Friday, November 2, 2007

They Don't Know Better - Part II

18He who speaks on his own authority seeks to win honor for himself. [He whose teaching originates with himself seeks his own glory.] But He Who seeks the glory and is eager for the honor of Him Who sent Him, He is true; and there is no unrighteousness or falsehood or deception in Him. John 7:18 (Amplified Bible)

The Spirit of God warned me that this Christian walk was not going to be easy…especially the messages that He is giving me to bring to the people. I thank God for my spiritual elders, who continue to be a light for me during this awesome and challenging time in the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people in this world look to get noticed by any means necessary, but God only exalts those who humbles themselves and exalts God only. The world (Egypt) continues to show us why they are of the world. As time gets closer for the return of Christ, we must make sure we’re surrounded by the love and support of other believers in Christ, who truly hear from the Lord. (Through His Word and His earthly elders, not audibly). Many folk in this world don’t know better…do you?

We start this series with the apparent saga of this young preacher boy I spoke about over a year ago. This young man’s name is Minister Terry Durham, a nine year old twin boy from Florida who started ministering at the age of two (his brother plays the drums for him). AT THE AGE OF….lets move on. Terry stated in an interview that he told his grandmother he wanted to preach, so she got together along with some unconfirmed pastors and ministers and began grooming this little boy to preach. By the time he was six, he was ordained as a minister. Now I know I am going to get some folks to tell me that I’m hatin’ on an anointed nine year old and that I should not touch God’s anointed. I say HA! Hear me out first. Many folk in this world don’t know better…do you?

8 year old Terry Durham preaching at this service. Where are the men?

I am not saying that the boy is not called and chosen by God to preach. I am not saying that this young man is not on his way to be a great man of God some day. I am that someone needs to get in there (the churches) and tell these ignorant pastors and preachers that God is not pleased about going outside His plan before He says its time. Where is this boy’s father to lead him appropriately in his young life? Never mind that question. The lad is not ready to preach…especially in this vicious time that we are living in now. Please read this attached articles at your leisure to know where I am going with this. Also, go to in order to see some of the ministry foolishness I am talking about.

Little Terry sounds like a prosperity preacher. Not good!

Jesus said, "I didn't make this up. What I teach comes from the One who sent me. Anyone who wants to do His will can test this teaching and know whether it's from God or whether I'm making it up. A person making things up tries to make himself look good. But someone trying to honor the One who sent Him sticks to the facts and doesn't tamper with reality. It was Moses, wasn't it, who gave you God's Law? But none of you are living it. So why are you trying to kill me?" John 7:16-20 (The Message)

These eyes and hears of mine have seen and heard some of the most disturbing forms of ministering (whether it be prophelying, misinterpretation of scripture, etc.) in my seven years of Christianity. I’ve seen and heard folk be totally off of what God is saying to His people and they don’t care. In this little boy’s case and many others, folk try to groom them too fast too early. Then next thing you know (I am seriously praying that this does not happen.) this young boy and many others could get burned out well before they were suppose to even start and loose faith in the very God they were suppose to be hearing from. Many folk in this world don’t know better…do you? There’s another young boy being promoted named Samuel Boutwell (7), he reminds me of Dennis the Menace…just looks like he can get into all kinds of trouble. I’ve seen numerous clips and articles on other young aged boys preaching. I cannot believer that there parents/guardians are placing them on this petal stool this early in their lives. What makes me so frustrated is that these boys are being sacrificed in order for the parents to get some selfish satisfaction out of it. Folk don’t know better.

Young Samuel Boutwell sounds good, but seems to be sacrificed for fame.

Jesus’ statement in this scripture is stating that He did not receive His teaching from the rabbis, nor did He fabricate (falsify) His teaching. Jesus’ teaching came from God Himself. Many folk will say, “Jesus preached/taught when He was nine years old”. Jesus was the only nine year old who was 100% God and 100% child…I believe this is an exception. The test of a teacher, preacher, pastor or prophet is whether or not he delivers God’s message the way God wants it delivered. Jesus gave God’s message the way it was suppose to be brought, as well as many other great men of God in the Bible. I know of some great men and women who deliver God’s message accordingly and I know some who may be off task, and I know this based on the Word of God and the instruction of my pastor and spiritual elders. This pastor thing continues to come up for some reason.

If we are to live this walk for Christ correctly, we must make sure that we crucify this flesh daily in order God to use us for His purpose. Young Terry needs to be allowed to be a child and not pressure to bless folk with anointed milk and cookies…what does this child know about trials and tribulation. God can use anybody and anything, but when there are plenty of adult elders to train the youth…God will use the youth in His timing. Little man even has a myspace page showing all of his holy shows at churches he “ministered” at. Grown folk talk about preach preacher…just ignant. If you go to his website, you’ll see a clip of him preaching and photos from various stars. I don’t have a problem with folk taking pictures with other folk, but with the unfruitful? I guest if you can’t tell the difference between fruitful and unfruitful then it must be alright. Kelly Price, Terry Crew, Tommy “Tiny” “Debo” Lister and John Hagee (somebody need to run now)? But the thing that gets me with T. Durham, is that on the “Terry Durham” tab, their selling (or getting ready to) DVDs of the lad preaching, laying hands on folk and possibly anointed folk with holy milk (I’m being foolish, but serious). And all this is AT THE EXPENSE OF AN INOCENT CHILD!!! Many folk in this world don’t know better…do you?

31The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests exercise rule at their own hands and by means of the prophets. And My people love to have it so! But what will you do when the end comes? Jeremiah 5:31 (Amplified Bible)

Remember the story of Marjoe Gortner, there’s a documentary on him and how he staged his entire routine in the church. Now don’t be a fool saints, this still is going on and Marjoe just busted it up. The things that hurts the most is that folk that know it is false preaching still love hearing it.

Marjoe Gortner vs. Samuel Boutwell? Sad to even think.

Although many true warriors for God expose the lies that proclaimed men & women of God spit out of their mouths…the people still love hearing them in order to fulfill their desires of being told about their breakthrough, season, miracle and harvest. As long as they preach a "feel good" message them I’ll continue to give money to get money. If folk start preaching the True Word of God and start letting folk know their faults and selfishness as it pertains to God, the people will send their money elsewhere…AND STILL GO TO THEIR CHURCH!!! HA! HA! HA! I laugh in disappointment because this has gone on for years and it is hardly mentioned. Folk don’t know better.

Continue to lift up the blood stained banner of Christ and pray for one another, including your enemies. If we look to the hills which our help comes, we know it will and does come from the Lord. Join me in praying a powerful covering over these young boys and others who are thrown in the fire without being prepared and discipled for it. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 1, 2007

They Don't Know Better

2For people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffing), disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane. 5For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them]. Timothy 3:3, 5 (Amplified Bible)

I am purely coming out of agape love with my messages that God has given me. I know that these messages sound harsh and condemning (based on others opinions), but I must say that I am truly stating what God has placed on my heart. I am working on presenting the messages in a kinder way...NOT! God has called me to deliver the Word in many different ways...some uncomfortable and others less uncomfortable. The day I preach differently from His way for my way is the day I am on my way to TBN or The Word Network. Not that all the TBN/The Word folk are bad, but most of them are. Spending time and making time to gain spiritual relationship with the Lord really allows God to open up our eyes and understand what His Word truly says. We begin this journal concerning spiritual leaders not knowing any better about what they're doing, and they leading the people of God into a spiritual ditch and they know it.

First I would like to mention that God is a God of order and authority. He wants things done in His order and under His authority. I believe that we have become a society that has gone away from respecting authority because there is no respect for God Jehovah. The church is in crisis with men, women, boys and girls being abused mentally, physically and sexually by men and women of God. We've all witnessed politicians coming out because and say that the reason why they're so pervert in the mind is because of a minister or relative molested them. I am not stating that this is not the case. But I am stating that we must not be ignorant to the tragedies that plague us today. We have many of our politicians who attack, and I mean publicly attack Christians who publicly state that they’ve been delivered from their lifestyle and stronghold of sin. Oh Barack Obama just did on MTV talking about Donnie McClurkin’s stand against homosexuality. But Obama says that he’s “religious”. Last time I check my Bible, Jesus despises religion and its traditions…folk don’t know better

Our churches and ministries are being lead by some greedy, selfish and mighty blind folk. Pastors, pastorettes (this cannot be a word...maybe we can get it put in the dictionary) and prophelyers are out to steal the very innocence we long for with God. We're living in a time where men and women in the ministry have lost their minds. Some of the women in the ministry have this mentality of "superior over all" complex that has stirred the church up. Some of these women that I've witness now label themselves as "divas" (which means goddess), "sexy anointed", "judge", "apostles", "prophetess" and have not heard any of these title given to them from the Lord (some more folk just got mad me). Some men in the ministry have spiritually and physically copped out of being responsible to the precious job that the Lord had given them and settled into becoming spiritual pimps, and "playas"...robbing God's people of the Truth. Folk don't know you?

I will come out and say and women like Juanita Bynum-Weeks and Yolanda Adams are some TALENTED women, I dare not say anointed because that word is always taken out of context. We are not sensitive enough to discern that folk like these need to be held accountable for the actions they display before God and His people. Now I've said many times that I believe that these different spiritual figure started out with a sincere hearts for God, but got lost along the way and forgot where they came from and Who brought them out of their circumstances. Folk don't know you?

Juanita Bynum has sold some "anointed prayer cloths" for $50 and above. She, along with her husband Bishop Thomas weeks III are selling their wedding on DVD titling it the ceremony of the century. They have Tony, Toni, Tone's "It's Our Anniversary" playing as well as Kool and the Gang's "Celebration", Celebrate the times...COME ON on there as well. They are truly robbing the people of God and fooling even the very elect into believing they are listening ever more to God. Joel Osteen last year did not hold up the blood stained banner of Jesus Christ on Larry King Live. And if you saw the show, I honestly believe, deep down inside, that Larry King was looking for the Truth. TD Jakes was on Oprah, but no gospel was presented...Women Thou Art Loose was, but no Christ. Paula White on the Tyra Banks Show, no Jesus was mention, but she's a "life coach" and a "motivational speaker". If a television show wanted me to be on their program and told me that I could not say this and that (which they do) I would not go on that show. Did ya'll know that Disney and others major television networks pay churches (the pastors really) not the preach hell, homosexuality, promiscuity and the lies in the world. This is one of the reasons why we see and hear these "God loves you", "your breakthrough is coming", the anointing of God is all over you" messages. Folk don't know you?

Two years ago, Bynum-Weeks traveled with Yolanda Adams, Martha Munizzi and Rizen for their sister tour. They didn't tour with strictly Christian folk; they toured with Christian/secular folk. Folk like Kelly Price and Sheila E. were on hand to "spiritually spice up" the tour with "extra anointing". Watch this clip and tell me if the "anointing of God" was in that place. Also pay attention to Sheila E. For those who don't know her, she still goes on tour with Prince (the sexually explicit singer).

Sisters In The Spirit?

This is Yolanda Adams back in 2004 at the BET Awards. She comes on stage singing with Kanye West in his song Jesus Walks. Kanye was on stage standing behind a church podium, portraying the role of a preacher like in his video. The folk in the crowd were still dancing like they were in the club, and I guarantee that they thought they were having chuch because of Jesus Walks.

Yolanda w/ Kanye West

Folk are gullible, but I have to say something about my African American folk cause that's what I'm is (my language arts teacher would kill me if she read this). Majority of black folk want to blame things on the "white man" and the "government", but we never look at ourselves and what we're doing to succeed in this life. We blame slavery on the "white man" when blacks originated slavery in first place. We blame poverty on the "government" when we are always trying to scam our way to success. I know that we have a struggle as black folk, but we have believe in an Almighty God and allow Him to truly transform us away from foolishness. Yolanda Adams may have had good intention of being a light for folk by singing with Kanye, but that was not the move to make. Fame, fashion and fortune are not more important than God. If we seek Him first, His Kingdom and His righteousness, those things that our hearts desire will be added unto to us...if it is in His will and in His timing. Folk don't know you?

Are youth are being exposed to a bunch of lies and believe them. Our youth believe that it is natural to disrespect women and call them all kinds of b---- and h--, etc. Don Imus got fired…majority of the Hip Hop artist should have been blitzed for their sexually explicit and profane albums. But they’re (hip hop artists) are having to answer now. With the damage being done towards our youth today…no one is there to pick up the pieces. Our young men who grow up fatherless grow up as spiritual bastards and our young women become vulnerable to treated like trash. And all this is because folk too busy trying to get their breakthrough, season, miracle and harvest. And as these selfish desires continue, our world and church (as a whole) are falling apart. Folk don’t know better.

In closing, I encourage each and every one of us to think of who is ministering to us daily. Who is truly ministering to our youth, and who are we allowing to minister to us and our loved ones? Enjoy your selves this weekend and bring someone folk to church with you on this Sunday. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Alternative Substitutions

9Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Romans 12:9 (King James Version)

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. I thank the Lord for this awesome day that He has always made. Yes this message is pertaining to the Helloween that is being celebrated on this day. I am surrounded by numerous folk who are happy to be "dressed up" today in costumes. Sadly to say, people of God will loose focus of God today and focus on Satan...knowingly or unknowingly, but still ignorantly thinking. Folk have no clue when the word of God says in Hosea 4:6 (Amplified Bible),
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children.

All Saints Nights should not be an "ALTERNATIVE" to Helloween. The Lord has ministering to me about having a Holy Spirit (Ghost) filled service, next to preach the Gospel of Jesus on Helloween 2007. Folks, why do we copy everything that the world does? We have candy (substituted for trick-or-treated candy), costume dressing, carnival fares, spiritual house (substituted for haunted houses) and many other unnecessary things going on at the churches on this day. My questions are, 1) Why is the Word of God not being preached if we're at "All Saints Night"? 2) Why are we not making sure that our youth be given the Word of God and to encourage their peers to know the Truth, than just give them candy (pure sugar), games to play and party time, in the holy sanctuary of God? 3) Why don't we have service around this nation that will boldly denounce Helloween and uphold the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ by not have All Saints Night, Hallelujah Night, party, jam or anything else without ministering to some hurting folk in the church?

12And you shall know (understand and realize) that I am the Lord; for you have not walked in My statutes nor executed My ordinances, but have acted according to the ordinances of the nations around you.
Ezekiel 11:12 (Amplified Bible)

God is not pleased with making Him and His work as an alternative to Satan's work. When we substitute worldly things and make it godly, we still want that worldly taste wrapped up in a spiritual package. Folk just can't stop placing poisonous sugar in their bodies so they'll substitute it with sweet 'n' low. They want thing to taste the same, but be "spiritual". Our youth are spiritually and physically dieing daily when we refuse to give them the Truth. We would rather give them what we never had or were not able to have, than give them what they need and what we all need is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Now if you're preaching the Word I'm not talking about you. If you're truly raising your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, this message is not for you. But if you're allowing All Saints Night be a substitution for Helloween and the only difference is the title of the event...SHAME ON YOU!!!

The word "hallow" in Halloween means "to make holy or set apart for holy use", "to respect greatly" (Webster's Dictionary). This day is supposed to be a day that is sacred to the Lord just like any other day, not given an alternative to a day that is already His to begin with. Our youth need to understand that the church must take a stand to the day that is set aside for the devils, demons, ghouls...the hounds of hell. But the church must take that stand in order for our youth to do the same. They'll only do what they see the adults do. Let us eliminate the alternative substitutions.

In today's time, we want the world covered in Christian chocolate. I've heard of Christian clubs, Christian fraternities, sororities and secret societies. Christian hip hop, rock, Goth, soap operas and plays all have a lot of taste of the world in their spiritual stew. Folk want to be noticed in all aspects and refuse to wait on God to show them the way. We, too often as believers, look to please our flesh and not even realize it. The taste of the world is still in many of the Christians' mouths and we must eliminate the taste before we indulge in spiritual gluttony. Let us eliminate the alternative substitutions.

As I was in Albuquerque, NM earlier this week, I was sadden to see on CNN that they were discussing and asking in a question if the Halloween costumes that they display for the kids was too sexy. Why are we asking these questions? Why is the subject worth getting opinions instead of letting folk know that this is not expectable to allow young innocent children dress like grown prostitutes and hoochies? Why are we sacrificing our children of today like the children were sacrifice back in the days of Egypt? Why do so many Christians continue to embrace the thing of the world not caring if God is pleased? Because that taste is still there, just as long as no one knows that I’m fully addicted to the things of the flesh it’ll be all good. These substitutions must be eliminated.

19For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.
Romans 16:19 (King James Version)

To better understand the history of the created demonic day, know the history that is behind the creation of Halloween. Everything about the worldly October 31st is demonic and well influential to those who celebrate it. God inhabits the praises of His people…do realize that Satan inhabits the praises of his people as well. Get with your pastors and assist us in having a Holy Ghost service to denounce Helloween 2007. If your pastors allow all the fun and festivities without preaching setting a holy standard before God, let pray for them as well. Pray that we all continue to seek the Truth in these last and certainly evil days. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries Inc. All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 29, 2007

Inconsistent Christians

15Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1 John 2:15 (King James Version)

We war against our flesh daily, that’s a proven and knowing fact. We war against principalities, rulers of darkness and of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places…understood. But there seems to be an issue with certain believers (and we all deal with it) when it comes to humbling ourselves during the bad and unknowing times in our lives that God wants to be able to receive the glory. WHAT? What I am saying is that the church is continuing to fall because 1) folk do not know their proper place as far as authority is concerned. 2) folk are still stuck in some of their own desires and thoughts, refusing to let go of certain things and persons that do not pertain to God. 3) folk, when in their flesh, are always right and everybody else has lost their minds when they are being counseled for correction. There can be (from time to time) some inconsistency in the life of a Christian that can slowly corrupt them of they are not careful.

We, who are children of the most high God should know that God wants us to live for Him and Him only. But there are some influences that can hinder our growth…the main individual being ourselves if we are not careful. 2 Corinthians 6:14 warns us not to be unequally yokes with unbelievers, but this trend does not seem to stop when it comes to having our own agenda. See God is looking for folk to take a stand in their lives that have it made up in their minds that they are going to follow the ways of the Lord. God wants us to stop loving the world, because there are clues of fowl stenches in the church and alerts the elders of our churches that certain folk ain’t living right…yes I said ain’t. The Word is for the church because the people in the church don’t like to obey all the rules of God and attempt to make up things themselves and call it the anointing of God. When we mix the profane with the godly, then it becomes useable by God. But God is able to use any and everything. This is true, but He has set some rules and authority concerning some things and if He decides that He wanted to allow everything that was bad for good then He would be going back on His Word. There is inconsistency amongst the Christian community.

What John is explaining in the text today is that the people in those times, like they are today, were acting in way that was inconsistent with the relationship with Christ. See the world is a morally evil system, which opposes all that god is and holds dear to. The world cares nothing about a believer in Christ or anything that has to deal with holiness. This system of the world was set up and planned by Satan himself. When individuals are confronted by those who love them, that individual always believes that someone is after them, hate them, are jealous of them and are always in their business. When all along, Satan has planted the lie that no one cares about them. With all the mixing with the profane and gospel entertainment copying what the secular are doing, the church is continuing to lose its power at a rapid pace. Saints, Christian folks have no business dealing with secular folk when it comes to hanging out with them in fellowship.

11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Ephesians 5:11 (King James Version)

If we truly love one another, we need to be able to come out of love and expose (reprove) the sins that people we love are involved in. If folk are hanging around the wrong crowds, we need to let them know. I witnessed some unsaved families correct, warn and chastise their loved ones when they are wrong. Then I’ve seen and continue to see Christian folk join together to demonically be against another brother or sister in Christ. Too many times folk who we think is on our side, end up being the very person that is drawing us further away from God’s Truth. We are not to indulge ourselves with folk or things that are of pure evil and have no righteous roots in them. We want to hang around that pacify our situation and hardly hang around those you are going to expose our sins out of love. Corrections, we never hang around those who are discerning and know better than to deal with our foolishness when we’re in our mess. There is inconsistency in the lives of many Christians today and many churches are not saying anything about it.

In all reality, expose the negative the influence that an individual is either around or performing themselves. Remember rebellion is the same as witchcraft…that what it says in my Bible. We must expose the sins that are being performed and allow the Holy Ghost to work within you. If you’re trying to help someone and you’re living in repetitive sin yourself (sinning knowingly), I’d advise you not to engage in helping folk expose their sins…you’re just keeping your sins covered. Your sins are not being exposed for deliverance. I know we hear this quite often, folk will discuss another individual’s negative lifestyle and discuss it proudly. But when it comes to their lifestyle being under the scope…everyone needs to shut up. There is a great deal of inconsistency in our walk with Christian when we are stuck on ourselves.

4Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. James 4:4 (King James Version)

Saints, we must learn to avoid hanging around with the lost when we ourselves are not where we are suppose to be in Jesus Christ. The more we hang around ungodly folk, the more we began to think and speak foolishly concerning the things of God. You see, an individual who truly loves Christ will 1) inform those who are blinded by the world that they are being led astray from God. 2) totally separate from the individual or group, realizing that they themselves are having no ill effect on those they are around. 3) pray and fast for them, which is highly more effective than hanging around them and having no mention of Jesus in any of our conversations. Unless we are using His name in vain. Inconsistent Christians struggle with their challenges, but we all called and ordained by God to overcome each challenge that tests our endurance of faith...

This is not about God’s attitude towards us; it’s about our attitude towards God. The difference between the world and God is so different that we move toward the world, that we alienate ourselves from God. Has there been too many times in your life that you have felt that has forgotten you? Are there too many times where it seems that God has forsakened you? Could it be that we are attracted to the things of the world more than the things of God? God forbid. In the world, sin is considered acceptable and pleasurable. Unfortunately the world has lost its awareness of sin, and the sins have become a habit or routine. I don’t care what others say that is against the Word of God, the more you sin or hang around the atmosphere of sin, the more you become numb to the Word of God…and this can be a slow method of throwing your faith in Christ out of the window. There is inconsistency in the Christians’ walk, but we must still preach Jesus Christ crucified.

1Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 1 John 3:1 (King James Version)

We should stand in amazement of God’s love. We should be able to understand that God’s love is amazing, everlasting, merciful unending for those who truly love him. God loves are believers of Him through Jesus Christ only…are you one of the believers He loves? Jesus loves His own who are in the world, but are not of the world and will love all believers in Christ to the end (John 13:1). There must be consistency on our part in order to fell and witness the true, divine power of God.

Saints, I order to avoid being labeled an inconsistent Christian; we must realize that there cannot be any more soul ties with others via fornication/sex outside marriage. There cannot no longer have bitterness, hatred, jealousy and envy towards our families, friends and enemies if we want God to use us in a mighty way. People say all the time that they are waiting for God to do things for us, but realize that God has been telling us that He is telling us in His Word that He has to use us in order to actually do things in our lives. But in order for this to happen (be used by God) we make sure that our lives are being lived for the glory and honor of the Lord. The inconsistent Christian must be stop within the individual, within the family and within the church. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Separate Standards

17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6:17 (King James Version)

I pray that you all are well in the will of our Almighty God on this day. I just have to share my thoughts on this passage of scripture and it is based on the lyfestyle that folk are taking today and calling it holy. How in Sam’s hill can you explain what holy hip hop is? I can remember when you couldn't get by with foolishness in the church. I am only 31 and during my pre-teens I can remember the women and men of the church not allowing the secular influence invade the church. Well we flip over to twenty-years later and what once could not get into the church, has taken it to an unholy new level. There is a separate standard from the standard of Christ.

The photo above is hip hop group Gospel Gangstas…folk’s are holy thugs for Christ. IMMA WESTSIDE CHRISTIAN!!! Let me come back to reality. These boys have been in the business of foolishness since 1995 or a little before.
Their images are far away from Christ and they are attempting to make some sort of comeback, but their standard is separate from God’s. I would like for you all to take a look at this promo concerning the gangstas DVD before I go into what God has placed on my heart for this text. Look at the names who they say are collaborating with them…its becoming more and more disappointing how the church is accepting any and everything.

As you can see Yolanda Adams and Kirk Franklin’s name is on the promo for this and I am not surprised. But my soul is vexed because of how these types of collaborations are damaging the body of Christ. How do you stop the church from making an impact on the families, on the communities and on the world? You get a hold of the children and young babes in Christ. The flesh is still weak at these stages and unless they see the strong faithful speak against it, they’ll continue to think it’s alright. How can those who are suppose to set the standard in this world have any dealing with those who seem to be confuse about the holy standard that we are suppose to set. Don’t get me wrong, I know Christians are humans and we do make mistakes…I am calming those who use this line for most of their reasoning for sin. But we must know that as we live in sin, we have to have that repentant heart…DAILY, and work against sinning again. Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams and other are hold their own standard and trying to make it God’s. You’re telling me that you’re going to be on a project that has thugs throwing gang signs, dressed as thugs and have their own agenda? You’re going to be apart of a project that has secular folk such E-40, Kurupt and others who are not saved? God forbid, but it is happening. I wouldn’t want to have any dealings with someone named Kurupt, the word corrupt means an individual willing to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain or they are evil or morally depraved. There are separate standards here and the church must speak against it.

I have received emails that advise me to read Matthew 18. I respond by stating that Matthew 18:15-17 pertains to a personal offense and not a doctrinal problem. How is it that folk want private conferences and are afraid the publicly confront the false doctrine that folk are displaying. It is because the big name preacher and gospel artist who makes us feel good becomes our spiritual crack, the more we hear them; the more we become fans of them and defend them. A fan is a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular sport, art form, or famous person. And they tend to defend something or someone to the fullest. This is another topic to discuss later.

When God says to come our from among them and be separate, He does not mean for us to be isolated from society. We have too many folk that is so holy and sanctified that they are no earthly good. We not isolate from the unsaved but we must discourage the compromise that is taking fold. It seems to me that Kirk, Yolanda and others comprise with the values and practices of the unsaved. Paul is encouraging us to maintain some integrity in the world just as Christ did. See what I love above Jesus is that He always avoided fame. When He performed miracles, He told people to tell no one. There is too much self promotion in the Christian community today, that God is getting the secondary praise after self has been exposed. How is your ministry going so far? Are we making sure that we get no credit for what God is doing through us, or are we doing things outside the will of the Father and giving Him false credit? Our standards must be aligned with God and separate from the world, instead it’s the other way around. When I see people not knowing where certain behaviors originated from and believe it’s from God, it just breaks my heart. At the same time I look at my own family and life to make sure that what I’m displaying to the public reflects my home. Our standards must not be separate from God’s.

Please join me in praying for the confused/lukewarm Christians and the unsaved (this includes those who think they’re saved, but are not). Things are unfolding as the Bible describes and business sure is picking up. Allow the Holy Spirit to direct every path that God’s sends us on and don’t allow the demonic spirits lure us into a false light, which is really darkness. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries Inc. All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 21, 2007

Some Things Just Don't Change - Part II

22Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and discard your old unrenewed self] which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion; 23And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude], 24And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God's image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24 (Amplified Bible)

I pray that all is well with you on this beautiful day in the Lord. I thought I was done with this journal topic, but ignant folk cause me to come back with a part two. If we look at the scripture…FOR WHAT GOD SAYS, we will find that we need to rip away our old ways in order to conform to the things of God. Some folk in the church are loosing their minds and showing off some phony bologna, and they publicly display this foolishness then we need to publicly address it. Some things just don’t change.

I ran into some very immature spiritual posts on the YouTube’s, the myspace’s and the Google videos about what individual’s think about certain topics concerning the church. Folk, who are suppose to be of the church, are highly upset at powerful men and women of God who are taking a stand against this secular lifestyle of the church. Let us break this down.

There have been some comments against those who truly stand up for Christ which allow me to really see that people are accustomed to fleshy desires. There was a question that asked if it is ok for Christians to listen to secular music. One woman stated that she believes that it is based on the maturity level of the individual, and then stated that she listen only to gospel music and recently bought her first Christian CD. She also stated that she has a hard time listening to gospel because she sees no difference in the music besides God being mentioned a little more in the songs. She said that they gospel artists use the same beats and instrumentals of folk like R. Kelly, Ludacris, Kanye West, Mary J. Blige, etc. She would rather listen to R. Kelly Bump-n-Grind than a gospel artist talking about bumping-n-grinding for Jesus. This is sad…here is a woman who claims to be Christian (I am not denying her faith), and she cannot break away from the filth of secular music because majority of our gospel artists are displaying the same beats, majority of the lyrics, all of the dance moves (well almost all), and wearing the attire of the secular artists. Some things just don’t change.

Men & boys

4And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 (King James Version)

Today’s society has taken a huge toll on our males in this country. For our young men the stats are not good and do not look to be improving.

80% of our African American families are without fathers in the home
31% of our Hispanic American families are without fathers in the home
22% of our Anglo American families are without fathers in the home

As you can see the African American have a higher absence in fathers than our other counterparts. This is alarming, but what is the church doing about? I don’t know the stats on this, but I’ll find out somehow…how many churches are taking these fatherless young men under their protective wings and helping these single mothers raise these boys up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. It’s a small percentage, because those men who are in the church are only thinking of themselves. The brothers in the church are thinking about that piece of tale they can get into from sister so and so. They’re thinking and scheming about how they can get paid or have this “church woman” take care of them…they don’t have time to help raise a young man up to be a man, because they’re too busy continuing to be a kid. When I was a child I speak as a child….some of these brothers are still in the child mode because they never had the chance to grow up to be a man. Majority of the males know how to do now is to get what they can get now and become gospel gangstas, pitiful preachers (a lot of young men are saying that God called them to preach) and horny deacons and lay members. They’re having no physical effect on the fatherless boys in the church, but with these negative…excuse me DEMONIC behaviors & influences, the young boys are watching every thing that we do brothers. And all this does is repeat a tireless cycle, with folk talking about a solution, but having little or no action to back up the talk. Some things just don’t change.

Then we come to the fact that more our young boys who are being brought up without a father are more likely to use drugs, have sex, commit crimes & suicides, and becomes homosexual than those who do have fathers in the home. Don’t get me wrong, just because those who do have fathers in the home, does not mean that things are just peachy. A father can be in the home physically, but absent spiritually. If a father is not bringing his children up with the utmost love and care (which means balancing the love with beating that butt), then he risks having that children to commit the above acts. I see Christian fathers who are so rapped up in their religion of church so bad that their lineage is deteriorating right before their very eyes and they don’t realize it spiritually. I met one father who came to pick up his son from the juvenile detention facility and asked how long it was going to take before his son was ready because he had to go to choir rehearsal. CHOIR REHEARSAL? Excuse me but I believe that one missed day of rehearsal to spend whatever little time with your son is worth it. I ended up seeing this same father at an event that my group had to sing in…trust me when I say dad needs to trade the baritone role for the father role. Some things just don’t change.

Women and girls

3The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; 4That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, Titus 2:3-4 (King James Version)

Here’s an alarming stat for our women and girls. In 1962, there were only between 600 women in the whole country had children out of wedlock. So far in 2007 (to this date) 1.5 million a year are having children out of wedlock. WOW! Part of majority of this is because of the sperm donors (fathers) just dropping seeds and leaving. Another part of this is because the older women are not training up our young girls to become godly women. The reason that they are not teaching the young girls to be godly is because they still have some undealt issues that have not been resolved. It is frustrating to see our sisters in the ministry, sit up in the church, looking for a man, and looking for their breakthrough, season, miracle and harvest. They need their promise before they can effectively assist another woman or girl. This course is a lie from the pit of hell and it smells like smoke. Some things just don’t change.

Our young girls are out there competing for a nappy head, yellow teeth, pants hanging under the knees, can’t talk right boy…AND NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING! Our girls are in church, passing notes, talking about any and every thing outside Jesus Christ and where are our elder women to guide them in that righteous direction. Our prosperity preaching women are a part of fooling the silly (unbiblically educated and just plain silly) women into believing that God has a breakthrough for them while they’re still living in sin. And there are no elder women there to correct the foolishness that our young women are committing. It is sad to see that so many women and girls have men and boys names tattooed on their bodies, knowing that that male, most likely, will not be around. But with no father in the home to be that model for them, they continue to go around, settling for any piece of resemblance of a true man. Unfortunately, they have to settle for the closest image that is so far away from a true godly man. We have godly women who have leadership roles in the church and have been shacking up with their babies’ daddy for eight years and are nowhere close of asking for her hand in marriage. Our young girls are looking at this and see no difference in the church than in the world, so guest what they choose? Some things just don’t change.

Our fatherless women and girls go around for so long without the affirmation of their father to tell them that there are beautiful and to give them that protection and they need, they end up wanting the truth…but no one is there to lead them towards the right direction. These high profile preachers like Juanita Bynum-Weeks, Paula White, Joyce Myers and the like go through their mess (divorces, lies of God’s Word, etc.), with you women and girls being brainwashed into transforming into weak women or lesbians. Some things just don’t change.

Our problem as a church and a society is that the absence of a father can make it difficult to trust in the Lord. I mean how can we expect our fatherless youth to truly trust in the Heavenly Father when they’ve never had a true relationship with their earthly (biological) father. In the day that we live in now it causes for us to take a deeper outlook at the church. Watch out because I’m about to step on that big toe. The dominant women in the ministry have taking its toll on the church. Let me explain. With our women leading in the church majority of the time, they our leading in the masculine role of the church so much that it leaves the feminine role vacant. That vacant role is being filled by our soft, weak men…some things are backwards here. Let’s take it home. It’s difficult to maintain the true order of God and for folk to see who He really is when the roles have been reversed in the church and the home. When the mother or the woman have to try the best they can to take the place/role of the man, it spiritually set us all up to think of and worship a maternal God instead of a paternal God. God is not feminine, He’s 100% God spiritual male (Romans 1:20). Not being sexist…just stating the facts from God’s Word. The Bible is full of He(s) and Him(s)…you won’t find a she God in the Holy Writ.

It’s time out from playing. We must be able to let our hurting people know that God is after their soul, but He won’t bless them until they give their all to Him. We must not trust in the tactics of man…man’s tactic does not work. We must be able to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understanding. We must knowledge Him in all our ways and when that moment comes, He will then begin to direct our path (Proverbs 3:5-6 paraphrased).

Let’s continue to fast and pray for our society as it is today. Men and boys, let’s stop this curse of fatherlessness in our family and stop going out finding women…we need to find wives (Proverbs 18:22). Pull your pants up and take them “grillz” out of your mouths and brush your teeth. Trade in those thug Dickie pants and buy some slacks and suits and look like somebody. And for the sake of your lineage, start becoming a real man by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior. Repent of the sins that you have committed and love your wife like Christ loves the Church.

To my beautiful women and girls. You are a precious jewel to God and He does not want to see you hurt any longer. It is time to stop living in sin, trusting in a man who is still just a boy in a man’s body. You deserve better than what you have (if you’re not married), and God wants to show you how a real Father takes care of His daughter. If you’ve aborted a child or children, repent and begin to strong faith in Jesus Christ. For when you do, Jesus says in Luke 5:20 “…Your sins are given…”

I pray that you all will be care for by the Holy Spirit. Continue to be a light and hold up the bold stained banner for God. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries Inc. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Some Things Just Don't Change

22That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; 23And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24 (King James Version)

I pray that you all are well in the will of the Lord on this day. Have you ever watched someone grow throughout the years and noticed a significant change in them? You’ve noticed that they have come a long way from the way they use to be. You’ve noticed their walk is different and their talk is different, before you know it…the old man rises up and reminds you why you can’t the stand the individual. Some things just don’t change.

In our churches today, we have so many things that have changed within the body of Christ that it almost becomes unnoticeable. Then we have things that are very noticeable, and many folk think that this new form of Christian atmosphere (what many call pseudo-Christian) is the powerful anointing of God. We have our youth mimicking the gospel artists by bringing in secular dances into the church. I would say about twenty or twenty-five years ago, a person wouldn’t dare bring secular dancing, tight out fit wearing, cleavage exposing, using cussing in your sermon acting behavior into the church. The elders of the church would not allow it. How have things become so out of place in the church?

The old man is that nasty ugly individual who was on their way to tell. Some who are in the church from lay person to multi-millionaire Bishops who look anointed, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost…are on their way straight to hell. There is this aura or spirits of greed, popularity, start my ministry without my pastor’s blessing in our church today. There is this attitude or spirit of wanting to be seen, wanting to be the one that God uses. But we don’t wait for God to the pave the way for us…we pave our own way. Some things just don’t change.

I can just see from the above photo that this could very well be Snoop Dogg, still rapping, with no teeth in his mouth and still having hoochified womean by his side (Is hoochified a word? I just made it one.). I can also see church folk displaying their same characters and behaviors that resemble the world. I’ve seen on a service by service basis (when my church is invited to others churches) folk prophelying about what God is going to bless folk with…although these folk who are disobedient to God, He’s still going to bless them. I’ve heard women, who really need to sit down and truly be discipled. That we are all kings, men and women, and that we need to begin to believe and take our rightful place on this earth. Another young sister, who so happily gave a shout out to Pastor Jamal Bryant of Empowerment Temple, she could have kept that shout out, cause many of the folk in there was not impressed by that. This young sister got to talking ghetto, saying in her prayer (I’m paraphrasing) “Lord I thank you for this day and all that you do. I speak for these young women and ask that this word uplifts them. Let them know that their lip gloss is popping and that they are all that. Lord let these youth know that you are a bag of chip and more….” This sister just continued to give a poor speech at this youth conference (it sure wasn’t a sermon). We had worldly titles from some of the speakers such as “I want my bling bling”, “We are all kings” and the list goes on. Some things just don’t change.

This all comes from the sinful nature of man. It’s in our bone, our genetic being. Sin has its ability to overthrow the goodness and righteousness of God if we allow it to. So many times we have folk wanting to do things their own way, and they don’t even realize that they are heading toward self destruction. We may think that our own way leads us to success but that’s not what the Bible says.

12There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12 (King James Version)

We get caught up in the world’s way of life and don’t even know it. Today man is creating things and making discoveries, trying to eliminate God from the equation…that’s just not possible. We as parents and church leaders need to truly stand up for the Word of God so our young people can have true hope. I’m tired of seeing youth constantly be in and out of juvenile. I’m tired youth being confused and cannot be able to tell the difference between their parent(s) at church and their parent(s) at home. The parent(s) cry, snot and bleed all over the alter at church, but is cussing up a storm at the house (most start cussing in the car before they leave the church grounds). Almost every young person I talk to want to have a closer relationship with their parent(s). But they admit that their parents act one way in public than they do in private. I sure don’t want my kids to find an ounce of that in me. Some things just don’t change.

I sometimes wonder why I don’t have a lot of money. Then the Spirit of the Lord speak to my heart and let’s me know that I am not ready. I wondered why I could not make it into the NBA and be able to support my family and my parents. The Spirit of the Lord would speak again and let me know that I would be no earthly good for those who need to be reached. And I would probably have a lot more children spread throughout the world besides my five prides of joy. God has called us to be the salt and light of the world. But if our household and family don't see that light in us, then it is obviously dim to the world.
You all make a difference in someone's life today. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.
© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries Inc. All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 14, 2007

Deteriorating Leadership Part III

23And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 24Son of man, say unto her, Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in the day of indignation. 25There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof. 26Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. 27Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. 28And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken. 29The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. 30And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. 31Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD. Ezekiel 22:23-31 (King James Version)

Taking this topic home allows me to really appreciate the things that God has answered in my life. When accepting Christ, I made a vow to God to never let my spirit rest until I get thing right with Him. This means whenever I’ve done something wrong by offending someone or offending God, I want to know that I have walked away from His will. I WANT TO KNOW! And I know when I walk away from His will by not feeling His Spirit speak to mine. There’s a huge void there, there’s always something on my heart that I know is wrong. And if I don’t know what it is…then I fast and pray until the Spirit of God reveals it to me. How about you?

In dealing with the deterioration of our church leadership, we find ourselves walking around like chickens with our heads cut off. A true leader of God will always educate the people to be aware of the dangers that are out there. As I explained before, if I know of danger and a dangerous person…you better believe I’m going to tell it. Pre-marital sex, abortion, drugs, homosexuality & lesbianism, gangs and false worship is killing the people slowing and the many pastors/bishops/preachers/prophets are not informing the people about these dangers. Our young Christians are becoming holy thugs/gangsters for Christ and the people love it. Our young women are learning to become gospel whores because no on is saying that this is not of God. We are bringing dances from the world into the church AND NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING! We’ve got folk coming into the church and fooling our single women, the bones that have no covering (a husband), it allows the foolish behavior (the church language, the behavior, etc.) to seem so real but yet it does not have the power of the Holy Ghost. Deteriorating leadership is spreading at a rapid pace.

I have to practice what I preach so I’ll do just that. We’ve mentioned the Pastors Randy & Paula White are getting their divorce. Paula bought a home in Boerne, TX, and she has been frequently visiting, preaching, making special appearance (whatever you want to call it) at Family Praise Center Church in San Antonio, TX. The founder and Bishop of FPC is Bishop Rick Hawkins and the presiding pastor is his son, Pastor Dustin Hawkins. The unique thing about Hawkins & Hawkins is that they recently divorced their wives in the same month, February 2007. Both divorced their wives (this includes Dustin’s mother) in the same month and the same time? What is the deal? Paula sits in between Hawkins & Hawkins during the FPC services when she’s there, but the members don’t have a clue what is going on. But you better believe they love the type of preaching that they’re hearing. Help us God! Paula is now traveling with Rick Hawkins and they’ll be preaching together in Gary, Indiana next week…research it. Now there are questions around the internet asking if Rick Hawkins will marry Paula White. What is happening to the church? What is happening to the Christians who are totally depending on these deteriorated leaders? Some folk need to sit and truly go back to the first love which is Jesus Christ. Read this clip the San Antonio Express news as the media uncovers the truth about these deteriorating leaders.

And just to show how FPC and the Church Without Walls are no different from each other (remember I mentioned that the shepherd will leave one environmental location and arrive at another location that has the same environment). Here’s a clip of Bishop Hawkins preaching at the CWW. The title of his sermon is Walk It Out…just mention this title to your kids and ask them what that is. It’s a full sermon but I want you to pay attention to the end of the sermon and it gets worst as demonic worship begins to go off in what is supposed to be the house of the Lord. Click here to View now! After you see this clip, you’ll understand when I ask ARE YOU KIDDING ME? There were singing Walk It Out by a secular hip hop artist named Unk. And singing Walk This Way was sung by Aerosmith, which is a demonic nasty rock group, then resung it with Run-D.M.C.

I close by stating that there are few folk in the body of Christ that are preaching the Word unadulterated, unchallenged, unmatched, unparalleled and supernaturally. Saints of God, we must uphold the bold stained banner of Jesus Christ and not allow these deteriorating leaders in the church and in this world lead us into a destination that is not of God. Some of these leaderships are leading folk straight to hell….it’s definitely time to wake up and stop playing.

These are some shocking (to some of us) clips on the events leading up to and after the domestic violence situation on Juanita Bynum-Weeks and Thomas Weeks III. If you listen, Juanita in the first clip, you’ll see and even worry if this was staged. I can care less if it was stage or not, I just know that the dark will always come out to light. Check these clips out before Juanita and her people get them erased with their threats and intimidations. Which you’re supposed to be able to do on video sharing sights unless its copy written.

I smell a setup to make more money in the ministry. Did she just say that her job is done in the church and that God is placing her in the world to get her blessings? Click on the next clip before someone erases it…HURRY!

You see why we must know God and His Word for ourselves? There is a conspiracy of the prophets who are preaching lies to the people. This is a cancer to the churches today and we are ignorant to it as of a result. How much spiritual pain and suffering must we go through before we wake up and see that God is ANGRY! He’s angry at the church for being so foolish and perishing for the lack of knowledge. He’s angry at the leaders and the lay people of the church, because we are not educated to the things that are hurting until the damage is already done. We need to quit being so high and holy that we have no clue what is going on in the earth. Help us Lord!

We need to fast as well as pray folks. The kingdom of God is drawing nearer…are you ready? Enjoy your weekend and bring someone with you to church this weekend. But if your shepherd has been identified in this series, you may be better off watching TBN or some of those Word Network preachers. Not all of them are bad, but most of them are. Some folk need to truly get saved. Be blessed on this and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

Until the Sequel of Jesus,

Jodie McGarity Jr.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries Inc, All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Deteriorating Leadership Part II

30 An appalling and horrible thing [bringing desolation and destruction] has come to pass in the land: 31 The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests exercise rule at their own hands and by means of the prophets. And My people love to have it so! But what will you do when the end comes? Jeremiah 5:30-31 (Amplified Bible)

I pray that you all are in the grace of the Lord on this day. I pray for His continuous grace and mercy upon me every day, for I know I deserve death…but He lets me know “not yet” as I continue to live each day of my life.

We pick up from yesterday with the lack of accountability on our pedal stool Christians. As I mentioned on yesterday, the sins of leadership seem to take its toll on the lay members in the church. I’ve had trust worthy folk confirm some things that I have read concerning certain not only the Weeks’ and Pastors Randy and Paula White. Again, this is not gossip because the world has noticed these acts are wrong and publicized it. Our church leaderships are deteriorating.

Now about a few days after the Weeks drama made headlines, the Whites made headlines as well. Randy and Paula White announce that they are getting a divorce as well and stated that God shows us many things in unexpected situations. Excuse my eastside San Antonio language but SAY WHAT?! God shows us many things in unexpected situations? It’s about to get heavy. Our church leaderships are deteriorating.

I’ve had an opportunity to think this out, mediate on God’s Word, consult my pastor and spiritual elders, prayed, etc. I just don’t think that God is nowhere in the Weeks’ and White’s…blessing wise. How can a leader, a shepherd of a ministry live outside totally from their preaching and expect no one to say anything?

2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 2 Timothy 3:2 (King James Version)

I’m starting to see how the Spirit of God is revealing His Word more and more in time. Nobody is saying anything about these folks’ divorce. TD Jakes, who is the Juanita’s and Paula’s spiritual covering (which I don’t understand why the husbands didn’t take this role), stated that he had no comment when asked about the two women’s marital issues. I would not have address the media with this either, but did he do or say anything about it. Folks are being blind, they see that things are wrong and no one is saying anything.

The prophets, prophetess, bishops, pastors and favorite artists are speaking and singing lies that the people are loving it. Jeremiah was a powerful man of God because of what and how he preached. When God mentioned His people, His people were supposed to hold up a standard when it came to “Fake Jakes” & “Crooked Snakes” preaching some spiritual-less trash around God’s people. When there is a murderer outside or in a neighborhood, you better believe that I am going to reveal that individual to my wife, kids, family members, friends, etc. So when they see this individual, they’ll be able to run into the house for help. When deteriorating leaders begin to be about themselves, its time to expose them for who they are and leave them alone until they reconcile themselves with God. It is not biblical to divorce just because things are not working out. If there is abuse and adultery involve then that’s a different story. Here’s the problem though for the church.

Juanita had been married before, but her husband left her. Whether it was “too young for marriage” (according to Bynum) or God didn’t have them for me to begin is beyond me. Thomas Weeks was in a marriage at the time he was getting his flirt on with Juanita…can somebody say scandalous? Randy & Paula were both in previous marriages as well and have grown children. So both of these couples are heading towards divorce number two and no one is saying anything? What does this say about the church? What does this say about God’s Word? What does this say about God? When sin creeps in it creeps in. Why has no one question this and mentioned that this can rip a church apart? Because the people love what their hearing, the people love what their feeling, the people love the actual lies that are being told to them. This is going to sound harsh, but the Weeks’ and the White are using witchcraft on those who claim to love the Lord. Anytime we rebel against the Word of God that is sin. And rebellion is a form of spiritual witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23). But all folk have to say is that “God understand”. Yes, God does understand…how ignant folk can be. When we get out to the will and purpose of the Father we begin to mislead ourselves first and then mislead others. Wow, we’re able to cast spiritual spells on ourselves before poisoning other folks. This fight is definitely the Lord’s.

When we look up to and esteem highly this high standard bishops, pastors, gospel artists and stars…we’ll do anything to defend them. I know sports teams that will defend their team until their death, and it does not matter how terrible they may be. When it comes to a high profile human, the people react the same way. We can make a mistake so easily by putting individuals on a high pedal stool…that high pedal stool for only meant for Christ to sit in. Believing the breakthrough, season harvest prosperity messages should be old and dry. Because many bishops, apostles, pastors and prophets are nothing but modern day pimps and foolish people of the church are their whores. The prophets prophesy lies, which mean that they tell the people anything they want to hear…and the people love to hear it. “Just tell me I’m going to get that home and make that money and I’ll be good to go until I’m dealing with that same issue or other problem again. See, many Christians has been addicted to the type of walk that they been in for so long that it becomes tough to break. We don’t sin just to sin. We are not just involve with sinful lifestyles just to be in them. There are spiritual wickedness in high places that our influencing us when we sin. If the environment is wrong and we’re in it, then it is going to cause a change in our walk. Help us God!

An insecure woman will stick around and abusive man with hope that he’ll turn around for the better according to all the lies that he has told her. And it will take the power of the Holy Ghost to wake that woman up and deliver her from that abusive relationship. But the big keys for any individual dealing with the strongholds of sin and abusive situations is that they must surround themselves with strong Christians who are rooted, and I mean deeply rooted in the Word of God. Weak Christians can hang around weak Christian consistently and all the time…they’ll just falter and wither away together. But when you surround yourself with strong Christian who speaks unadulterated Truth to you, those are the ones who love you because they truly love Christ.

Saints, if there are leaders in the church who are not living up the standard that God has set, those folk need to take a sabbatical. This means that they need to sit down for a certain period of time (could be months or years) and be restore back with the Lord. The way these deteriorating leaders are going (the Weeks and the Whites) they need to be stopped are told that God is not please. Isn’t that what Nathan told David? I’m sure that it didn’t feel good to David, but David took account to the truth and repented, which change his heart truly back to God. I’m not saying that we don’t suffer for the sins that we commit (we reap what we so), but I am saying that as discipline comes our we, love is right along with it. Many people expect God to bless them in the mist of their mess, but it does not work that way. We looking for breakthroughs, money, men/women, and a spiritual high life in the mist of their messy life…and we still want God to bless us. Do we bless our children when their disobedient? God forbid.

Let’s conclude part three by asking this question. What happen once a Christian leaves a certain environment because “God is calling them into another area of their ministry”, and then go into the same environment, but different locations? Do know that I am not placing myself above anyone, I am asking questions to actions that are been done in the public. If the world is posting these Christian mishaps and know that it’s wrong, then truly we need to say something.

Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

Until the Sequel of Jesus,

Jodie McGarity Jr.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Lies Beneath Ministries, All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Deteriorating Leadership

30An appalling and horrible thing [bringing desolation and destruction] has come to pass in the land: 31The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests exercise rule at their own hands and by means of the prophets. And My people love to have it so! But what will you do when the end comes? Jeremiah 5:30-31 (Amplified Bible)

I pray that you all are well in the will of the Lord on this beautiful day in the Lord. I truly have been blessed in my growth in the Lord, haven’t you? We’re in the middle of September and there’s a whole heap of stuff that has happened in the body of Christ. Before I go on let me just say that I don’t…I mean I do not condone any type of abuse on anyone. I do not believe that abuse is biblical, but there seems to be something that is not right and I have to ask questions.

Some events happened in 2007 that has shaken the foundations of the churches. Events leading up to the media making the Bible seem like an ordinary book. More questions arise about the validity of God’s Word based on the evidence(s) of the Bible and also the life of today’s Christian. There have been times that folk of high platform status has had the opportunity to make a statement for God, but has crumbled into some type of shut mouth shell when it comes to speaking out the truth. We have deteriorating leadership going on and it seems like few folk are saying something about it.

I’m not a person to gossip so I’ll just state what seems to be fact from the media and myspace pages. In August Pastors Thomas Weeks III and Juanita Bynum-Weeks took a nasty turn in their marriage. There was a physical altercation that ensued and sister Juanita suffered the most out of it…physically speaking. Stay with me cause I’m going somewhere with this. Here are two individuals who are high in the pastoral popular area, a couple that had a million dollar wedding on television, and a couple who was “ordained by God” to help “expand the kingdom”. This took a turn for the worse has Weeks beat the snot out of his wife. This is not a joking matter, this is what happened. How has leadership deteriorated from this experience?

Folk have been scared from the ministry of the Weeks…just because of what happened. I can guarantee that at least a couple of folk (a whole lot more but I’m only guaranteeing a couple) lost their faith in Christ because of this domestic violence. There were some folk who were looking for hope in the Weeks’ and their hearts have been crushed. See saints, let me just say this before I move on, GOD HATES DIVORCE!!! PERIOD!!! There’s no way around it. I’ll use this analogy I learned in August before the Weeks/White drama unfolded. God created the marriage for unity, growth with your spouse, display for kindly affection for your spouse and working together to build up the kingdom of God. Women are the backbone of the marriage; they are backbone of the church as well. The men are the covering of the bone, and we are to cover and protect that bone by any means necessary. Men are not supposed to be harming part of the bone if they are one body. But if the covering (skin/man) is injured and weak…then the bone slowly and surely begins to break. As a man begins to lose focus of protecting his wife by getting hooked on porn, thinking of himself, lusting at other women or men…he begins to slowly break down the character, and the backbone capabilities of the woman.

One of my questions during all of this is way has no one said anything about this to the point of, “Hey let’s get some counseling.” Our leadership in the church is depleting and no one asking why or holding up the standard for which we are called to do. Where are the elders of the Weeks’ and the Whites’ to step in and kindly counsel them about their trials and tribulations? And then their allowed to go into the pulpit and continue to preach lies unto the people…and the people still love it. We are at the stage where many ears are itching for the lies and are ditching the truth. Shall we continue to lead the world in divorces, children out of wedlock, fornication, etc? God forbid!

I’m just getting warmed up, but this has some church couples thinking that their marriage might not last because the Weeks’ didn’t or the White’s didn’t. I pray that the Spirit of God can reconcile their marriages and that people of God (some of them) stop looking at man and actually look towards the Lord in all that they do. Man will fell us, but God never will.

Again just getting warmed up here, pray with me. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too.

Until the Sequel of Jesus,

Jodie McGarity Jr.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Enemies of Whom

1Hear this word that the LORD hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying, 2You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. 3Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Amos 3:1-3 (King James Version)

I pray that you all are well on this beautiful and glorious day in the Lord. I also pray that your weekend was well in His grace & mercy. I am so happy about the things that God continues to show me in this Christian journey. Whether it be through the Word of God, my pastor, Dr. Johns, my GNL elders or my wife or spiritual mentors...I know that God is speaking to me through them. They are all who I listen to and take heed of the warning through their experiences in the ministry. I dare not listen to the pastors, prophets (prophelyers) and Christian folk who are of the false decent. I'm not saying that everyone outside my elders are false...ya'll should know me by now. I am saying that those who are admired because of their ability to preach their own agenda's should be discerned and rebuked in Jesus' name.

Enemies Becomes Business Partners

The world has not crept into the church anymore... CHURCH FOLK HAVE ADOPTED THE WORLD'S BEHAVIOR AND BROUGHT THE WORLD IN!!! Creflo Dollar and Eddie Long continue to allow the world to make fun of the church with their unapproved behavior. God is upset and He is not pleased at what is going on in the body of Christ. Creflo took in Pastor Mase in as a mentee and corrupted poor Mase into being more money hungry that Mase continues to dip in both worlds to this date. Mase is "gettin paid" though S.A.N.E. International Church (in which he's the pastor) and by G-Unit (50 Cent's label). Mase has this to show for his gratitude of being excepted by both worlds.

This is Mase's latest mix album in which he is saying he is crucified for the hood. See the mockery of Christ? See how this is heresy and blasphemy to God Almighty? Just like Kanye West and just like Diddy before him, Mase is dressing up as Jesus. He is depicted on the cover of the DJ Whoo Kid's mixtape 'Crucified 4 The Hood' posing as Jesus, complete with gashes and a crown of thorns. On the rear is a picture of Mase’s back with the names of rappers he’s got beef with written in red ink, reminiscent of the gashes on Jesus’ back. On '10 Years of Hate', Mase raps "The Church ain't big enough to buy what I'm buyin', And Diddy ain't give enough to fly what I'm flyin' ". This is of course completed heresy and blasphemy to the Almighty God Jehovah. But that's not all, check out what happened in the summertime.

This boy was able to preach at World Changers and spread evils seeds to some innocent, but ignorant folk. Men will become lovers, of pleasure and of themselves is what the Bible tells me.

If that doesn't disappoint God, I guarantee this will. This article comes from concerning Eddie Long. Eddie Long is on track 10 of Ludacris's latest album called release therapy. If you actually hear the song you'll know it's pathetic...and Eddie's not even preaching Jesus!

For folk who want to justify for what worldly things they do as Christian will have to take it up with the Lord Jesus Christ... SOON! God wants a personal and intimate relationship with us all, this is why He says the whole family in Amos 3:1. Jesus set us all free at the cross, upon excepting Him as Lord and Savior in our lives of course. Are we truly getting intimate with the Lord or are we part time lovers at church only?

Verse 2 of Amos 3 says, "You only I have known". This means that Christ relationship with us is not only intimate, but its exclusive. God has been faithful to us, yet many of us are not being faithful to God. There are folk in our lives that we have had sexual relations (fornication) with, gone to the club with, talk about Christian folk with and many other things...but refuse to separate from the friends who are enemies of God. For this, God shall judge those folk who refuse to separate.

Verse 3 is plain and simple. If two people or a group of folks don't believe in the things of God to the fullest, we cannot have any FELLOWSHIP with them. I believe that these ministers started in the ministry with a good heart for God. Then lust, envy, jealousy and greed overtook the very love that was only meant for God. Saints, I ask that you all pray with me for these false folk to have the grace & mercy of the Lord for there action.

I've added the Ludacris/Long article at the ended for copyright purposes. Let's stand up for the Lord Jesus and pray for the battles that lie ahead. Be blessed on this day and know that Jesus loves you and I love you all too. Until the Sequel of Jesus.

© 2007 What Lies Beneath Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ludacris: 'Release Therapy'
Catch this 'Release' from Atlanta rapper

Published on: 09/26/2006

"Release Therapy." Disturbing Tha Peace. 14 tracks.
Grade: A-

Four multimillion-selling albums into his career, Atlanta rapper-actor Ludacris could coast. He could keep making simple adult-themed hits like the country's No. 2 song, "Money Maker" (featuring Pharrell), and still be better than most of his hip-hop peers. He has that kind of charisma and command of the microphone.

But on "Release Therapy," Ludacris challenges himself as well as the audience, which generally knows him as an aptly named and often fun artist. He still has the slinky, sexual boasts ("Woozy," "End of the Night") that have made up the bulk of his catalog. But he snarls with the best of them on "War With God," striking back at those who question his street cred. He shares a very personal, moving conversation with God on "Freedom of Preach," which ends with inspiring words from Atlanta's Bishop Eddie Long . And with a riveting vocal assist from Mary J. Blige, he surprises on "Runaway Love," proving to be a 2Pac-like storyteller on the powerful tune about troubled girls. It all makes for his best album ever.

Ludacris is scheduled to perform Sept. 29 at the Tabernacle.

— Sonia Murray