Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Separate Standards

17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6:17 (King James Version)

I pray that you all are well in the will of our Almighty God on this day. I just have to share my thoughts on this passage of scripture and it is based on the lyfestyle that folk are taking today and calling it holy. How in Sam’s hill can you explain what holy hip hop is? I can remember when you couldn't get by with foolishness in the church. I am only 31 and during my pre-teens I can remember the women and men of the church not allowing the secular influence invade the church. Well we flip over to twenty-years later and what once could not get into the church, has taken it to an unholy new level. There is a separate standard from the standard of Christ.

The photo above is hip hop group Gospel Gangstas…folk’s are holy thugs for Christ. IMMA WESTSIDE CHRISTIAN!!! Let me come back to reality. These boys have been in the business of foolishness since 1995 or a little before.
Their images are far away from Christ and they are attempting to make some sort of comeback, but their standard is separate from God’s. I would like for you all to take a look at this promo concerning the gangstas DVD before I go into what God has placed on my heart for this text. Look at the names who they say are collaborating with them…its becoming more and more disappointing how the church is accepting any and everything.

As you can see Yolanda Adams and Kirk Franklin’s name is on the promo for this and I am not surprised. But my soul is vexed because of how these types of collaborations are damaging the body of Christ. How do you stop the church from making an impact on the families, on the communities and on the world? You get a hold of the children and young babes in Christ. The flesh is still weak at these stages and unless they see the strong faithful speak against it, they’ll continue to think it’s alright. How can those who are suppose to set the standard in this world have any dealing with those who seem to be confuse about the holy standard that we are suppose to set. Don’t get me wrong, I know Christians are humans and we do make mistakes…I am calming those who use this line for most of their reasoning for sin. But we must know that as we live in sin, we have to have that repentant heart…DAILY, and work against sinning again. Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams and other are hold their own standard and trying to make it God’s. You’re telling me that you’re going to be on a project that has thugs throwing gang signs, dressed as thugs and have their own agenda? You’re going to be apart of a project that has secular folk such E-40, Kurupt and others who are not saved? God forbid, but it is happening. I wouldn’t want to have any dealings with someone named Kurupt, the word corrupt means an individual willing to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain or they are evil or morally depraved. There are separate standards here and the church must speak against it.

I have received emails that advise me to read Matthew 18. I respond by stating that Matthew 18:15-17 pertains to a personal offense and not a doctrinal problem. How is it that folk want private conferences and are afraid the publicly confront the false doctrine that folk are displaying. It is because the big name preacher and gospel artist who makes us feel good becomes our spiritual crack, the more we hear them; the more we become fans of them and defend them. A fan is a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular sport, art form, or famous person. And they tend to defend something or someone to the fullest. This is another topic to discuss later.

When God says to come our from among them and be separate, He does not mean for us to be isolated from society. We have too many folk that is so holy and sanctified that they are no earthly good. We not isolate from the unsaved but we must discourage the compromise that is taking fold. It seems to me that Kirk, Yolanda and others comprise with the values and practices of the unsaved. Paul is encouraging us to maintain some integrity in the world just as Christ did. See what I love above Jesus is that He always avoided fame. When He performed miracles, He told people to tell no one. There is too much self promotion in the Christian community today, that God is getting the secondary praise after self has been exposed. How is your ministry going so far? Are we making sure that we get no credit for what God is doing through us, or are we doing things outside the will of the Father and giving Him false credit? Our standards must be aligned with God and separate from the world, instead it’s the other way around. When I see people not knowing where certain behaviors originated from and believe it’s from God, it just breaks my heart. At the same time I look at my own family and life to make sure that what I’m displaying to the public reflects my home. Our standards must not be separate from God’s.

Please join me in praying for the confused/lukewarm Christians and the unsaved (this includes those who think they’re saved, but are not). Things are unfolding as the Bible describes and business sure is picking up. Allow the Holy Spirit to direct every path that God’s sends us on and don’t allow the demonic spirits lure us into a false light, which is really darkness. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

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