Thursday, September 13, 2007

Deteriorating Leadership Part II

30 An appalling and horrible thing [bringing desolation and destruction] has come to pass in the land: 31 The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests exercise rule at their own hands and by means of the prophets. And My people love to have it so! But what will you do when the end comes? Jeremiah 5:30-31 (Amplified Bible)

I pray that you all are in the grace of the Lord on this day. I pray for His continuous grace and mercy upon me every day, for I know I deserve death…but He lets me know “not yet” as I continue to live each day of my life.

We pick up from yesterday with the lack of accountability on our pedal stool Christians. As I mentioned on yesterday, the sins of leadership seem to take its toll on the lay members in the church. I’ve had trust worthy folk confirm some things that I have read concerning certain not only the Weeks’ and Pastors Randy and Paula White. Again, this is not gossip because the world has noticed these acts are wrong and publicized it. Our church leaderships are deteriorating.

Now about a few days after the Weeks drama made headlines, the Whites made headlines as well. Randy and Paula White announce that they are getting a divorce as well and stated that God shows us many things in unexpected situations. Excuse my eastside San Antonio language but SAY WHAT?! God shows us many things in unexpected situations? It’s about to get heavy. Our church leaderships are deteriorating.

I’ve had an opportunity to think this out, mediate on God’s Word, consult my pastor and spiritual elders, prayed, etc. I just don’t think that God is nowhere in the Weeks’ and White’s…blessing wise. How can a leader, a shepherd of a ministry live outside totally from their preaching and expect no one to say anything?

2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 2 Timothy 3:2 (King James Version)

I’m starting to see how the Spirit of God is revealing His Word more and more in time. Nobody is saying anything about these folks’ divorce. TD Jakes, who is the Juanita’s and Paula’s spiritual covering (which I don’t understand why the husbands didn’t take this role), stated that he had no comment when asked about the two women’s marital issues. I would not have address the media with this either, but did he do or say anything about it. Folks are being blind, they see that things are wrong and no one is saying anything.

The prophets, prophetess, bishops, pastors and favorite artists are speaking and singing lies that the people are loving it. Jeremiah was a powerful man of God because of what and how he preached. When God mentioned His people, His people were supposed to hold up a standard when it came to “Fake Jakes” & “Crooked Snakes” preaching some spiritual-less trash around God’s people. When there is a murderer outside or in a neighborhood, you better believe that I am going to reveal that individual to my wife, kids, family members, friends, etc. So when they see this individual, they’ll be able to run into the house for help. When deteriorating leaders begin to be about themselves, its time to expose them for who they are and leave them alone until they reconcile themselves with God. It is not biblical to divorce just because things are not working out. If there is abuse and adultery involve then that’s a different story. Here’s the problem though for the church.

Juanita had been married before, but her husband left her. Whether it was “too young for marriage” (according to Bynum) or God didn’t have them for me to begin is beyond me. Thomas Weeks was in a marriage at the time he was getting his flirt on with Juanita…can somebody say scandalous? Randy & Paula were both in previous marriages as well and have grown children. So both of these couples are heading towards divorce number two and no one is saying anything? What does this say about the church? What does this say about God’s Word? What does this say about God? When sin creeps in it creeps in. Why has no one question this and mentioned that this can rip a church apart? Because the people love what their hearing, the people love what their feeling, the people love the actual lies that are being told to them. This is going to sound harsh, but the Weeks’ and the White are using witchcraft on those who claim to love the Lord. Anytime we rebel against the Word of God that is sin. And rebellion is a form of spiritual witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23). But all folk have to say is that “God understand”. Yes, God does understand…how ignant folk can be. When we get out to the will and purpose of the Father we begin to mislead ourselves first and then mislead others. Wow, we’re able to cast spiritual spells on ourselves before poisoning other folks. This fight is definitely the Lord’s.

When we look up to and esteem highly this high standard bishops, pastors, gospel artists and stars…we’ll do anything to defend them. I know sports teams that will defend their team until their death, and it does not matter how terrible they may be. When it comes to a high profile human, the people react the same way. We can make a mistake so easily by putting individuals on a high pedal stool…that high pedal stool for only meant for Christ to sit in. Believing the breakthrough, season harvest prosperity messages should be old and dry. Because many bishops, apostles, pastors and prophets are nothing but modern day pimps and foolish people of the church are their whores. The prophets prophesy lies, which mean that they tell the people anything they want to hear…and the people love to hear it. “Just tell me I’m going to get that home and make that money and I’ll be good to go until I’m dealing with that same issue or other problem again. See, many Christians has been addicted to the type of walk that they been in for so long that it becomes tough to break. We don’t sin just to sin. We are not just involve with sinful lifestyles just to be in them. There are spiritual wickedness in high places that our influencing us when we sin. If the environment is wrong and we’re in it, then it is going to cause a change in our walk. Help us God!

An insecure woman will stick around and abusive man with hope that he’ll turn around for the better according to all the lies that he has told her. And it will take the power of the Holy Ghost to wake that woman up and deliver her from that abusive relationship. But the big keys for any individual dealing with the strongholds of sin and abusive situations is that they must surround themselves with strong Christians who are rooted, and I mean deeply rooted in the Word of God. Weak Christians can hang around weak Christian consistently and all the time…they’ll just falter and wither away together. But when you surround yourself with strong Christian who speaks unadulterated Truth to you, those are the ones who love you because they truly love Christ.

Saints, if there are leaders in the church who are not living up the standard that God has set, those folk need to take a sabbatical. This means that they need to sit down for a certain period of time (could be months or years) and be restore back with the Lord. The way these deteriorating leaders are going (the Weeks and the Whites) they need to be stopped are told that God is not please. Isn’t that what Nathan told David? I’m sure that it didn’t feel good to David, but David took account to the truth and repented, which change his heart truly back to God. I’m not saying that we don’t suffer for the sins that we commit (we reap what we so), but I am saying that as discipline comes our we, love is right along with it. Many people expect God to bless them in the mist of their mess, but it does not work that way. We looking for breakthroughs, money, men/women, and a spiritual high life in the mist of their messy life…and we still want God to bless us. Do we bless our children when their disobedient? God forbid.

Let’s conclude part three by asking this question. What happen once a Christian leaves a certain environment because “God is calling them into another area of their ministry”, and then go into the same environment, but different locations? Do know that I am not placing myself above anyone, I am asking questions to actions that are been done in the public. If the world is posting these Christian mishaps and know that it’s wrong, then truly we need to say something.

Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

Until the Sequel of Jesus,

Jodie McGarity Jr.

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