Monday, October 29, 2007

Inconsistent Christians

15Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1 John 2:15 (King James Version)

We war against our flesh daily, that’s a proven and knowing fact. We war against principalities, rulers of darkness and of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places…understood. But there seems to be an issue with certain believers (and we all deal with it) when it comes to humbling ourselves during the bad and unknowing times in our lives that God wants to be able to receive the glory. WHAT? What I am saying is that the church is continuing to fall because 1) folk do not know their proper place as far as authority is concerned. 2) folk are still stuck in some of their own desires and thoughts, refusing to let go of certain things and persons that do not pertain to God. 3) folk, when in their flesh, are always right and everybody else has lost their minds when they are being counseled for correction. There can be (from time to time) some inconsistency in the life of a Christian that can slowly corrupt them of they are not careful.

We, who are children of the most high God should know that God wants us to live for Him and Him only. But there are some influences that can hinder our growth…the main individual being ourselves if we are not careful. 2 Corinthians 6:14 warns us not to be unequally yokes with unbelievers, but this trend does not seem to stop when it comes to having our own agenda. See God is looking for folk to take a stand in their lives that have it made up in their minds that they are going to follow the ways of the Lord. God wants us to stop loving the world, because there are clues of fowl stenches in the church and alerts the elders of our churches that certain folk ain’t living right…yes I said ain’t. The Word is for the church because the people in the church don’t like to obey all the rules of God and attempt to make up things themselves and call it the anointing of God. When we mix the profane with the godly, then it becomes useable by God. But God is able to use any and everything. This is true, but He has set some rules and authority concerning some things and if He decides that He wanted to allow everything that was bad for good then He would be going back on His Word. There is inconsistency amongst the Christian community.

What John is explaining in the text today is that the people in those times, like they are today, were acting in way that was inconsistent with the relationship with Christ. See the world is a morally evil system, which opposes all that god is and holds dear to. The world cares nothing about a believer in Christ or anything that has to deal with holiness. This system of the world was set up and planned by Satan himself. When individuals are confronted by those who love them, that individual always believes that someone is after them, hate them, are jealous of them and are always in their business. When all along, Satan has planted the lie that no one cares about them. With all the mixing with the profane and gospel entertainment copying what the secular are doing, the church is continuing to lose its power at a rapid pace. Saints, Christian folks have no business dealing with secular folk when it comes to hanging out with them in fellowship.

11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Ephesians 5:11 (King James Version)

If we truly love one another, we need to be able to come out of love and expose (reprove) the sins that people we love are involved in. If folk are hanging around the wrong crowds, we need to let them know. I witnessed some unsaved families correct, warn and chastise their loved ones when they are wrong. Then I’ve seen and continue to see Christian folk join together to demonically be against another brother or sister in Christ. Too many times folk who we think is on our side, end up being the very person that is drawing us further away from God’s Truth. We are not to indulge ourselves with folk or things that are of pure evil and have no righteous roots in them. We want to hang around that pacify our situation and hardly hang around those you are going to expose our sins out of love. Corrections, we never hang around those who are discerning and know better than to deal with our foolishness when we’re in our mess. There is inconsistency in the lives of many Christians today and many churches are not saying anything about it.

In all reality, expose the negative the influence that an individual is either around or performing themselves. Remember rebellion is the same as witchcraft…that what it says in my Bible. We must expose the sins that are being performed and allow the Holy Ghost to work within you. If you’re trying to help someone and you’re living in repetitive sin yourself (sinning knowingly), I’d advise you not to engage in helping folk expose their sins…you’re just keeping your sins covered. Your sins are not being exposed for deliverance. I know we hear this quite often, folk will discuss another individual’s negative lifestyle and discuss it proudly. But when it comes to their lifestyle being under the scope…everyone needs to shut up. There is a great deal of inconsistency in our walk with Christian when we are stuck on ourselves.

4Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. James 4:4 (King James Version)

Saints, we must learn to avoid hanging around with the lost when we ourselves are not where we are suppose to be in Jesus Christ. The more we hang around ungodly folk, the more we began to think and speak foolishly concerning the things of God. You see, an individual who truly loves Christ will 1) inform those who are blinded by the world that they are being led astray from God. 2) totally separate from the individual or group, realizing that they themselves are having no ill effect on those they are around. 3) pray and fast for them, which is highly more effective than hanging around them and having no mention of Jesus in any of our conversations. Unless we are using His name in vain. Inconsistent Christians struggle with their challenges, but we all called and ordained by God to overcome each challenge that tests our endurance of faith...

This is not about God’s attitude towards us; it’s about our attitude towards God. The difference between the world and God is so different that we move toward the world, that we alienate ourselves from God. Has there been too many times in your life that you have felt that has forgotten you? Are there too many times where it seems that God has forsakened you? Could it be that we are attracted to the things of the world more than the things of God? God forbid. In the world, sin is considered acceptable and pleasurable. Unfortunately the world has lost its awareness of sin, and the sins have become a habit or routine. I don’t care what others say that is against the Word of God, the more you sin or hang around the atmosphere of sin, the more you become numb to the Word of God…and this can be a slow method of throwing your faith in Christ out of the window. There is inconsistency in the Christians’ walk, but we must still preach Jesus Christ crucified.

1Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 1 John 3:1 (King James Version)

We should stand in amazement of God’s love. We should be able to understand that God’s love is amazing, everlasting, merciful unending for those who truly love him. God loves are believers of Him through Jesus Christ only…are you one of the believers He loves? Jesus loves His own who are in the world, but are not of the world and will love all believers in Christ to the end (John 13:1). There must be consistency on our part in order to fell and witness the true, divine power of God.

Saints, I order to avoid being labeled an inconsistent Christian; we must realize that there cannot be any more soul ties with others via fornication/sex outside marriage. There cannot no longer have bitterness, hatred, jealousy and envy towards our families, friends and enemies if we want God to use us in a mighty way. People say all the time that they are waiting for God to do things for us, but realize that God has been telling us that He is telling us in His Word that He has to use us in order to actually do things in our lives. But in order for this to happen (be used by God) we make sure that our lives are being lived for the glory and honor of the Lord. The inconsistent Christian must be stop within the individual, within the family and within the church. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

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