Friday, September 21, 2007

Some Things Just Don't Change - Part II

22Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and discard your old unrenewed self] which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion; 23And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude], 24And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God's image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24 (Amplified Bible)

I pray that all is well with you on this beautiful day in the Lord. I thought I was done with this journal topic, but ignant folk cause me to come back with a part two. If we look at the scripture…FOR WHAT GOD SAYS, we will find that we need to rip away our old ways in order to conform to the things of God. Some folk in the church are loosing their minds and showing off some phony bologna, and they publicly display this foolishness then we need to publicly address it. Some things just don’t change.

I ran into some very immature spiritual posts on the YouTube’s, the myspace’s and the Google videos about what individual’s think about certain topics concerning the church. Folk, who are suppose to be of the church, are highly upset at powerful men and women of God who are taking a stand against this secular lifestyle of the church. Let us break this down.

There have been some comments against those who truly stand up for Christ which allow me to really see that people are accustomed to fleshy desires. There was a question that asked if it is ok for Christians to listen to secular music. One woman stated that she believes that it is based on the maturity level of the individual, and then stated that she listen only to gospel music and recently bought her first Christian CD. She also stated that she has a hard time listening to gospel because she sees no difference in the music besides God being mentioned a little more in the songs. She said that they gospel artists use the same beats and instrumentals of folk like R. Kelly, Ludacris, Kanye West, Mary J. Blige, etc. She would rather listen to R. Kelly Bump-n-Grind than a gospel artist talking about bumping-n-grinding for Jesus. This is sad…here is a woman who claims to be Christian (I am not denying her faith), and she cannot break away from the filth of secular music because majority of our gospel artists are displaying the same beats, majority of the lyrics, all of the dance moves (well almost all), and wearing the attire of the secular artists. Some things just don’t change.

Men & boys

4And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 (King James Version)

Today’s society has taken a huge toll on our males in this country. For our young men the stats are not good and do not look to be improving.

80% of our African American families are without fathers in the home
31% of our Hispanic American families are without fathers in the home
22% of our Anglo American families are without fathers in the home

As you can see the African American have a higher absence in fathers than our other counterparts. This is alarming, but what is the church doing about? I don’t know the stats on this, but I’ll find out somehow…how many churches are taking these fatherless young men under their protective wings and helping these single mothers raise these boys up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. It’s a small percentage, because those men who are in the church are only thinking of themselves. The brothers in the church are thinking about that piece of tale they can get into from sister so and so. They’re thinking and scheming about how they can get paid or have this “church woman” take care of them…they don’t have time to help raise a young man up to be a man, because they’re too busy continuing to be a kid. When I was a child I speak as a child….some of these brothers are still in the child mode because they never had the chance to grow up to be a man. Majority of the males know how to do now is to get what they can get now and become gospel gangstas, pitiful preachers (a lot of young men are saying that God called them to preach) and horny deacons and lay members. They’re having no physical effect on the fatherless boys in the church, but with these negative…excuse me DEMONIC behaviors & influences, the young boys are watching every thing that we do brothers. And all this does is repeat a tireless cycle, with folk talking about a solution, but having little or no action to back up the talk. Some things just don’t change.

Then we come to the fact that more our young boys who are being brought up without a father are more likely to use drugs, have sex, commit crimes & suicides, and becomes homosexual than those who do have fathers in the home. Don’t get me wrong, just because those who do have fathers in the home, does not mean that things are just peachy. A father can be in the home physically, but absent spiritually. If a father is not bringing his children up with the utmost love and care (which means balancing the love with beating that butt), then he risks having that children to commit the above acts. I see Christian fathers who are so rapped up in their religion of church so bad that their lineage is deteriorating right before their very eyes and they don’t realize it spiritually. I met one father who came to pick up his son from the juvenile detention facility and asked how long it was going to take before his son was ready because he had to go to choir rehearsal. CHOIR REHEARSAL? Excuse me but I believe that one missed day of rehearsal to spend whatever little time with your son is worth it. I ended up seeing this same father at an event that my group had to sing in…trust me when I say dad needs to trade the baritone role for the father role. Some things just don’t change.

Women and girls

3The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; 4That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, Titus 2:3-4 (King James Version)

Here’s an alarming stat for our women and girls. In 1962, there were only between 600 women in the whole country had children out of wedlock. So far in 2007 (to this date) 1.5 million a year are having children out of wedlock. WOW! Part of majority of this is because of the sperm donors (fathers) just dropping seeds and leaving. Another part of this is because the older women are not training up our young girls to become godly women. The reason that they are not teaching the young girls to be godly is because they still have some undealt issues that have not been resolved. It is frustrating to see our sisters in the ministry, sit up in the church, looking for a man, and looking for their breakthrough, season, miracle and harvest. They need their promise before they can effectively assist another woman or girl. This course is a lie from the pit of hell and it smells like smoke. Some things just don’t change.

Our young girls are out there competing for a nappy head, yellow teeth, pants hanging under the knees, can’t talk right boy…AND NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING! Our girls are in church, passing notes, talking about any and every thing outside Jesus Christ and where are our elder women to guide them in that righteous direction. Our prosperity preaching women are a part of fooling the silly (unbiblically educated and just plain silly) women into believing that God has a breakthrough for them while they’re still living in sin. And there are no elder women there to correct the foolishness that our young women are committing. It is sad to see that so many women and girls have men and boys names tattooed on their bodies, knowing that that male, most likely, will not be around. But with no father in the home to be that model for them, they continue to go around, settling for any piece of resemblance of a true man. Unfortunately, they have to settle for the closest image that is so far away from a true godly man. We have godly women who have leadership roles in the church and have been shacking up with their babies’ daddy for eight years and are nowhere close of asking for her hand in marriage. Our young girls are looking at this and see no difference in the church than in the world, so guest what they choose? Some things just don’t change.

Our fatherless women and girls go around for so long without the affirmation of their father to tell them that there are beautiful and to give them that protection and they need, they end up wanting the truth…but no one is there to lead them towards the right direction. These high profile preachers like Juanita Bynum-Weeks, Paula White, Joyce Myers and the like go through their mess (divorces, lies of God’s Word, etc.), with you women and girls being brainwashed into transforming into weak women or lesbians. Some things just don’t change.

Our problem as a church and a society is that the absence of a father can make it difficult to trust in the Lord. I mean how can we expect our fatherless youth to truly trust in the Heavenly Father when they’ve never had a true relationship with their earthly (biological) father. In the day that we live in now it causes for us to take a deeper outlook at the church. Watch out because I’m about to step on that big toe. The dominant women in the ministry have taking its toll on the church. Let me explain. With our women leading in the church majority of the time, they our leading in the masculine role of the church so much that it leaves the feminine role vacant. That vacant role is being filled by our soft, weak men…some things are backwards here. Let’s take it home. It’s difficult to maintain the true order of God and for folk to see who He really is when the roles have been reversed in the church and the home. When the mother or the woman have to try the best they can to take the place/role of the man, it spiritually set us all up to think of and worship a maternal God instead of a paternal God. God is not feminine, He’s 100% God spiritual male (Romans 1:20). Not being sexist…just stating the facts from God’s Word. The Bible is full of He(s) and Him(s)…you won’t find a she God in the Holy Writ.

It’s time out from playing. We must be able to let our hurting people know that God is after their soul, but He won’t bless them until they give their all to Him. We must not trust in the tactics of man…man’s tactic does not work. We must be able to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understanding. We must knowledge Him in all our ways and when that moment comes, He will then begin to direct our path (Proverbs 3:5-6 paraphrased).

Let’s continue to fast and pray for our society as it is today. Men and boys, let’s stop this curse of fatherlessness in our family and stop going out finding women…we need to find wives (Proverbs 18:22). Pull your pants up and take them “grillz” out of your mouths and brush your teeth. Trade in those thug Dickie pants and buy some slacks and suits and look like somebody. And for the sake of your lineage, start becoming a real man by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior. Repent of the sins that you have committed and love your wife like Christ loves the Church.

To my beautiful women and girls. You are a precious jewel to God and He does not want to see you hurt any longer. It is time to stop living in sin, trusting in a man who is still just a boy in a man’s body. You deserve better than what you have (if you’re not married), and God wants to show you how a real Father takes care of His daughter. If you’ve aborted a child or children, repent and begin to strong faith in Jesus Christ. For when you do, Jesus says in Luke 5:20 “…Your sins are given…”

I pray that you all will be care for by the Holy Spirit. Continue to be a light and hold up the bold stained banner for God. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

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