Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Some Things Just Don't Change

22That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; 23And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24 (King James Version)

I pray that you all are well in the will of the Lord on this day. Have you ever watched someone grow throughout the years and noticed a significant change in them? You’ve noticed that they have come a long way from the way they use to be. You’ve noticed their walk is different and their talk is different, before you know it…the old man rises up and reminds you why you can’t the stand the individual. Some things just don’t change.

In our churches today, we have so many things that have changed within the body of Christ that it almost becomes unnoticeable. Then we have things that are very noticeable, and many folk think that this new form of Christian atmosphere (what many call pseudo-Christian) is the powerful anointing of God. We have our youth mimicking the gospel artists by bringing in secular dances into the church. I would say about twenty or twenty-five years ago, a person wouldn’t dare bring secular dancing, tight out fit wearing, cleavage exposing, using cussing in your sermon acting behavior into the church. The elders of the church would not allow it. How have things become so out of place in the church?

The old man is that nasty ugly individual who was on their way to tell. Some who are in the church from lay person to multi-millionaire Bishops who look anointed, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost…are on their way straight to hell. There is this aura or spirits of greed, popularity, start my ministry without my pastor’s blessing in our church today. There is this attitude or spirit of wanting to be seen, wanting to be the one that God uses. But we don’t wait for God to the pave the way for us…we pave our own way. Some things just don’t change.

I can just see from the above photo that this could very well be Snoop Dogg, still rapping, with no teeth in his mouth and still having hoochified womean by his side (Is hoochified a word? I just made it one.). I can also see church folk displaying their same characters and behaviors that resemble the world. I’ve seen on a service by service basis (when my church is invited to others churches) folk prophelying about what God is going to bless folk with…although these folk who are disobedient to God, He’s still going to bless them. I’ve heard women, who really need to sit down and truly be discipled. That we are all kings, men and women, and that we need to begin to believe and take our rightful place on this earth. Another young sister, who so happily gave a shout out to Pastor Jamal Bryant of Empowerment Temple, she could have kept that shout out, cause many of the folk in there was not impressed by that. This young sister got to talking ghetto, saying in her prayer (I’m paraphrasing) “Lord I thank you for this day and all that you do. I speak for these young women and ask that this word uplifts them. Let them know that their lip gloss is popping and that they are all that. Lord let these youth know that you are a bag of chip and more….” This sister just continued to give a poor speech at this youth conference (it sure wasn’t a sermon). We had worldly titles from some of the speakers such as “I want my bling bling”, “We are all kings” and the list goes on. Some things just don’t change.

This all comes from the sinful nature of man. It’s in our bone, our genetic being. Sin has its ability to overthrow the goodness and righteousness of God if we allow it to. So many times we have folk wanting to do things their own way, and they don’t even realize that they are heading toward self destruction. We may think that our own way leads us to success but that’s not what the Bible says.

12There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12 (King James Version)

We get caught up in the world’s way of life and don’t even know it. Today man is creating things and making discoveries, trying to eliminate God from the equation…that’s just not possible. We as parents and church leaders need to truly stand up for the Word of God so our young people can have true hope. I’m tired of seeing youth constantly be in and out of juvenile. I’m tired youth being confused and cannot be able to tell the difference between their parent(s) at church and their parent(s) at home. The parent(s) cry, snot and bleed all over the alter at church, but is cussing up a storm at the house (most start cussing in the car before they leave the church grounds). Almost every young person I talk to want to have a closer relationship with their parent(s). But they admit that their parents act one way in public than they do in private. I sure don’t want my kids to find an ounce of that in me. Some things just don’t change.

I sometimes wonder why I don’t have a lot of money. Then the Spirit of the Lord speak to my heart and let’s me know that I am not ready. I wondered why I could not make it into the NBA and be able to support my family and my parents. The Spirit of the Lord would speak again and let me know that I would be no earthly good for those who need to be reached. And I would probably have a lot more children spread throughout the world besides my five prides of joy. God has called us to be the salt and light of the world. But if our household and family don't see that light in us, then it is obviously dim to the world.
You all make a difference in someone's life today. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.
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