Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Alternative Substitutions

9Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Romans 12:9 (King James Version)

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. I thank the Lord for this awesome day that He has always made. Yes this message is pertaining to the Helloween that is being celebrated on this day. I am surrounded by numerous folk who are happy to be "dressed up" today in costumes. Sadly to say, people of God will loose focus of God today and focus on Satan...knowingly or unknowingly, but still ignorantly thinking. Folk have no clue when the word of God says in Hosea 4:6 (Amplified Bible),
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.

All Saints Nights should not be an "ALTERNATIVE" to Helloween. The Lord has ministering to me about having a Holy Spirit (Ghost) filled service, next to preach the Gospel of Jesus on Helloween 2007. Folks, why do we copy everything that the world does? We have candy (substituted for trick-or-treated candy), costume dressing, carnival fares, spiritual house (substituted for haunted houses) and many other unnecessary things going on at the churches on this day. My questions are, 1) Why is the Word of God not being preached if we're at "All Saints Night"? 2) Why are we not making sure that our youth be given the Word of God and to encourage their peers to know the Truth, than just give them candy (pure sugar), games to play and party time, in the holy sanctuary of God? 3) Why don't we have service around this nation that will boldly denounce Helloween and uphold the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ by not have All Saints Night, Hallelujah Night, party, jam or anything else without ministering to some hurting folk in the church?

12And you shall know (understand and realize) that I am the Lord; for you have not walked in My statutes nor executed My ordinances, but have acted according to the ordinances of the nations around you.
Ezekiel 11:12 (Amplified Bible)

God is not pleased with making Him and His work as an alternative to Satan's work. When we substitute worldly things and make it godly, we still want that worldly taste wrapped up in a spiritual package. Folk just can't stop placing poisonous sugar in their bodies so they'll substitute it with sweet 'n' low. They want thing to taste the same, but be "spiritual". Our youth are spiritually and physically dieing daily when we refuse to give them the Truth. We would rather give them what we never had or were not able to have, than give them what they need and what we all need is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now if you're preaching the Word I'm not talking about you. If you're truly raising your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, this message is not for you. But if you're allowing All Saints Night be a substitution for Helloween and the only difference is the title of the event...SHAME ON YOU!!!

The word "hallow" in Halloween means "to make holy or set apart for holy use", "to respect greatly" (Webster's Dictionary). This day is supposed to be a day that is sacred to the Lord just like any other day, not given an alternative to a day that is already His to begin with. Our youth need to understand that the church must take a stand to the day that is set aside for the devils, demons, ghouls...the hounds of hell. But the church must take that stand in order for our youth to do the same. They'll only do what they see the adults do. Let us eliminate the alternative substitutions.

In today's time, we want the world covered in Christian chocolate. I've heard of Christian clubs, Christian fraternities, sororities and secret societies. Christian hip hop, rock, Goth, soap operas and plays all have a lot of taste of the world in their spiritual stew. Folk want to be noticed in all aspects and refuse to wait on God to show them the way. We, too often as believers, look to please our flesh and not even realize it. The taste of the world is still in many of the Christians' mouths and we must eliminate the taste before we indulge in spiritual gluttony. Let us eliminate the alternative substitutions.

As I was in Albuquerque, NM earlier this week, I was sadden to see on CNN that they were discussing and asking in a question if the Halloween costumes that they display for the kids was too sexy. Why are we asking these questions? Why is the subject worth getting opinions instead of letting folk know that this is not expectable to allow young innocent children dress like grown prostitutes and hoochies? Why are we sacrificing our children of today like the children were sacrifice back in the days of Egypt? Why do so many Christians continue to embrace the thing of the world not caring if God is pleased? Because that taste is still there, just as long as no one knows that I’m fully addicted to the things of the flesh it’ll be all good. These substitutions must be eliminated.

19For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.
Romans 16:19 (King James Version)

To better understand the history of the created demonic day, know the history that is behind the creation of Halloween. Everything about the worldly October 31st is demonic and well influential to those who celebrate it. God inhabits the praises of His people…do realize that Satan inhabits the praises of his people as well. Get with your pastors and assist us in having a Holy Ghost service to denounce Helloween 2007. If your pastors allow all the fun and festivities without preaching setting a holy standard before God, let pray for them as well. Pray that we all continue to seek the Truth in these last and certainly evil days. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

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