a joking matter, this is what happened. How has leadership deteriorated from this experience?

Folk have been scared from the ministry of the Weeks…just because of what happened. I can guarantee that at least a couple of folk (a whole lot more but I’m only guaranteeing a couple) lost their faith in Christ because of this domestic violence. There were some folk who were looking for hope in the Weeks’ and their hearts have been crushed. See saints, let me just say this before I move on, GOD HATES DIVORCE!!! PERIOD!!! There’s no way around it. I’ll use this analogy I learned in August before the Weeks/White drama unfolded. God created the marriage for unity, growth with your spouse, display for kindly affection for your spouse and working together to build up the kingdom of God. Women are the backbone of the marriage; they are backbone of the church as well. The men are the covering of the bone, and we are to cover and protect that bone by any means necessary. Men are not supposed to be harming part of the bone if they are one body. But if the covering (skin/man) is injured and weak…then the bone slowly and surely begins to break. As a man begins to lose focus of protecting his wife by getting hooked on porn, thinking of himself, lusting at other women or men…he begins to slowly break down the character, and the backbone capabilities of the woman.

One of my questions during all of this is way has no one said anything about this to the point of, “Hey let’s get some counseling.” Our leadership in the church is depleting and no one asking why or holding up the standard for which we are called to do. Where are the elders of the Weeks’ and the Whites’ to step in and kindly counsel them about their trials and tribulations? And then their allowed to go into the pulpit and continue to preach lies unto the people…and the people still love it. We are at the stage where many ears are itching for the lies and are ditching the truth. Shall we continue to lead the world in divorces, children out of wedlock, fornication, etc? God forbid!

I’m just getting warmed up, but this has some church couples thinking that their marriage might not last because the Weeks’ didn’t or the White’s didn’t. I pray that the Spirit of God can reconcile their marriages and that people of God (some of them) stop looking at man and actually look towards the Lord in all that they do. Man will fell us, but God never will.

Again just getting warmed up here, pray with me. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

Until the Sequel of Jesus,

Jodie McGarity Jr.

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